SVMmulticlass: Multi-class classification. Learns to predict one of k mutually exclusive classes. This is probably the simplest possible instance of SVMstruct and serves as a tutorial example of how to use the programming interface.
标签: classification SVMmulticlass Multi-class exclusive
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Apply the standard QR-decomposition based LSL algorithm using angle-normalized error to predict/estimate complex-valued processes.
标签: QR-decomposition angle-normalized algorithm standard
上传时间: 2015-12-27
qrd_rls_AR_pred.m - use the QR decomposition-based RLS algorithm to predict complex-valued AR process.
标签: decomposition-based qrd_rls_AR_pred complex-valued algorithm
上传时间: 2015-12-27
rls_AR_pred.m - use basic RLS algorithm to predict real-valued AR proce
标签: rls_AR_pred real-valued algorithm predict
上传时间: 2015-12-27
Program for training and testing the Elman Recurrent Neural Network model when used to predict
标签: Recurrent training Program Network
上传时间: 2017-03-11
FPFilter is a sample disk filter driver that demonstrates how a disk failure prediction filter driver could be implemented. A failure prediction filter driver can predict when a disk may fail and notify the disk driver stack of this condition.
标签: filter disk demonstrates prediction
上传时间: 2015-03-30
21天学会用JAVA开发网络游戏 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 程序设计 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 287 KB 书籍等级: 整理时间: 2004-11-3 20:41:10 With all of the media attention that is focused on the Internet and the World Wide Web, figuring out exactly what they are all about is sometimes difficult. Are they just a neat new way to market products or will they truly offer us a new medium of communication that will someday surpass even televisions and telephones? The answer is, who knows? Unfortunately, the ultimate use for the Internet is still unknown. This is because it is still in such a state of flux that it s pretty much impossible to accurately predict where it will end up. However, you can look at the evidence of what is there now and gain some insight into what the Internet might become, at least in terms of games.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
SVMcfg: Learns a weighted context free grammar from examples. Training examples (e.g. for natural language parsing) specify the sentence along with the correct parse tree. The goal is to predict the parse tree of new sentences.
标签: examples e.g. weighted Training
上传时间: 2014-07-26
SVMhmm: Learns a hidden Markov model from examples. Training examples (e.g. for part-of-speech tagging) specify the sequence of words along with the correct assignment of tags (i.e. states). The goal is to predict the tag sequences for new sentences.
标签: examples e.g. part-of-speech Training
上传时间: 2015-12-05
We address the problem of blind carrier frequency-offset (CFO) estimation in quadrature amplitude modulation, phase-shift keying, and pulse amplitude modulation communications systems.We study the performance of a standard CFO estimate, which consists of first raising the received signal to the Mth power, where M is an integer depending on the type and size of the symbol constellation, and then applying the nonlinear least squares (NLLS) estimation approach. At low signal-to noise ratio (SNR), the NLLS method fails to provide an accurate CFO estimate because of the presence of outliers. In this letter, we derive an approximate closed-form expression for the outlier probability. This enables us to predict the mean-square error (MSE) on CFO estimation for all SNR values. For a given SNR, the new results also give insight into the minimum number of samples required in the CFO estimation procedure, in order to ensure that the MSE on estimation is not significantly affected by the outliers.
标签: frequency-offset estimation quadrature amplitude
上传时间: 2014-01-22