The problem of image registration subsumes a number of problems and techniques in multiframe image analysis, including the computation of optic flow (general pixel-based motion), stereo correspondence, structure from motion, and feature tracking. We present a new registration algorithm based on spline representations of the displacement field which can be specialized to solve all of the above mentioned problems. In particular, we show how to compute local flow, global (parametric) flow, rigid flow resulting from camera egomotion, and multiframe versions of the above problems. Using a spline-based description of the flow removes the need for overlapping correlation windows, and produces an explicit measure of the correlation between adjacent flow estimates. We demonstrate our algorithm on multiframe image registration and the recovery of 3D projective scene geometry. We also provide results on a number of standard motion sequences.
标签: image registration multiframe techniques
上传时间: 2016-01-20
Simple VaR Calculator provides: - Evaluation of return distribution of single asset or portfolio of assets - Volatility forecasts using moving average and exponential algorithm - Value at Risk of single asset or portfolio measurement using parametric and historical simulation. - Historical data can be obtained from simple text file or MS Excel using Matlab Excel Links.
标签: distribution Calculator Evaluation portfolio
上传时间: 2013-12-21
This book presents, in a unitary and novel perspective, some of the research work the authors have carried out over the last decade, along with several collaborators and students. The roots of this book can be traced back to the design of adaptive sequence detection algorithms for channels with parametric uncertainty. The explosion of turbo codes and iterative decoding around the middle of the Nineties has motivated the design of iterative (turbo and graph-based) detection algorithms.
标签: Communications Algorithms Detection Wireless for
上传时间: 2020-05-27
OrCAD_PSpice简明教程1. 介绍 2. 带 OrCAD Capture 的 Pspice 用法 2.1 第一步:在 Capture 中创建电路 2.2 第二步:指定分析和仿真类型 偏置或直流分析(BIAS or DC analysis) 直流扫描仿真(DC Sweep simulation) 2.3 第三步:显示仿真结果 2.4 其他分析类型: 2.4.1 瞬态分析(Transient Analysis) 2.4.2 交流扫描分析(AC Sweep Analysis) 3. 附加的使用 Pspice 电路的例子 3.1 变压器电路 3.2 使用理想运算放大器的滤波器交流扫描(滤波器电路) 3.3 使用实际运算放大器的滤波器交流扫描(滤波器电路) 3.4 整流电路(峰值检波器)和参量扫描的使用 3.4.1 峰值检波器仿真(Peak Detector simulation) 3.4.2 参量扫描(parametric Sweep) 3.5 AM 调制信号 3.6 中心抽头变压器 4. 添加和创建库:模型和元件符号文件 4.1 使用和添加厂商库
上传时间: 2022-02-09