Matlab program to plot the data acquired from the USB (and placed into a TXT file) for the NIA device (Neuro impulse Actuator)
标签: the acquired program Matlab
上传时间: 2014-01-06
Matlab program to plot the data acquired from the USB (and placed into a CSV file) for the NIA device (Neuro impulse Actuator)
标签: the acquired program Matlab
上传时间: 2013-12-18
File to plot 8 channels in Matlab using data from the USB captured into a TXT file. (it makes the 8 different plots)
标签: the channels captured Matlab
上传时间: 2013-12-06
使用Clauser plot计算skin friction, 讲述了基本实验方法
上传时间: 2015-03-10
欢迎使用 PowerPCB 教程。本教程描述了 PADS-PowerPCB 的绝大部分功能和特点,以及使用的各个过程,这些功能包括: · 基本操作 · 建立元件(Component) · 建立板子边框线(Board outline) · 输入网表(Netlist) · 设置设计规则(Design Rule) · 元件(Part)的布局(Placement) · 手工和交互的布线 · SPECCTRA全自动布线器(Route Engine) · 覆铜(Copper Pour) · 建立分隔/混合平面层(Split/mixed Plane) · Microsoft的目标连接与嵌入(OLE)(Object Linking Embedding) · 可选择的装配选件(Assembly options) · 设计规则检查(Design Rule Check) · 反向标注(Back Annotation) · 绘图输出(plot Output) 使用本教程后,你可以学到印制电路板设计和制造的许多基本知识。
上传时间: 2013-10-08
Kismet is an 802.11b network sniffer and network dissector. It is capable of sniffing using most wireless cards, automatic network IP block detection via UDP, ARP, and DHCP packets, Cisco equipment lists via Cisco Discovery Protocol, weak cryptographic packet logging, and Ethereal and tcpdump compatible packet dump files. It also includes the ability to plot detected networks and estimated network ranges on downloaded maps or user supplied image files. Kismet是一个针对IEEE802.11b无线局域网的嗅探和包分析器,支持大多数无线网卡,支持自动检测UDP、ARP和DHCP的数据包,支持通过CDP协议检测思科网络设备,支持加密数据包记录,采用与Ethereal和Tcpdump兼容的的数据包记录文件,支持通过用户提供地图来检测和评估无线网络范围。
标签: network dissector sniffing capable
上传时间: 2014-11-26
unix或linux下的DNA分析软件源码 其功能如下 1. Edit up to 256 peptide or DNA sequences simultaneously. 2. Translates DNA->protein click next to display next frame. 3. Dot matrix plot of any 2 sequences. 4. Rudimentary amino acid statistics (MW and amino acid percentage) 5. Saves matrix plot as PBM image format. 6. Sequence reversal. 7. Creates alignment file for highlight (below). 8. Tab key toggles editing of next sequence.
标签: simultaneously DNA sequences Transla
上传时间: 2013-12-13
vectline "vector field line plotter" Depending on the dimension of coordinate axis, vectline can plot both 3D and 2D vector field line.
标签: vectline coordinate Depending dimension
上传时间: 2014-01-11
《VC++和BC++数值分析类库》光盘内含C++数值分析动态连接库(包括动态库文件*.dll和入口库文件*.lib及头文件*.h),分Visual C++和Borland C++(Builder)两个版本。另有一个曲线绘制程序plot.exe 。
上传时间: 2014-06-16
FDTD !-- Fortran code for FDTD with Berenger PMLs, version 1.0, May 1999 !-- by Jos Bergervoet. !-- plot field and/or Poynting vector S around radiating linear dipole
标签: Bergervoet Berenger Fortran version
上传时间: 2015-10-02