The contemporary view of the Smart City is very much static and infrastructure- centric, focusing on installation and subsequent management of Edge devices and analytics of data provided by these devices. While this still allows a more efficient management of the city’s infrastructure, optimizations and savings in different do- mains, the existing architectures are currently designed as single-purpose, vertically siloed solutions. This hinders active involvement of a variety of stakeholders (e.g., citizens and businesses) who naturally form pARt of the city’s ecosystem and have an inherent interest in jointly coordinating and influencing city-level activities.
标签: Internet Systems Cities People Things Smart The and of
上传时间: 2020-05-26
The Internet of Things is considered to be the next big opportunity, and challenge, for the Internet engineering community, users of technology, companies and society as a whole. It involves connecting embedded devices such as sensors, home appliances, weather stations and even toys to Internet Protocol (IP) based networks. The number of IP-enabled embedded devices is increasing rapidly, and although hard to estimate, will surely outnumber the number of personal computers (PCs) and servers in the future. With the advances made over the past decade in microcontroller,low-power radio, battery and microelectronic technology, the trend in the industry is for smart embedded devices (called smart objects) to become IP-enabled, and an integral pARt of the latest services on the Internet. These services are no longer cyber, just including data created by humans, but are to become very connected to the physical world around us by including sensor data, the monitoring and control of machines, and other kinds of physical context. We call this latest frontier of the Internet, consisting of wireless low-power embedded devices, the Wireless Embedded Internet. Applications that this new frontier of the Internet enable are critical to the sustainability, efficiency and safety of society and include home and building automation, healthcare, energy efficiency, smart grids and environmental monitoring to name just a few.
标签: Embedded Internet Wireless 6LoWPAN The
上传时间: 2020-05-26
Device-to-device(D2D) communications are now considered as an integral pARt of future 5G networks which will enable direct communication between user equipment (UE) without unnecessary routing via the network infrastructure. This architecture will result in higher throughputs than conventional cellular networks, but with the increased potential for co-channel interference induced by randomly located cellular and D2D UEs.
标签: Device-to-Device Communications Analysis of
上传时间: 2020-05-26
For nearly a hundred years telecommunications provided mainly voice services and very low speed data (telegraph and telex). With the advent of the Internet, several data services became mainstream in telecommunications; to the point that voice is becoming an accessory to IP-centric data networks. Today, high-speed data services are already pARt of our daily lives at work and at home (web surfing, e-mail, virtual private networks, VoIP, virtual meetings, chats...). The demand for high-speed data services will grow even more with the increasing number of people telecommuting.
上传时间: 2020-05-27
One of the very first books published on the social impact of the mobile phone was Timo Kopomaa’s The City in Your Pocket: Birth of the Mobile Information Society. The book, published in 2000, was based on research that Kopomaa had under- taken for Nokia and Sonera as pARt of his doctoral studies in the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at the Helsinki University of Technology. The first line he writes in the book is peculiar: ‘Mobile communication is not a serious matter’. By this, we assume he is referring to a view of the world that would regard the mobile phone as little more than an unremarkable fact of everyday life – a simple play- thing for the young, or a productivity tool for the business executive and busy parent.
标签: Communications Wireless Mobile and
上传时间: 2020-05-30
Wireless means different things to different people. For this book, it refers to the radio systems that provide point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and Earth-space communications over transmission links that propagate outside buildings through the lower atmosphere. Wireless systems are being built that provide data transmission between computers and other devices on one’s own desk. These are pARt of the wireless world but not the pARt where, except for interference perhaps, the atmosphere has any influence. The intent of this book is to provide a description of the physical phenomena that can affect propagation through the atmosphere, present sample measurements and statistics, and provide models that system designers can use to calculate their link budgets and estimate the limitations the atmosphere may place on their design.
标签: Communication Propagation Handbook Wireless for
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Quality of Service ( QoS ) has always been in a world of its own, but as the technology has been refi ned and has evolved in recent years, QOS usage has increased to the point where it is now considered a necessary pARt of network design and operation. As with most technologies, large - scale deployments have led to the technology becoming more mature, and QOS is no exception.
标签: QOS-Enabled Networks
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Spread-spectrum communication is a core area within the field of digital communication. Originally used in military networks as countermeasures against the threats of jamming and interception, spread-spectrum systems are now widely used in commercial applications and are pARt of several wireless and mobile communication standards. Although spread-spectrum communication is a staple topic in textbooks on digital communication, its treatment is usually cursory. This book is designed to provide a more intensive examination of the subject that is suitable for graduate students and practicing engineers with a solid background in the theory of digital communication. As the title indicates, this book stresses principles rather than specific current or planned systems, which are described in manyotherbooks.My goal in this bookis to providea concisebut lucidexplanation of the fundamentals of spread-spectrum systems with an emphasis on theoretical principles.
标签: Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems 2nd
上传时间: 2020-06-01
pARt I provides a compact survey on classical stochastic geometry models. The basic models defined in this pARt will be used and extended throughout the whole monograph, and in pARticular to SINR based models. Note however that these classical stochastic models can be used in a variety of contexts which go far beyond the modeling of wireless networks. Chapter 1 reviews the definition and basic properties of Poisson point processes in Euclidean space. We review key operations on Poisson point processes (thinning, superposition, displacement) as well as key formulas like Campbell’s formula. Chapter 2 is focused on properties of the spatial shot-noise process: its continuity properties, its Laplace transform, its moments etc. Both additive and max shot-noise processes are studied. Chapter 3 bears on coverage processes, and in pARticular on the Boolean model. Its basic coverage characteristics are reviewed. We also give a brief account of its percolation properties. Chapter 4 studies random tessellations; the main focus is on Poisson–Voronoi tessellations and cells. We also discuss various random objects associated with bivariate point processes such as the set of points of the first point process that fall in a Voronoi cell w.r.t. the second point process.
标签: Stochastic Geometry Networks Wireless Volume and
上传时间: 2020-06-01
When thinking about mobile radio engineers there is a tendency to assume that the engineering function relates solely to the technical aspects of the network, such as the equipment design or the network design. That is certainly a key pARt of the role of a mobile radio engineer. However,increasinglyengineersarerequiredtointeractwithprofession- als from other divisions. The “complete wireless professional” should know about mobile networks; fixed networks; other types of mobile systems; regulatory and government policy; the requirements of the users; and financial, legal, and marketing issues.
标签: Communications Complete Wireless The
上传时间: 2020-06-01