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  • TMS320C6000 DSP Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Reference Guide

    TMS320C6000 DSP Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Reference Guide

    标签: Interconnect Peripheral Component Reference

    上传时间: 2017-08-19


  • ANSI-VITA 66.0-2016 Optical Interconnect on VPX

    ANSI-VITA 66.0-2016 Optical Interconnect on VPX – Base Standard

    标签: ANSI-VITA

    上传时间: 2022-06-26


  • 基于ARM的PCI北桥设计与验证

    PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)总线以其高性能、低成本、开放性、独立于处理器、软件透明等众多优点成为当今最流行的计算机局部总线。在嵌入式系统领域中,许多IP都是基于PCI总线设计的。本文阐述一种以ARM9作为CPU的嵌入式系统的PCI北桥设计与验证。 首先介绍基于ARM的嵌入式系统结构,并深入研究PCI2.2总线行为规范。在此基础上提出一种基于ARM处理器的PCI总线北桥的设计方案,整个设计主要分为主设备接口模块,目标设备接口模块,配置寄存器模块和集成总线仲裁器三大部分。对于主设备接口模块和目标设备接口模块,论文主要从数据通路和控制路径的实现两方面进行阐述。对于集成的总线仲裁器,设计采用两优先级的循环优先算法,通过一组设备编号寄存器实现了PCI总线上的仲裁,此外,论文对跨时钟域的信号同步和PCI配置寄存器也作了较为详细的描述,最终采用自顶向下的方法实现了整个设计。 在验证部分,引入了基于平台的验证思路,通过搭建验证平台,可以高效地实现验证。论文重点讨论了验证平台的搭建和行为模型的建立,并介绍了一种命令总线,通过打包各个验证点控制验证流程。此外,为提高验证的自动化程度,论文对验证所使用的脚本也进行了描述。通过此验证平台和脚本,提高了整个验证系统的可移植性和可重用性。 论文最终完成了PCI北桥的RTL级的功能描述,并使用仿真软件完成对设计的仿真验证。设计通过验证并成功实现在基于ARM的集成处理器,达到预定的功能设计要求,并具有良好的性能,最后对后续开发进行了探讨。

    标签: ARM PCI 北桥

    上传时间: 2013-05-22


  • 基于ARM和CPLD的可扩展嵌入式系统设计

    进入20世纪90年代后,随着全球信息化、智能化、网络化的发展,嵌入式系统技术获得了前所未有的发展空间。 嵌入式系统的最大特点之_是其所具有的目的性或针对性,即每一套嵌入式系统的开发设计都有其特殊的应用场合与特定功能,这也是嵌入式系统与通刚的计算机系统最主要的区别。由于嵌入式系统是为特定的目的而设计的,且常常受到体积、成本、功能、处理能力等各种条件的限制。因此,如果可以最大限度地提高应用系统硬件上和软件上的灵活性,就可以用最低的成本,最少的时间,快速的完成功能的转换。 本课题的目的在于提出并设计一种基于ARM(Advanced RISC Machines)和CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device)的可扩展功能嵌入式系统平台,并完成了系统的硬件设计和PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)桥的固件设计。设计过程中采用美国ALTIUM公司的ALTIUM DESIGNER 6.0 EDA软件开发了系统的硬件部分。在整个硬件开发环节中,充分采用高速PCB(Printed Circuit Board)的设计原则,并进行全面的电路仿真试验,保证了硬件系统的高度可靠性。本系统承袭了ARM7系列处理器高性能、低功耗、低成本的优点,并充分考虑到用户的需要,扩展了多种常用的外部设备接口以及蓝牙无线接口等,为将米各种可能的应用提供了完善的硬件基础。概括总结起来本文具体工作如下: 1.完全自主设计了具有高扩展性的基于LPC2292嵌入式处理器的嵌入式系统应用开发平台。基于该硬件平台,可以实现许多基于ARM架构处理器的嵌入式应刚而无需对硬什系统作出大的改变,如多协议转换器、CAN(Control Area Network)总线网关、以太网关、各种工业控制应用等。并在具体的设计实践中,总结出了嵌入式系统硬件平台的设计原则及设计方法。 2.完成了基于CPLD的PCI桥接芯片的同什设计,在ARM硬件平台上成功扩展了PCI设备,成功解决了ARM处理器和PCI从设备之间通讯的问题。 3.完成了对所开发的嵌入式系统硬件平台的测试工作,完成了基于AT89C51的PCI测试卡软硬件设计。基于此测试卡,可以实现对系统中的PCI通讯功能进行有效测试,以保证整个硬件系统正常、高效、稳定地运行。本系统的设计完成,使其可以作为嵌入式应用的二次开发或实验平台,用于工业产品开发及高校相关专业的实践教学。

