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  • The "GEE! It s Simple" package illustrates Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, which produce

    The "GEE! It s Simple" package illustrates Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, which produces a factorization of P*A into the product L*U where P is a permutation matrix, and L and U are lower and upper triangular, respectively. The functions in this package are accurate, but they are far slower than their MATLAB equivalents (x=A\b, [L,U,p]=lu(A), and so on). They are presented here merely to illustrate and educate. "Real" production code should use backslash and lu, not this package.

    标签: illustrates elimination Gaussian pivoting

    上传时间: 2016-11-09


  • The "GEE! It s Simple" package illustrates Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, which produce

    The "GEE! It s Simple" package illustrates Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, which produces a factorization of P*A into the product L*U where P is a permutation matrix, and L and U are lower and upper triangular, respectively. The functions in this package are accurate, but they are far slower than their MATLAB equivalents (x=A\b, [L,U,p]=lu(A), and so on). They are presented here merely to illustrate and educate. "Real" production code should use backslash and lu, not this package.

    标签: illustrates elimination Gaussian pivoting

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • 数值线性代数的Matlab应用程序包 共13个程序函数

    数值线性代数的Matlab应用程序包 共13个程序函数,每个程序函数有相应的例子函数一一对应,以*Example.m命名 程序名称 用途 Method 方法 GrmSch.m QR因子分解 classical Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization 格拉母-斯密特 MGrmSch.m QR因子分解 modified Gram-Schmidt iteration 修正格拉母-斯密特 householder.m QR因子分解 Householder 豪斯霍尔德QR因子分解 ZXEC.m 最小二乘拟合 polynomial interpolant 最小二乘插值多项式 NCLU.m LU因子分解 Gaussian elimination 不选主元素的高斯消元 PALU.m LU因子分解 partial pivoting Gaussian elimination 部分选主元的高斯消元 cholesky.m 楚因子分解 Cholesky Factorization 楚列斯基因子分解 PwItrt.m 求最大特征值 Power Iteration 幂迭代 Jacobi.m 求特征值 Jacobi iteration 按标准行方式次序的雅可比算法 Anld.m 求上Hessenberg Arnoldi Iteration 阿诺尔迪迭代 zuisu.m 解线性方程组 Steepest descent 最速下降法 CG.m 解线性方程组 Gradients 共轭梯度 BCG.m 解线性方程组 Biconjugate Gradients 双共轭梯度

    标签: Matlab 数值 应用程序 函数

    上传时间: 2016-05-17


  • SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems

    SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations on high performance machines. The library is written in C and is callable from either C or Fortran. The library routines will perform an LU decomposition with partial pivoting and triangular system solves through forward and back substitution. The LU factorization routines can handle non-square matrices but the triangular solves are performed only for square matrices. The matrix columns may be preordered (before factorization) either through library or user supplied routines. This preordering for sparsity is completely separate from the factorization. Working precision iterative refinement subroutines are provided for improved backward stability. Routines are also provided to equilibrate the system, estimate the condition number, calculate the relative backward error, and estimate error bounds for the refined solutions.

    标签: nonsymmetric solution SuperLU general

    上传时间: 2017-02-20
