API方式: 首选要在jx01移动代理服务器中进行如下配置 系统管理-->接口管理-->短信接口模块增加如下配置信息 接口编码: 接口名称: 接口类型: DB接口 API接口 WEB SERVICE接口 SOCKET接口 通信能力: 短信 WAP 业务类型: CRM应用 SCM应用 ERP应用 OA应用 EMAIL应用 行业应用 其它应用 业务代码: IMMF 短信子码: 22 23 24 手机指令: 短号支持: 启用 关闭 回执要求: 支持回执 不支持回执 登录用户: 登录密码: 接口状态: 运行状态 调试状态 暂停(失效)状态 失效日期: (不设置表示永久生效) 其中,接口编码,必须唯一系统内部识别码;接口名称:用于开发人员识别项目;短信子码:会加上特服号作为号码发送到用户手机上;登录用户:对于API开发中会用到;登录密码:同上API开发中会用到;接口状态:运行就是正常运行时使用,调试状态用于开发模式.
上传时间: 2021-07-27
标签: Antconc
上传时间: 2021-08-04
本实验,STM32通过串口1和上位机对话,STM32在收到上位机发过来的字符串(以回车换 行结束)后, 原原本本的返回给上位机。下载后,DS0闪烁,提示程序在运行,同时每 隔一定时间,通过串口1输出一段信息到电脑。
上传时间: 2021-10-20
上传时间: 2021-11-10
ABSTRACTThe flyback power stage is a popular choice for single and multiple output dc-to-dc converters at powerlevels of 150 Watts or less. Without the output inductor required in buck derived topologies, such as theforward or push-pull converter, the component count and cost are reduced. This application note will reviewthe design procedure for the power stage and control electronics of a flyback converter. In these isolatedconverters, the error signal from the secondary still needs to cross the isolation boundary to achieveregulation. By using the UC3965 Precision Reference with Low Offset Error Amplifier on the secondaryside to drive an optocoupler and the UCC3809 Economy Primary Side Controller on the primary side, asimple and low cost 50 Watt isolated power supply is realized.
标签: 隔离
上传时间: 2021-11-24
这是我在做大学教授期间推荐给我学生的一本书,非常好,适合入门学习。《python深度学习》由Keras之父、现任Google人工智能研究员的弗朗索瓦•肖莱(François Chollet)执笔,详尽介绍了用Python和Keras进行深度学习的探索实践,包括计算机视觉、自然语言处理、产生式模型等应用。书中包含30多个代码示例,步骤讲解详细透彻。作者在github公布了代码,代码几乎囊括了本书所有知识点。在学习完本书后,读者将具备搭建自己的深度学习环境、建立图像识别模型、生成图像和文字等能力。但是有一个小小的遗憾:代码的解释和注释是全英文的,即使英文水平较好的朋友看起来也很吃力。本人认为,这本书和代码是初学者入门深度学习及Keras最好的工具。作者在github公布了代码,本人参照书本,对全部代码做了中文解释和注释,并下载了代码所需要的一些数据集(尤其是“猫狗大战”数据集),并对其中一些图像进行了本地化,代码全部测试通过。(请按照文件顺序运行,代码前后有部分关联)。以下代码包含了全书约80%左右的知识点,代码目录:2.1: A first look at a neural network( 初识神经网络)3.5: Classifying movie reviews(电影评论分类:二分类问题)3.6: Classifying newswires(新闻分类:多分类问题 )3.7: Predicting house prices(预测房价:回归问题)4.4: Underfitting and overfitting( 过拟合与欠拟合)5.1: Introduction to convnets(卷积神经网络简介)5.2: Using convnets with small datasets(在小型数据集上从头开始训练一个卷积网络)5.3: Using a pre-trained convnet(使用预训练的卷积神经网络)5.4: Visualizing what convnets learn(卷积神经网络的可视化)
上传时间: 2022-01-30
STM32L053C8T6数据手册Features • Ultra-low-power platform – 1.65 V to 3.6 V power supply – -40 to 125 °C temperature range – 0.27 µA Standby mode (2 wakeup pins) – 0.4 µA Stop mode (16 wakeup lines) – 0.8 µA Stop mode + RTC + 8 KB RAM retention – 139 µA/MHz Run mode at 32 MHz – 3.5 µs wakeup time (from RAM) – 5 µs wakeup time (from Flash) • Core: ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M0+ with MPU – From 32 kHz up to 32 MHz max. – 0.95 DMIPS/MHz • Reset and supply management – Ultra-safe, low-power BOR (brownout reset) with 5 selectable thresholds – Ultralow