I/O Kit Fundamentals Chapter 1 What Is the I/O Kit? Chapter 2 Architectural Overview Chapter 3 The I/O Registry Chapter 4 Driver and Device Matching Chapter 5 The Base Classes Chapter 6 I/O Kit Families Chapter 7 Handling Events Chapter 8 Managing Data Chapter 9 Managing Power and Device Removal Appendix A I/O Kit Family Reference Chapter 10 Base and Helper Class Hierarchy
标签: Chapter Architectural Fundamentals Kit
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Implementation for Lempel-Ziv code. Encoder and decoder are separated. The input is a file and the output is written in another file.
标签: Implementation Lempel-Ziv and separated
上传时间: 2017-07-05
This simulation script set allows for an OFDM transmission to be simulated. Imagetx.m generates the OFDM signal, saving it as a windows WAV file. This allows the OFDM signal to be played out a sound card and recorded back. Imagerx.m decodes the WAV to extract the data.
标签: transmission simulation generates simulated
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Algorithms for programmers This draft is intended to turn into a book about selected algorithms. The audience in mind are programmers who are interested in the treated algorithms and actually want to have/create working and reasonably optimized code.
标签: programmers Algorithms algorithms intended
上传时间: 2014-01-22
this introduce infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. The filters are designed in MATLAB using the fdatool. They are then implemented in VisualDSP++.
标签: filters introduce infinite designed
上传时间: 2017-07-23
learningMatlab PhÇ n 1 c¬ së Mat lab Ch ¬ ng 1: Cµ i ® Æ t matlab 1.1.Cµ i ® Æ t ch ¬ ng tr×nh: Qui tr×nh cµ i ® Æ t Matlab còng t ¬ ng tù nh viÖ c cµ i ® Æ t c¸ c ch ¬ ng tr×nh phÇ n mÒ m kh¸ c, chØ cÇ n theo c¸ c h íng dÉ n vµ bæ xung thª m c¸ c th« ng sè cho phï hî p. 1.1.1 Khë i ® éng windows. 1.1.2 Do ch ¬ ng tr×nh ® î c cÊ u h×nh theo Autorun nª n khi g¾ n dÜ a CD vµ o æ ® Ü a th× ch ¬ ng tr×nh tù ho¹ t ® éng, cö a sæ
标签: learningMatlab 172 199 173
上传时间: 2013-12-20
metricmatlab ch ¬ ng 4 Ma trË n - c¸ c phÐ p to¸ n vÒ ma trË n. 4.1 Kh¸ i niÖ m: - Trong MATLAB d÷ liÖ u ® Ó ® a vµ o xö lý d íi d¹ ng ma trË n. - Ma trË n A cã n hµ ng, m cét ® î c gä i lµ ma trË n cì n m. § î c ký hiÖ u An m - PhÇ n tö aij cñ a ma trË n An m lµ phÇ n tö n» m ë hµ ng thø i, cét j . - Ma trË n ® ¬ n ( sè ® ¬ n lÎ ) lµ ma trË n 1 hµ ng 1 cét. - Ma trË n hµ ng ( 1 m ) sè liÖ u ® î c bè trÝ trª n mét hµ ng. a11 a12 a13 ... a1m - Ma trË n cét ( n 1) sè liÖ u ® î c bè trÝ trª n 1 cét.
标签: metricmatlab 203 184 tr
上传时间: 2017-07-29
上传时间: 2014-01-09
This function is used to evaluate the max height and the max distance of a projectile and plot the trajectory. Inputs v0 : The initial velocity in m/s theta: The angle at which the projectile is fired in degrees Outputs hmax : The maximum hieght in m dmax : The maximum distance in m
标签: projectile and the max
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Why do People Program? Each person can have his own reason for programming but I can tell you that programming is one of the best ways to gain a deep understanding of computers and computer technology. Learning to program makes you understand why computers and computer programs work the way they do. It also puts some sense into you about how hard it is to create software. 1.2. What is C++ & OOP? C++ is an extended version C. C was developed at Bell Labs. in 1978.
标签: programming can Program People
上传时间: 2013-12-07