IEEE1588 proTOcol,用于同步局域网各站点时间
上传时间: 2014-01-18
xl2tpd is an implementation of the Layer 2 Tunnelling proTOcol (RFC 2661). L2TP allows you to tunnel PPP over UDP. Some ISPs use L2TP to tunnel user sessions from dial-in servers (modem banks, ADSL DSLAMs) to back-end PPP servers. Another important application is Virtual Private Networks where the IPsec proTOcol is used to secure the L2TP connection (L2TP/IPsec, RFC 3193). The L2TP/IPsec proTOcol is mainly used by Windows and Mac OS X clients. On Linux, xl2tpd can be used in combination with IPsec implementations such as Openswan.
标签: implementation Tunnelling proTOcol xl2tpd
上传时间: 2014-01-20
HIP:Host Identity proTOcol,主机识别协议,这个HIPL则是linux下的HIP源码。HIp为网络提供更好的安全,更高的隐私需求,也更好的支持了多播,移动性
标签: Identity proTOcol Host HIP
上传时间: 2013-12-31
SIP(Session Initiation proTOcol)是由IETF定义,基于IP的一个应用层控制协议。由于SIP是基于纯文本的信令协议,可以管理不同接入网络上的会晤等。会晤可以是终端设备之间任何类型的通信,如视频会晤、既时信息处理或协作会晤。该协议不会定义或限制可使用的业务,传输、服务质量、计费、安全性等问题都由基本核心网络和其它协议处理。SIP得到了微软、AOL、等厂商及IETF和3GPP等标准制定机构的大力支持。支持SIP的网络将提供一个网桥,以扩展向互联网和无线网络的各种设备提供融合业务能力。这将允许运营商为其移动用户提供大量的信息处理业务,通过SMS互通能力与固定用户和2G无线用户交互。SIP也是在UMTS3GPP R5/R6版本中使用的信令协议,因此可以保护运营商目前的投资而及具技术优势和商业价值。 SIP的技术优势 *独立于接入:SIP可用于建立与任何类型的接入网络的会晤,同时还使运营商能够使用其它协议。 *会晤和业务独立:SIP不限制或定义可以建立的会晤类型,使多种媒体类型的多个会晤可以在终端设备之间进行交换。 *协议融合:SIP可以在无线分组交换域中提供所有业务的融合协议。
标签: Initiation proTOcol Session IETF
上传时间: 2016-08-26
Host Identity proTOcol on Linux is an implemetation of the Host Identity proTOcol (HIP) and the related architecture. HIP is a proposal to change the TCP/IP stack to securely support mobility and multi-homing. Additionally, it provides for enhanced security and privacy and advanced network concepts, such as moving networks and mobile ad hoc networks. HIP is "cool", which means that as a mobile VPN solution, when your network interfaces go up or down, there is no need to re-establish a secure tunnel.
标签: Identity proTOcol Host implemetation
上传时间: 2016-09-01
Agent Extensibility (AgentX) proTOcol Version 1 我自己翻译了一点点。
标签: Extensibility proTOcol Version AgentX
上传时间: 2014-01-17
This the first release of a free TCP/IP/PPP proTOcol stack for the uC/OS Real-Time Operating System. As a first release it s still rather rough and very much larger than desired however it is working well in an embedded product and therefore may be useful to others. Much of the code is ported from public sources including BDS Lite and KA9Q (and its derivatives) and carries copyright notices from those sources. Essentially TCP is based on KA9Q but with ideas from BSD, IP is a simple implementation supporting BSD structures, ICMP is ported from BSD, and PPP is ported from the BSD version of the distribution common to BSD, Linux, and many other systems
标签: Operating Real-Time the proTOcol
上传时间: 2016-09-16
jWAP is a Java implementation of the Wireless Application proTOcol (WAP). It includes Wireless Session proTOcol (WSP) and Wireless Transaction proTOcol (WTP). Additionally, jWAP contains a WAP Binary XML (WBXML) Parser/Generator. It requires Java >= 1.2.
标签: Wireless implementation Application proTOcol
上传时间: 2016-09-17
Udp ping lib allowing ping the server using udp proTOcol
标签: ping allowing proTOcol server
上传时间: 2014-01-22
WAP browser is based on the Wireless Application proTOcol web browser, WAP1.3 will enable mobile phones and other devices connected to the Internet, browse the Internet website.
标签: browser Application WAP proTOcol
上传时间: 2013-12-15