S3C2443 Power Management
标签: Management S3C2443 Power
上传时间: 2016-09-06
Project JXTA-C enabling a Web of things
标签: enabling Project JXTA-C things
上传时间: 2016-09-07
Easy Grid is a JS/PHP tool kit for data linear lists management. It can help you to create quickly interfaces of table list navigation and modification with AJAX features. High performance of the Grid is ensured by JSON data format. The Easy Grid includes sorting, filtering, pagination and mouse right click context menu. Files: grid.html - HTML of the grid file_controller.php - sample of grid controller with file-flat interface db_controller.php - sample of grid controller with DB interface sample.csv - Sample of grid data source (VDB) sample.sql - Sample of grid data source (MySQL) easygrid.js - Easy Gird library easygrid_contextmenu.js - Easy Grid context menu library
标签: management quickly create linear
上传时间: 2013-12-04
OPIAM stands for Open Identity and Access Management. This Suite will provide modules for user & right centralized management: user profile management, ldap content consultation, access control based on RBAC & provisioning policies, and Web SSO.
标签: Management for Identity provide
上传时间: 2014-07-25
CPU的code banking技术实例: This Zip file contains five (3) folders: FastChip Project Files * This folder contains a folder called "Bank" that should be moved into: <install_root>\FastChip\Projects Keil Project Files * These files are to be put into the directory of your choice and the project is to be opened from within Keil Hex Files * These files are the output of Keil. If you do not want to compile and link all of the code, these files can be loaded into FastChip directly
标签: This FastChip contains banking
上传时间: 2016-10-01
This book is the product of a twenty-year resarch project at Rice University to develop fundamental compiler technologies for vector and parallel computer systems. The effort was by Randy Allen and Ken Kennedy with the help of David Kuck and Michael Wolfe.
标签: fundamental twenty-year University develop
上传时间: 2016-10-16
DESCRIPTION =========== This example project shows how to use the IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM to develop code for the Atmel AT91SAM9261 evaluation boards. It shows basic use of parallel I/O, timer and the interrupt controller. It starts by showing different patterns on the LED s separated by half second. COMPATIBILITY ============= The project is compatible with the AT91SAM9261-EK board.
标签: DESCRIPTION Workbench Embedded example
上传时间: 2016-10-16
The Management Information System of Library using .NET
标签: Information Management Library System
上传时间: 2014-01-06
管理信息系统(MIS—Management Information System)是以众多学科如:统计学、系统理论、计算机科学和管理科学为依托,以计算机为主要工具,以信息为对象,以辅助决策为目的,集系统的信息收集与传递、交换与保存、管理与分配于一身,具有特定功能的集合体。它是由对管理信息进行收集、传递、加工、存储和使用等各个环节构成的一个系统,是由众多计算机群落设备组成并通过网络系统实现全面信息管理的系统。从总体上说,它是管理思想、组织机构、管理方法和手段达到时代的先进水平的计算机深层次的大范围应用技术。 从50年代开始,计算机越来越多地用于信息处理。70年代中期,开始建立 MIS,使管理水平不仅有深度的含义,而且有了广度的含义,这就要求把众多的计算机通过线路联合起来集中使用,协同进行信息处理,提供广泛的服务,以提高管理组织、管理方法和管理工作的效率。这种有效的利用计算机资源,发挥人的思维,提高管理效益的现代化管理方法,就是管理信息的总体含义。
标签: Information Management System MIS
上传时间: 2016-10-20
x-wrt is the GUI config tool for openwrt,which is a open project about wireless Router
标签: wireless openwrt project config
上传时间: 2016-10-21