    标签: CPLD ARM 扩展 嵌入式系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-05-22


  • 基于FPGA的PCI总线接口控制器的设计

    为了满足外围设备之间、外围设备与主机之间高速数据传输,Intel公司于1991年提出PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)总线的概念,即周边器件互连。因为PCI总线具有极高的数据传输率,所以在数字图形、图像和语音处理以及高速数据采集和处理等方面得到了广泛的应用。 本论文首先对PCI总线协议做了比较深刻的分析,从设计要求和PCI总线规范入手,采用TOP-DOWN设计方法完成了PCI总线接口从设备控制器FPGA设计的功能定义:包括功能规范、性能要求、系统环境、接口定义和功能描述。其次从简化设计、方便布局的角度考虑,完成了系统的模块划分。并结合设计利用SDRAM控制器来验证PCI接口电路的性能。 然后通过PCI总线接口控制器的仿真、综合及硬件验证的描述介绍了用于FPGA功能验证的硬件电路系统的设计,验证系统方案的选择,并描述了PCI总线接口控制器的布局布线结果以及硬件验证的电路设计和调试方法。通过编写测试激励程序完成了功能仿真,以及布局布线后的时序仿真,并设计了PCB实验板进行测试,证明所实现的PCI接口控制器完成了要求的功能。 最后,介绍了利用驱动程序开发工具DDK软件进行软件设计与开发的过程。完成系统设计及模块划分后,使用硬件描述语言(VHDL)描述系统,并验证设计的正确性。

    标签: FPGA PCI 总线接口 控制器

    上传时间: 2013-07-15


  • 基于FPGA的PCI接口的设计

    PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)局部总线是微型计算机中处理器、存储器与外围控制部件、扩展卡之间的互连接口,由于其速度快、可靠性高、成本低、兼容性好等特点,在各种计算机总线标准占有重要地位,基于PCI标准的接口设计已经成为相关项目开发中的一个重要的选择。    目前,现场可编程门阵列FPGA(Field Programmable Gates)得到了广泛应用。由于其具有规模大,开发过程投资小,可反复编程,且支持软硬件协同设计等特点,因此已逐步成为复杂数字硬件电路设计的首选。    PCI接口的开发有多种方法,主要有两种:一是使用专用接口芯片,二是使用可编程逻辑器件,如FPGA。本论文基于成本和实际需要的考虑,采用第二种方法进行设计。    本论文采用自上而下(Top-To-Down)和模块化的设计方法,使用FPGA和硬件描述语言(VHDL和Verilog HDL)设计了一个PCI接口核,并通过自行设计的试验板对其进行验证。为使设计准确可靠,在具体模块的设计中广泛采用流水线技术和状态机的方法。    论文最终设计完成了一个33M32位的PCI主从接口,并把它作为以NIOSⅡ为核心的SOPC片内外设,与通用计算机成功进行了通讯。    论文对PCI接口进行了功能仿真,仿真结果和PCI协议的要求一致,表明本论文设计正确。把设计下载进FPGA芯片EP2C8Q208C7之后,论文给出了使用SIGNALTAPⅡ观察到的信号实际波形,波形显示PCI接口能够满足本设计中系统的需要。本文最后还给出试验板的具体设计步骤及驱动程序的安装。

