风暴设计『留言簿v1.0』jsp版安装过程 1.服务器装有jdk和resin服务器等 2.安装完JSDK后,配置下面的内容: 在系统变量中找到ClassPath并加入下面内容(如果你找不到ClassPath,则新建它): c:jsdkLIBdt.JAR c:jsdkLIBTOOLS.JAR c:jsdkBIN . 再在系统变量中找到Path并加入下面内容: c:jsdk c:jsdkin 3.直接解压resin就可以运行把程序放在doc目录下面把classes目录的文件放在 WEB-INF目录下 4.在odbc放里加入数据库路径为guestbook也可改为别的要修改classesmyjspdbconn.java文件 5.上面成功后就可以http://localhost:8080/目录名/可以访问了。。 Any problem Please Contact to kuflash@hotmail.com http://xxgc.zjbti.net.cn/kuflash 亿龙电脑网
上传时间: 2014-12-08
pdnMesh is an automatic mesh generator and solver for Finite Element problems. It will also do post-processing to generate contour plots and Postscript printouts. GUI support using GTK or MFC (Win32) is available. The problem definition can be done in any form and given to pdnMesh as an input data file. Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) files can be directly imported to pdnmesh. The quality and the coarseness of the mesh can be controlled by giving input parameters.
标签: automatic generator problems pdnMesh
上传时间: 2013-12-19
This a GA implementation using binary and real coded variables. Mixed variables can be used. Constraints can also be handled. All constraints must be greater-than-equal-to type (g >= 0) and normalized (see the sample problem in prob1 in objective()).
标签: variables implementation Constra binary
上传时间: 2015-03-16
Locally weighted polynomial regression LWPR is a popular instance based al gorithm for learning continuous non linear mappings For more than two or three in puts and for more than a few thousand dat apoints the computational expense of pre dictions is daunting We discuss drawbacks with previous approaches to dealing with this problem
标签: polynomial regression weighted instance
上传时间: 2013-11-28
This a Bayesian ICA algorithm for the linear instantaneous mixing model with additive Gaussian noise [1]. The inference problem is solved by ML-II, i.e. the sources are found by integration over the source posterior and the noise covariance and mixing matrix are found by maximization of the marginal likelihood [1]. The sufficient statistics are estimated by either variational mean field theory with the linear response correction or by adaptive TAP mean field theory [2,3]. The mean field equations are solved by a belief propagation method [4] or sequential iteration. The computational complexity is N M^3, where N is the number of time samples and M the number of sources.
标签: instantaneous algorithm Bayesian Gaussian
上传时间: 2013-12-19
上传时间: 2014-01-19
This code can be used to model a microstrip line or a microstrip patch antenna (the particular problem being modeled is determined at compile-time via various declarations).
标签: microstrip particular antenna model
上传时间: 2013-12-31
Polynomial fit functions === === === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.
标签: RegressionObject Polynomial functions contains
上传时间: 2015-04-06
物流分析工具包。Facility location: Continuous minisum facility location, alternate location-allocation (ALA) procedure, discrete uncapacitated facility location Vehicle routing: VRP, VRP with time windows, traveling salesman problem (TSP) Networks: Shortest path, min cost network flow, minimum spanning tree problems Geocoding: U.S. city or ZIP code to longitude and latitude, longitude and latitude to nearest city, Mercator projection plotting Layout: Steepest descent pairwise interchange (SDPI) heuristic for QAP Material handling: Equipment selection General purpose: Linear programming using the revised simplex method, mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) branch and bound procedure Data: U.S. cities with populations of at least 10,000, U.S. highway network (Oak Ridge National Highway Network), U.S. 3- and 5-digit ZIP codes
标签: location location-allocation Continuous alternate
上传时间: 2015-05-17
There are some 79 or so Matlab files here which will help in many aspects of the computer vision structure from motion problem, a full description is provided in the manual, torrsam.ps.
标签: computer aspects Matlab vision
上传时间: 2014-01-02