C++ Gotchas is the professional programmer s guide to avoiding and correcting ninety-nine of the most common, destructive, and interesting C++ design and programming errors. It also serves as an inside look at the more subtle C++ features and programming techniques.
标签: professional ninety-nine correcting programmer
上传时间: 2014-03-11
When the P89LPC90x is in programming mode all pins that are not used for programming are tri-stated. During programming mode the reset pin has a weak pull-up resistor.
标签: programming tri-stated are When
上传时间: 2015-11-03
This book is a hands-on introduction to the principles and practice of embedded system design using the PIC microcontroller. Packed with helpful examples and illustrations, it gives an in-depth treatment of microcontroller design, programming in both assembly language and C, and features advanced topics such as networking and real-time operating systems. It is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing copies of all programs and software tools used in the text and a `student version of the C complier Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers: Principles and Applications is ideal for students of electronics, mechatronics and computer engineering. Engineers in industry and informed hobbyists will also find this book a valuable resource when designing and implementing both simple and sophisticated embedded systems using the PIC Microcontroller.
标签: introduction principles hands-on embedded
上传时间: 2014-01-17
印度高手Struts and Hibernate教程,用MyEclipse开发.书和源码In this tutorial we will show how the Web Framework Struts and the Database Persistence Solution Hibernate can be used together. Though we explain some basic, you should try the basic tutorials for each technology first when you are a beginner.
标签: Hibernate Framework MyEclipse tutorial
上传时间: 2014-01-01
The Style Guide provides you with the style specifications required to write custom reports that have a similar look to standard Microsoft CRM reports.
标签: specifications provides required reports
上传时间: 2013-12-22
The Microsoft® Cryptographic Application Programming Interface (CryptoAPI) provides services that enable application developers to add authentication, encoding, and encryption to their Microsoft Win32® -based applications. Application developers can use the functions in the CryptoAPI without knowing anything about the underlying implementation, in much the same way as they can use a graphics library without knowing anything about the particular graphics hardware configuration.
标签: Cryptographic Application Programming Microsoft
上传时间: 2013-12-27
In a preemptive priority based RTOS, priority inversion problem is among the major sources of deadline violations. Priority inheritance protocol is one of the approaches to reduce priority inversion. Unfortunately, RTOS like uC/OS can’t support priority inheritance protocol since it does not allow kernel to have multiple tasks at the same priority. Although it has different ways to avoid priority inversion such as priority ceiling protocol, developers still have some difficulties in programming real time applications with it. In this paper, we redesign the uC/OS kernel to provide the ability to support round robin scheduling and implement priority inheritance semaphore on the modified kernel. As result, we port new kernel with priority inheritance semaphore to evaluation board, and evaluate the execution time of each of the kernel service as well as verify the operations of our implementation.
标签: priority preemptive inversion problem
上传时间: 2015-12-14
A rich edit control is a window in which the user can enter and edit text. The text can be assigned character and paragraph formatting, and can include embedded OLE objects. Rich edit controls provide a programming interface for formatting text.
上传时间: 2013-12-06
This tutorial will deal with getting input using Direct Input. All you will need to run and/or compile this tutorial is a keybaord, mouse, DirectX 8.0 or 9.0 and the DirectX 8.0 or 9.0 SDK.
标签: will tutorial getting Direct
上传时间: 2016-01-17
Some Aspects of Chess Programming,老外写的关于棋类人工智能程序设计的书。 1.overall look on chess programming 2.typical structure of a chess program 3.implementation of my own chess program 4.experiments
标签: Programming Aspects Chess Some
上传时间: 2016-01-22