    标签: FPGA PCI 接口的设计

    上传时间: 2013-07-28


  • 高速数字系统设计下载pdf

    高速数字系统设计下载pdf:High-Speed Digital SystemDesign—A Handbook ofInterconnect Theory and DesignPracticesStephen H. HallGarrett W. HallJames A. McCallA Wiley-Interscience Publication JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.New York • Chichester • Weinheim • Brisbane • Singapore • TorontoCopyright © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.speeddigital systems at the platform level. The book walks the reader through everyrequired concept, from basic transmission line theory to digital timing analysis, high-speedmeasurement techniques, as well as many other topics. In doing so, a unique balancebetween theory and practical applications is achieved that will allow the reader not only tounderstand the nature of the problem, but also provide practical guidance to the solution.The level of theoretical understanding is such that the reader will be equipped to see beyondthe immediate practical application and solve problems not contained within these pages.Much of the information in this book has not been needed in past digital designs but isabsolutely necessary today. Most of the information covered here is not covered in standardcollege curricula, at least not in its focus on digital design, which is arguably one of the mostsignificant industries in electrical engineering.The focus of this book is on the design of robust high-volume, high-speed digital productssuch as computer systems, with particular attention paid to computer busses. However, thetheory presented is applicable to any high-speed digital system. All of the techniquescovered in this book have been applied in industry to actual digital products that have beensuccessfully produced and sold in high volume.Practicing engineers and graduate and undergraduate students who have completed basicelectromagnetic or microwave design classes are equipped to fully comprehend the theorypresented in this book. At a practical level, however, basic circuit theory is all thebackground required to apply the formulas in this book.

    标签: 高速数字 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • pci e PCB设计规范

    This document provides practical, common guidelines for incorporating PCI Express interconnect layouts onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) ranging from 4-layer desktop baseboard designs to 10- layer or more server baseboard designs. Guidelines and constraints in this document are intended for use on both baseboard and add-in card PCB designs. This includes interconnects between PCI Express devices located on the same baseboard (chip-to-chip routing) and interconnects between a PCI Express device located “down” on the baseboard and a device located “up” on an add-in card attached through a connector. This document is intended to cover all major components of the physical interconnect including design guidelines for the PCB traces, vias and AC coupling capacitors, as well as add-in card edge-finger and connector considerations. The intent of the guidelines and examples is to help ensure that good high-speed signal design practices are used and that the timing/jitter and loss/attenuation budgets can also be met from end-to-end across the PCI Express interconnect. However, while general physical guidelines and suggestions are given, they may not necessarily guarantee adequate performance of the interconnect for all layouts and implementations. Therefore, designers should consider modeling and simulation of the interconnect in order to ensure compliance to all applicable specifications. The document is composed of two main sections. The first section provides an overview of general topology and interconnect guidelines. The second section concentrates on physical layout constraints where bulleted items at the beginning of a topic highlight important constraints, while the narrative that follows offers additional insight.  

    标签: pci PCB 设计规范

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • PCI Express电源解决方案

      PCI ExpressTM is the third generation of PCI (PeripheralComponent Interconnect) technology used to connect I/Operhipheral devices in computer systems. It is intended asa general purpose I/O device interconnect that meets theneeds of a wide variety of computing platforms such asdesktop, mobile, server and communications. It alsospecifies the electrical and mechanical attributes of thebackplane, connectors and removable cards in thesesystems.

    标签: Express PCI 电源解决方案

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • 使用新电源模块改进表面贴装可制造性

    The latest generation of Texas Instruments (TI) boardmountedpower modules utilizes a pin interconnect technologythat improves surface-mount manufacturability.These modules are produced as a double-sided surfacemount(DSSMT) subassembly, yielding a case-less constructionwith subcomponents located on both sides of theprinted circuit board (PCB). Products produced in theDSSMT outline use the latest high-efficiency topologiesand magnetic-component packaging. This providescustomers with a high-efficiency, ready-to-use switchingpower module in a compact, space-saving package. Bothnonisolated point-of-load (POL) switching regulators andthe isolated dc/dc converter modules are being producedin the DSSMT outline.TI’s plug-in power product line offers power modules inboth through-hole and surface-mount packages. The surfacemountmodules produced in the DSSMT outline use asolid copper interconnect with an integral solder ball fortheir

    标签: 电源模块 可制造性 表面贴装

    上传时间: 2013-10-10
