flash,how to use action.
上传时间: 2013-11-28
flash,teach you how to use add img to a button.
上传时间: 2015-09-03
With the information in this book, you will learn how to write not only JavaScript that can stand on its own within a Web page, but also how to write scripts that interact with applications written in other development languages.
标签: information JavaScript learn stand
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Implemented BFS, DFS and A* To compile this project, use the following command: g++ -o search main.cpp Then you can run it: ./search The input is loaded from a input file in.txt Here is the format of the input file: The first line of the input file shoud contain two chars indicate the source and destination city for breadth first and depth first algorithm. The second line of input file shoud be an integer m indicate the number of connections for the map. Following m lines describe the map, each line represents to one connection in this form: dist city1 city2, which means there is a connection between city1 and city2 with the distance dist. The following input are for A* The following line contains two chars indicate the source and destination city for A* algorithm. Then there is an integer h indicate the number of heuristic. The following h lines is in the form: city dist which means the straight-line distance from the city to B is dist.
标签: Implemented following compile command
上传时间: 2014-01-01
Overview Provides a way to store very large collections of email addresses (100,000+ addresses) and efficiently check whether a specific address is contained in a collection. The collection can be created programmatically, or through a pluggable persistence mechanism. Functionality Maintains large collections of email addresses. Efficiently checks whether an address is in the collection or not.
标签: addresses collections Overview Provides
上传时间: 2013-12-17
RTL-lwIP is the porting of the lwIP TCP/IP stack to RTLinux-GPL.The focus of the RTL-lwIP stack is to reduce memory usage and code size, making RTL-lwIP suitable for use in small clients with very limited resources such as embedded systems.
标签: RTL-lwIP the stack RTLinux-GPL
上传时间: 2015-09-05
The combined demo is dedicated for S1C33L05, so DMT33L05 should be used to load and run the demo. For the detail description of DMT33L05, please refer to S5U1C33L05D1_User_Manual.
标签: demo dedicated combined should
上传时间: 2014-07-05
Gcomm is a serial communications program similar to seyon, but more modern, and easier to use. Works over serial port, via TCP/IP, or a pipe through another program. Supports xmodem/ymodem/zmodem protocols. Visit the gcomm.sourceforge.net home page for 系统是 Linux ,但是协议部分是可用的
标签: communications program similar easier
上传时间: 2013-12-21
The EM Wave MATLAB Library consists of a collection of MATLAB programs related to electromagnetic wave scattering with special emphasis on wave scattering by random rough surfaces and discrete random media.
标签: MATLAB electromagnetic collection consists
上传时间: 2015-09-06
form sqlserve to sybase my msn is machine_jak@hotmail.com
标签: machine_jak sqlserve hotmail sybase
上传时间: 2014-01-10