欢迎使用 PADS Layout 教程。本教程由比思电子有限公司(KGS TechnologyLtd.)编写,本公司是Mentor (以前的 Innoveda-PADS) PADS(以前的po
上传时间: 2013-04-24
锂离子正极电池材料 1. 目前主要的技术工艺制法: 1.1. 高温固相反应法:高温固相反应法是以FeC2O4·2H2O,(NH4)H2po4,Li2CO3等为原料,按LiFepo4的化学组成配料研磨混合均匀,在惰性气氛(如Ar,N2)的保护下高温焙烧反应制得。目前,由于高温固相反应法存在合成温度高、粒径分布大、颗粒粗大等缺点,极大地限制了L iFepo4的电化学性能。 1.2. 溶胶——凝胶合成法:溶胶——凝胶法以三价铁的醋酸盐或硝酸盐为原料,按化学计量加入LiOH后加入柠檬酸,然后再将其加入到H3po4中,用氨水调节pH,加热至60℃得到凝胶,加热使凝胶分解,高温烧结得到LiFepo4。溶胶——凝胶法的优点是前驱体溶液化学均匀性好,凝胶热处理温度低,粉体颗粒粒径小而且分布窄,粉体烧结性能好,反应过程易于控制,设备简单;但是在干燥时收缩大,工业化生产难度较大,合成周期较长。
上传时间: 2013-11-16
序号 参数 数据 单位 参数 说 明 . 输 入 参 数 变 量 1 umin V 交流输入电压最小值 2 umax V 交流输入电压最大值 3 fL Hz 电网频率 4 f kHz 开关频率 5 UO V 直流输出电压 6 po W 输出功率 7 η % 电源效率 8 Z 0.5 损耗分配系数 9 UFB V 反馈电压
上传时间: 2013-10-14
基于PIC单片机的脉冲电源:设计了一种金属凝固过程用脉冲电源。该电源采用PIC16F877作为主控芯片,实现对窄脉冲电流幅值的检测,以及时电流脉冲幅值根据模糊PID算法进行闲环控制。使用结果表明:该电源的输出脉冲波形良好,电流幅值稳定,满足合金材料凝固过程的工艺要求且运行稳定可靠。关键词:脉冲电源;PIC16F877单片机;模糊PID;闲环控制 Abstract:A kind of pulse power supply was designed which uses in the metal solidification process ..I11is power supply used PIC16F877 to take the master control chip reali on to the narrow pulse electric current peak-to-peak value examination,carried on the closed-loop control to the electric current pulse peak-to-peak value basis fuzzy PID algorithm.The use result indicated ,this power supply output se profile is good,and the electric current peak-to-p~k value is stable,It satisfies the alloy material solidification process the technological requirement and movement stable reliable,Key words:p se po wer supply;PIC16F877single-chip microcontroller;f r PID;closed-loop control
上传时间: 2013-10-27
上传时间: 2014-01-08
Bochs is a highly portable open source IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. Currently, Bochs can be compiled to emulate a 386, 486, Pentium, Pentium Pro or AMD64 CPU, including optional MMX, SSE, SSE2 and 3DNow! instructions. Bochs is capable of running most Operating Systems inside the emulation including Linux, DOS, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT/2000. Bochs was written by Kevin Lawton and is currently maintained by the Bochs project at "http://bochs.sourceforge.net".
标签: emulator portable written highly
上传时间: 2015-04-06
This tutorial attempts to get you started developing with the Win32 API as quickly and clearly as possible. It is meant to be read as a whole, so please read it from beginning to end before asking questions... most of them will probably be answered. Each section builds on the sections before it. I have also added some solutions to common errors in Appendix A. If you ask me a question that is answered on this page, you will look very silly.
标签: developing tutorial attempts clearly
上传时间: 2015-09-29
%BIQPBOX Bisection reflective line search for sqpbox % [nx,nsig,alpha] = BIQPBOX(s,c,strg,x,y,sigma,l,u,... % oval,po,normg,DS,mtxmpy,data,H) % returns the new feasible point nx, the corresponding sign vector nsig, % and the step size of the unreflected step, alpha. % Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date:
标签: BIQPBOX reflective Bisection search
上传时间: 2013-12-17
The MPC8280 is a versatile communications processor that integrates on e chip a high-performance powerPC™ RISC microprocessor, a very flexible system integration unit, and many communications peripheral controllers that can be used in a variety of applications, particularly in communications and networking systems
标签: high-performance communications integrates versatile
上传时间: 2016-06-20
红外在单片机上的应用,C语言源码,Keil uVision3工程文件,附原理图及说明学习文档 红外接收电路采用集成红外接收器成品H1,接收器包括红外接收管和信号处理IC,均集成在红外接收器H1内。接收器对外只有3个引脚:Vcc、GND和一个脉冲信号输出po。Vcc接系统的电源正极(+5V),GND接系统的地线,脉冲信号输出接CPU的中断输入引脚INT0。如果没有红外遥控信号到来,接收器的输出端口po保持高电平,当接收到红外遥控信号时,接收器件信号转换成脉冲序列加到CPU的中断输入引脚。CPU定时器T0、T1都初始化为定时器工作方式1,T0的GATE位置位,这样T0只在INT0为高电平时计数。每次外部中断首先停止定时,记录T0、T1的计数值,然后将T0、T1的计数器清零,并重新启动定时。T0的值即为高电平脉冲,T1-T0的值为低电平脉宽。 红外发送电路是将单片机发送的信号(P2.7管脚),由一个38K的脉冲频率进行调制,并通过一个红外发射管发送出去。U11B和U11C及附加的电阻电容形成了一个38K脉冲发生器。
上传时间: 2014-12-06