Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
标签: automatically describe package Please
上传时间: 2013-12-06
Jpeg Steganography Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
标签: Steganography describe package automat
上传时间: 2013-12-17
This is a simple algorithm that downloads trading data from yahoo database. It is basically a large scale application of sqq.m which was originally submitted by Michael Boldin, link at acknowledgements. Some of the functionalities of the package: - User defined ticker list. - Function for downloading most recent SP500 composition in ticker list. - Control for bad data (e.g. a certain percentage of prices missing). - Choice of frequency of data (e.g. weekly prices). - Choice of starting and ending data. - Function for saving the whole data in a pre-formatted excel file together with a full reports on missing data.
标签: algorithm downloads basically database
上传时间: 2017-06-03
Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
标签: automatically describe package Please
上传时间: 2014-01-17
Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
标签: automatically describe package Please
上传时间: 2013-11-28
This code proposes genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize the point-to-point trajectory planning for a 3-link robot arm. The objective function for the proposed GA is to minimizing traveling time and space, while not exceeding a maximum pre-defined torque, without collision with any obstacle in the robot workspace.
标签: point-to-point trajectory algorithm proposes
上传时间: 2013-12-21
首先确认您的机器上已经安装了VC6.0以上版本,要编译生成可执行文件,需打开后缀名为dsw的文件,系统会默认用VC打开,然后选择Build菜单下的Set Active Configuration选项,选择Project Configuration为Win32 Release,然后编译项目,得到可执行文件。连接数据库请参照第2章的方法,在ODBC数据源内添加Microsoft Access数据库
上传时间: 2013-11-26
Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
标签: automatically describe package Please
上传时间: 2014-01-16
Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
标签: automatically describe package Please
上传时间: 2014-01-13
Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release
标签: automatically describe package Please
上传时间: 2017-06-13