给定m行n列的图像各像素点的灰度值,要求用如下方法对其进行模糊化处理: 1.四周最外侧的像素点灰度值不变; 2.中间各像素点新灰度值为该像素点及其上下左右相邻四个像素点原灰度值的平均(舍入到最接近的整数)。
上传时间: 2020-04-21
标签: 光学设计
上传时间: 2020-04-22
豆丁网、百度文库免费下载器,FISH。绿色版,无需安装。冰点、fish免费下载工具 Fish免费下载工具 冰点文库下载器 最新版Fish-v323
标签: XFishv323
上传时间: 2020-05-12
该三相逆变器采用内部pwm产生脉冲信号,控制逆变器的开断。 由于脉宽调制和输出阻抗的存在,会导致输出电压存在谐波。 需要对逆变器输出的方波信号进行滤波后,得到正弦基波。 从模型运行结果电压电流波形前后对比,LC滤波器滤波效果明显。
上传时间: 2020-05-13
该三相逆变器采用内部pwm产生脉冲信号,控制逆变器的开断。 由于脉宽调制和输出阻抗的存在,会导致输出电压存在谐波。 需要对逆变器输出的方波信号进行滤波后,得到正弦基波。 从模型运行结果电压电流波形前后对比,LC滤波器滤波效果明显。
上传时间: 2020-05-13
标签: matlab
上传时间: 2020-05-13
The contemporary view of the Smart City is very much static and infrastructure- centric, focusing on installation and subsequent management of Edge devices and analytics of data provided by these devices. While this still allows a more efficient management of the city’s infrastructure, optimizations and savings in different do- mains, the existing architectures are currently designed as single-purpose, vertically siloed solutions. This hinders active involvement of a variety of stakeholders (e.g., citizens and businesses) who naturally form part of the city’s ecosystem and have an inherent interest in jointly coordinating and influencing city-level activities.
标签: Internet Systems Cities People Things Smart The and of
上传时间: 2020-05-26
Our original effort in writing this book was to create a starting point for those in the business community who did not have a high level of technical expertise but needed to have some understanding of the technical functions of their information and communication technologies (ICT) in a corporate environment. As was true with the first edition of this book, if you are already an engineer, find some other form of pleasure reading—this text is not designed for you!
标签: Communications Introduction Technologies to
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Your Cisco Networking Academy Course Booklet is designed as a study resource you can easily read, high- light, and review on the go, wherever the Internet is not available or practical: ■ The text is extracted directly, word-for-word, from the online course so you can highlight important points and take notes in the “Your Chapter Notes” section. ■ Headings with the exact page correlations provide a quick reference to the online course for your class- room discussions and exam preparation. ■ An icon system directs you to the online curriculum to take full advantage of the images, labs, Packet Tracer activities, and dynamic Flash-based activities embedded within the Networking Academy online course interface.
标签: Switching Wireless LAN and
上传时间: 2020-05-27
European Research Framework programs are public policy instruments designed to strengthen European competitiveness through cooperation. Although they have a fixed time frame, determined research themes, and a specific expected impact, the achievements in research and development (R&D) made by these funded proj- ects pave the way for a research continuum.
标签: Communications Horizons Wireless Mobile New and in
上传时间: 2020-05-31