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  • zemax源码: This DLL models a standard ZEMAX surface type, either plane, sphere, or conic The surfac

    zemax源码: This DLL models a standard ZEMAX surface type, either plane, sphere, or conic The surface also demonstrates a user-defined apodization filter The filter is defined as part of the real ray trace, case 5 The filter can be used at the stop to produce x-y Gaussian apodization similar to the Gaussian pupil apodization in ZEMAX but separate in x and y. The amplitude apodization is of the form EXP[-(Gx(x/R)^2 + Gy(y/R)^2)] The transmission is of the form EXP[-2(Gx(x/R)^2 + Gy(y/R)^2)] where x^2 + y^2 = r^2 R = semi-diameter The tranmitted intensity is maximum in the center. T is set to 0 if semi-diameter < 1e-10 to avoid division by zero.

    标签: standard surface models either

    上传时间: 2013-12-05


  • Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in

    Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.

    标签: Information Companies document subject

    上传时间: 2014-06-18


  • OLE Programmer s Reference Information in this online help system is subject to change without no

    OLE Programmer s Reference Information in this online help system is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Microsoft Corporation. The software and/or files described in this online help system are furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software and/or files may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The purchaser may make one copy of the software for backup purposes. No part of this online help system may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser s personal use, without the written permission of Microsoft Corporation.

    标签: Information Programmer Reference subject

    上传时间: 2015-08-04


  • describes the most common terms used in radarsystems, such as range, range resolution, Doppler frequ

    describes the most common terms used in radarsystems, such as range, range resolution, Doppler frequency, and coherency. The second part of this chapter develops the radar range equation in many of its forms. This presentation includes the low PRF, high PRF,search, bistatic radar, and radar equation with jamming.

    标签: range radarsystems resolution describes

    上传时间: 2015-08-05


  • 1. 在IBConsole中添加两个用户LOGIN和MATER

    1. 在IBConsole中添加两个用户LOGIN和MATER,密码均为PASSWORD。 2. 用MISDBA用户登录MISDB数据库。 3. 在ISQL中,输入第9章提供的SQL语句;或者根据表9-1至表9-8在SQL Explorer中自行创建数据表。数据库创建后需要分配LOGIN和MATER用户的访问权限。 4. 根据表9-9和表9-10设置初始数据,另外需要在PERSON数据表中设置一个用于登录系统的用户(ID=’MAT’,PASSWD=’PASSWORD’,AUTHORITY=’7’,STATE=’F’),同时在part表中添加ID为’0000000000’的零件,名称为“。 5. 除了修改数据库连接的属性,还需要修改数据模块中LOGIN方法的相关用户密码。

    标签: IBConsole LOGIN MATER 用户

    上传时间: 2014-08-06


  • particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2000 for automotive production and relevan

    particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2000 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations

    标签: requirements application particular automotive

    上传时间: 2014-12-02


  • DWT变换源代码

    DWT变换源代码,As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.

    标签: DWT 变换 源代码

    上传时间: 2014-12-05


  • DICOM协议标准93年中文版

    DICOM协议标准93年中文版,这个协议文档共有8个part,内容如下: 第一部分 -介绍和概述 第二部分 -遵从性 第三部分 -信息对象定义 第四部分 -服务类规范 第五部分 -数据结构和语义学 第六部分 -数据字典 第七部分 -消息交换 第八部分 -消息交换的网络通讯支持

    标签: DICOM 协议标准

    上传时间: 2015-09-06


  • I believe that technology has the capacity to fundamentally improve people’s lives, and improve the

    I believe that technology has the capacity to fundamentally improve people’s lives, and improve the world in which we live.We are now two years into what my company have called the ‘Digital Decade’.We think that by 2010 a combination of hardware and software innovation with broader social trends will change the way computing fits into our society. Mobile technology is a central part of this vision.

    标签: improve fundamentally technology the

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • madCollection full source This is not your every day VCL component collection. You won t se

    madCollection full source This is not your every day VCL component collection. You won t see many new colored icons in the component palette. My packages don t offer many visual components to play with. Sorry, if you expected that! My packages are about low-level stuff for the most part, with as easy handling as possible. To find the hidden treasures, you will have to look at the documentation (which you re reading just in the moment). Later I plan on writing some nice demos, but for now the documentation must be enough to get you started.

    标签: madCollection collection component source

    上传时间: 2014-01-18
