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  • 5G+Edge+Cloud+Networks

    The surge of mobile data traffic forces network operators to cope with capacity shortage. The deployment of small cells in 5G networks is meant to reduce latency, backhaul traffic and increase radio access capacity. In this context, mobile edge computing technology will be used to manage dedicated cache space in the radio access network. Thus, mobile network operators will be able to provision OTT content providers with new caching services to enhance the quality of experience of their customers on the move.

    标签: Networks Cloud Edge 5G

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • GSM, GPRS and EDGE Performance Evolution

    The wireless market has experienced a phenomenal growth since the first second- generation (2G) digital cellular networks, based on global system for mobile communications (GSM) technology, were introduced in the early 1990s. Since then, GSM has become the dominant global 2G radio access standard. Almost 80% of today’s new subscriptions take place in one of the more than 460 cellular networks that use GSM technology. This growth has taken place simultaneously with the large experienced expansion of access to the Internet and its related multimedia services.

    标签: Performance Evolution GPRS EDGE GSM and

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Reconfigurable+Mobile+Radio+Systems

    Digital mobile wireless communication and the Internet have undergone a fantastic growth in the last few years and, despite originating from two different worlds, they are converging. This convergence corresponds to the evolution of mobile systems towards the highest broadband data transmissions (GSM, EDGE/GPRS, UMTS then HSDPA), while the computing world gets equipped with wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi or Wi-Max.

    标签: Reconfigurable Systems Mobile Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • 联想 ThinkPad edge lgg-1原理图


    标签: ThinkPad edge lgg 联想 原理图

    上传时间: 2021-11-28


  • 74LS73.pdf

    英文描述: Dual Negative-Edge-Triggered Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear and Complementary Outputs 中文描述: 双下降沿触发主从JK触发器明确和互补输出

    标签: 74 73 LS

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • an fpga implementation of the image space reconstruction algorithm for hyperspectral imaging analysi

    1.an fpga implementation of the image space reconstruction algorithm for hyperspectral imaging analysis\r\n2. fpga implemention of a median filter\r\n3. fpga implementation of digital filters\r\n4.hardware acceleration of edge detection algorithm on fpgas

    标签: implementation reconstruction hyperspectral algorithm

    上传时间: 2013-08-07


  • 数字预失真(DPD)算法研发工具和验证方案

    在无线通信系统全面进入3G并开始迈向 4G的过程中,使用数字预失真技术(Digital Pre-distortion,以下简称DPD)对发射机的功放进行线性化是一门关键技术。功率放大器是通信系统中影响系统性能和覆盖范围的关键部件,非线性是功放的固有特性。非线性会引起频谱增长(spectral re-growth),从而造成邻道干扰,使带外杂散达不到协议标准规定的要求。非线性也会造成带内失真,带来系统误码率增大的问题。

    标签: DPD 数字预失真 算法 验证方案

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • 寄生电容在升压变压器中的设计应用

    One of the most critical components in a step-up design like Figure 1 is the transformer. Transformers have parasitic components that can cause them to deviate from their ideal characteristics, and the parasitic capacitance associated with the secondary can cause large resonating current spikes on the leading edge of the switch current waveform.

    标签: 寄生电容 升压变压器 中的设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • pci e PCB设计规范

    This document provides practical, common guidelines for incorporating PCI Express interconnect layouts onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) ranging from 4-layer desktop baseboard designs to 10- layer or more server baseboard designs. Guidelines and constraints in this document are intended for use on both baseboard and add-in card PCB designs. This includes interconnects between PCI Express devices located on the same baseboard (chip-to-chip routing) and interconnects between a PCI Express device located “down” on the baseboard and a device located “up” on an add-in card attached through a connector. This document is intended to cover all major components of the physical interconnect including design guidelines for the PCB traces, vias and AC coupling capacitors, as well as add-in card edge-finger and connector considerations. The intent of the guidelines and examples is to help ensure that good high-speed signal design practices are used and that the timing/jitter and loss/attenuation budgets can also be met from end-to-end across the PCI Express interconnect. However, while general physical guidelines and suggestions are given, they may not necessarily guarantee adequate performance of the interconnect for all layouts and implementations. Therefore, designers should consider modeling and simulation of the interconnect in order to ensure compliance to all applicable specifications. The document is composed of two main sections. The first section provides an overview of general topology and interconnect guidelines. The second section concentrates on physical layout constraints where bulleted items at the beginning of a topic highlight important constraints, while the narrative that follows offers additional insight.  

    标签: pci PCB 设计规范

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 芯片系统架构技术及开发平台研究之推动

    摘要 本研究计划之目的,在整合应用以ARM为基础的嵌入式多媒体实时操作系统于H.264/MPEG-4多媒体上。由于H.264是一种因应实时系统(RTOS)所设计的可扩展性串流传输(scalability stream media communication)的编码技术。H.264主要架构于细细粒可扩展(Fine Granula Scalability,FGS)的压缩编码机制。细粒度可扩展压缩编码技术是最新MPEG-4串流式传输标准,能依频寛的差异来调整传输的方式。细粒度扩展缩编码技术以编入可选择性的增强层(enhanced layers)于码中,来提高影像传输的质量。本计划主要在于设计一种简单有效的实时阶层可扩展的影像传输系统。在增强层编码及H.264的基本层(base layer)编码上使用渐进的细粒度可扩展编码(Progressive Fine Granularity Scalable,PFGS)能直接使用H.264的格式特色来实现FGS。同时加入了LB-LLF(Layer-Based Least-Laxity-Fir stscheduling algorithm)的排程算法,来增 进网路传输影像的质量。由实验结果显示本系统在串流影像质量PSNR值上确有较佳的效能。

    标签: 芯片系统 架构 开发平台

    上传时间: 2014-12-26