power POR/PDR – Programmable voltage detector (PVD) • Clock sources – 1 to 25 MHz crystal oscillator – 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration – High speed internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC (+/- 1%) – Internal low-power 37 kHz RC – Internal multispeed low-power 65 kHz to 4.2 MHz RC – PLL for CPU clock • Pre-programmed bootloader – USART, SPI supported • Development support – Serial wire debug supported • Up to 51 fast I/Os (45 I/Os 5V tolerant) • Memories – Up to 64 KB Flash with ECC – 8KB RAM – 2 KB of data EEPROM with ECC – 20-byte backup register
标签: stm32l053c8t6
上传时间: 2022-02-06
数字示波器功能强大,使用方便,但是价格相对昂贵。本文以Ti的MSP430F5529为主控器,以Altera公司的EP2C5T144C8 FPGA器件为逻辑控制部件设计数字示波器。模拟信号经程控放大、整形电路后形成方波信号送至FPGA测频,根据频率值选择采用片上及片外高速AD分段采样。FPGA控制片外AD采样并将数据输入到FIFO模块中缓存,由单片机进行频谱分析。测试表明:简易示波器可以实现自动选档、多采样率采样、高精度测频及频谱分析等功能。Digital oscilloscope is powerful and easy to use, but also expensive. The research group designed a low-cost digital oscilloscope, the chip of MSP430F5529 of TI is chosen as the main controller and the device of EP2C5T144C8 of Altera company is used as the logic control unit. Analog signal enter the programmable amplifier circuit, shaping circuit and other pre-processing circuit. The shaped rectangular wave signal is sent to FPGA for measure the frequency. According to the frequency value to select AD on-chip or off-chip high-speed AD for sampling. FPGA controls the off-chip AD sampling and buffers AD data by FIFO module. The single chip microcomputer receives the data, and do FFT for spectrum analysis. The test shows that the simple oscilloscope can realize automatic gain selection, sampling at different sampling rates, high precision frequency measurement and spectrum analysis.
上传时间: 2022-03-27
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALEPart 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques – Electrostatic discharge immunity test.About the IEC The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.About IEC publications The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC. Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published.
标签: IEC
上传时间: 2022-04-19
本设计是基于AT89C51单片机和ADC0832的自动浇花系统。本设计的电路内部包含湿度采集和AD转换等主要功能。自动浇水系统设计的浇水部分是通过单片机程序设计浇水的上下限值与感应电路送入单片机的土壤湿度值相比较,当低于下限值时,单片机输出一个信号控制浇水,高于上限值时再由单片机输出一个信号控制停止浇水。这样可以帮助人们及时地给心爱的盆花浇水。目 录1 自动浇花器的研究现状 22 系统设计的研究方法和手段 23 系统硬件简介 23.1 单片机的最小化系统 23.1.1 AT89C51单片机的基本组成 33.1.2 AT89C51单片机的存储器 33.1.3 振荡电路和时钟 43.2 LCD1602简介 53.2.1 LCD1602的基本参数及引脚功能 53.3 ADC0832的简介 73.3.1 ADC静态特性 83.3.2 ADC动态特性 83.3.3 ADC性能测试 93.3.4 常用ADC芯片概述 93.3.5 ADC0832模数转换原理及主要技术指标 93.3.6 主要特性 103.3.7 内部结构 103.3.8 外部特性(引脚功能) 103.3.9 ADC0832的工作过程 113.3.10 ADC0832与单片机的接口电路 113.4 土壤湿度检测模块 123.4.1 比较器LM393 LM393主要特点: LM393引脚图及内部框图 133.5 报警及电机驱动 154软件设计 154.1 主程序流程图 154.2显示模块 184.3 AD转换模块 194.4湿度检测模块 205. 结论 21谢 辞 24附录1 原理图 24附录2 参考程序 25
上传时间: 2022-05-17