标签: 测试
上传时间: 2013-12-17
CnCodeFormater Readme Author: passos Email: passos@cnpack.orgpassos@21cn.com Last Update:2003-12-16 Directories \CnParser Object pAScal 璇硶瑙f瀽鍣? \DCU 娴嬭瘯宸ョ▼DCU杈撳嚭鐩綍 \Test 娴嬭瘯宸ョ▼ Surpport Simple Stamtment can work The others language future need to be test ... Not Surpport Class type declare still cause error. And so on ... TODO Modify TCnCodeFormater s Class declare section. Add Scaner.ForwardToken future. any thing that I forget ...
标签: passos CnCodeFormater orgpassos Author
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Delphi Win32核心API参考光盘源码 本书包含了常用的Windows API函数,从窗口创建和消息处理函数到内存管理和文本输出函数。每一个函数均包含语法,函数作用的描述,可接受的常数值,返回值,相关函数的交叉引用,以及这些函数在Delphi的Object pAScal中的使用范例。 本书是畅销的Delphi开发人员系列丛书的一本,并针对Windows 2000做了更新和修订。这个新版本是32位Delphi下最易用的和最权威的图书,为微软Windows应用程序接口开发提供了正确且全面的指导。本书包含了常用的Windows API函数,从窗口创建和消息处理函数到内存管理和文本输出函数。每一个函数均包含语法,函数作用的描述,可接受的常数值,返回值,相关函数的交叉引用,以及这些函数在Delphi的Object pAScal中的使用范例。无论你是一个对Windows编程开发有经验的Delphi程序员,还是中级水平的Delphi程序员,本书都能帮助你扩展Delphi组件和对象的功能,并演示Win32 API可以为你做什么。
上传时间: 2013-12-10
FastReport is reporting tool component. It consists of report engine, designer and preview. It written on 100 Object pAScal and can be installed in Delphi 2-7 and C++Builder 1-6. Also available cross-platform version FR CLX for Delphi 6,7 C++ Builder 6 and Kylix 1,2,3 - check out webpage to get latest information.
标签: FastReport component reporting consists
上传时间: 2014-01-20
电子书,DP 语言的开始至开发的内部的一些精华pAScal精要.rar
标签: 电子书
上传时间: 2013-12-25
castle 给出一个城堡的地图,求其中的连通房间数,最大房间的面积,拆除某个墙壁连通两间屋子后可形成的最大房屋面积。应用pAScal的递归函数来实现计算功能。
上传时间: 2017-05-15
标签: 数据结构
上传时间: 2013-12-21
编译课上做的小程序,用四种分析方法分别实现(LL1,算符优先,递归下降,简单词法分析) 完成对正则文法所描述的pAScal语言子集单词符号的词法分析程序。 <标识符>→字母︱ <标识符>字母︱ <标识符>数字 <无符号整数>→数字︱ <无符号整数>数字 <单字符分界符> →+ ︱- ︱* ︱ ︱(︱) <双字符分界符>→<大于>=︱<小于>=︱<小于>>︱<冒号>=︱<斜竖>* <小于>→< <等于>→= <大于>→> <冒号> →: <斜竖> →/ 识别语言的保留字 :begin end if then else for do while and or not
上传时间: 2014-06-29
This book has been written to support a practically oriented course in programming language translation for senior undergraduates in Computer Science. More specifically, it is aimed at students who are probably quite competent in the art of imperative programming (for example, in C++, pAScal, or Modula-2), but whose mathematics may be a little weak students who require only a solid introduction to the subject, so as to provide them with insight into areas of language design and implementation, rather than a deluge of theory which they will probably never use again students who will enjoy fairly extensive case studies of translators for the sorts of languages with which they are most familiar students who need to be made aware of compiler writing tools, and to come to appreciate and know how to use them. It will hopefully also appeal to a certain class of hobbyist who wishes to know more about how translators work.
标签: practically programming oriented language
上传时间: 2013-12-10
标签: 算法
上传时间: 2014-01-26