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  • A Short Guide to Celestial Navigation

    A Short Guide to Celestial Navigation

    标签: Navigation Celestial Short Guide

    上传时间: 2014-12-01


  • This document is a tutorial about innosetup in french

    This document is a tutorial about innosetup in french

    标签: innosetup document tutorial french

    上传时间: 2017-08-18


  • Source code for the Book The C++ Standard Library a tutorial and reference.

    Source code for the Book The C++ Standard Library a tutorial and reference.

    标签: reference Standard tutorial Library

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • Its a code guide. a helpful tool to learn VHDL

    Its a code guide. a helpful tool to learn VHDL

    标签: helpful guide learn code

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • Its a code guide. a helpful tool to learn VHDL

    Its a code guide. a helpful tool to learn VHDL

    标签: helpful guide learn code

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • A tutorial on Principal Components Analysis.

    A tutorial on Principal Components Analysis.

    标签: Components Principal tutorial Analysis

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • Microphone Arrays : A Tutorial

    This report presents a tutorial of fundamental array processing and beamforming theory relevant to microphone array speech processing. A microphone array consists of multiple microphones placed at different spatial locations. Built upon a knowledge of sound propagation principles, the multiple inputs can be manipulated to enhance or attenuate signals emanating from particular directions. In this way, microphone arrays provide a means of enhancing a desired signal in the presence of corrupting noise sources. Moreover, this enhancement is based purely on knowledge of the source location, and so microphone array techniques are applicable to a wide variety of noise types. Microphone arrays have great potential in practical applications of speech processing, due to their ability to provide both noise robustness and hands-free signal acquisition.

    标签: Microphone array Tutorial Array Signal Processing

    上传时间: 2016-06-12


  • Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library (2nd Edi

    Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library (2nd Edition) Author: David R. Musser / Gillmer J. Derge / Atul Saini / Gilmer J. Derge Publisher: Addison-Wesley Page: 560 Edition: 2nd edition (March 27, 2001) Format: PDF Summary: The Standard Template Library was created as the first library of genetic algorithms and data structures, with four ideas in mind: generic programming, abstractness without loss of efficiency, the Von Neumann computation model, and value semantics. This guide provides a tutorial, a description of each element of the library, and sample applications. The expanded second edition includes new code examples and demonstrations of the use of STL in real-world C++ software development it reflects changes made to STL for the final ANSI/ISO C++ language standard.

    标签: Programming Reference Standard Template

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • 英文版,pdf格式。 详细说明: Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Templa

    英文版,pdf格式。 详细说明: Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library (2nd Edition) URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0201379236/ ISBN: 0201379236 Author: David R. Musser / Gillmer J. Derge / Atul Saini / Gilmer J. Derge Publisher: Addison-Wesley Page: 560 Edition: 2nd edition (March 27, 2001) Catalog: C++ Format: PDF Size: 3.8M Supplier: December Summary: The Standard Template Library was created as the first library of genetic algorithms and data structures, with four ideas in mind: generic programming, abstractness without loss of efficiency, the Von Neumann computation model, and value semantics. This guide provides a tutorial, a description of each element of the library, and sample applications. The expanded second edition includes new code examples and demonstrations of the use of STL in real-world C++ software development it reflects changes made to STL for the final ANSI/ISO C++ language standard.

    标签: Programming Reference Standard Tutorial

    上传时间: 2015-09-02


  • With the release of PHP 5 web developers need a guide to developing with PHP 5 to both learn its com

    With the release of PHP 5 web developers need a guide to developing with PHP 5 to both learn its complex new features and more fully implement the long-standing features on which PHP s success is built. PHP 5 in Practice is a reference guide that provides developers with easy-to-use and easily extensible code to solve common PHP problems. It focuses on providing real code solutions to problems, allowing the reader to learn by seeing exactly what is happening behind the scenes to get your solution. Because a real-life situation will rarely match the book s example problems precisely, PHP 5 in Practice explains the solution well enough that you will understand it and can learn how to truly solve your own problem.

    标签: developers developing PHP release

    上传时间: 2013-12-17
