pop3代理服务器源代码One of the most powerful features of Pop3 Agent is a naive Bayes filter, that is capable of recognizing spam e-mails after appropriate training. Pop3 Agent uses an embedded Firebird database server. Of course, you can configure Pop3 Agent to work with an existing server if there is another Interbase/Firebird installation available in your network. Open the Pop3 Agent home directory, delete or rename gds32.dll and ib_util.dll, and set the INI file parameter FBembedded=0.
标签: features powerful filter Agent
上传时间: 2014-01-10
8点基二fft Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Using 8 points, takes about 1.2 ms to execute one FFT. Sets up General Purpose Timer 1 to generate events at 10 kHz. Will produce 10 kHz output on T1PWM and T1PWM pins.
标签: FFT Transform Fourier execute
上传时间: 2013-12-18
rake_receive, one part of another matlab communication simulation with wirele
标签: communication rake_receive simulation another
上传时间: 2015-08-10
Sun ONE 白皮书 Sun为支持互操作智能Web服务,定义了一种开放式软件构架。SunTM Open Net Environment(开放式网络环境,即Sun ONE)软件体系结构,旨在解决诸如隐私、安全和身份等重要问题,定义支持诸如客户机设备类型和用户位置等用户情况的惯例和常规。它支持可以跨越许多网络系统,其中包括传统Web、无线Web和家庭网络。该体系结构的宗旨是要保证使用任何工具,开发智能Web服务,使之运行于任何平台,可以无缝地实现互操作。
上传时间: 2013-11-26
Sun ONE白皮书 - 用SUNONE 开发 WEB 服务 实施摘要 介绍和回顾 Sun ONE 技术 Web服务 方案 业务需求 功能需求 服务水平要求 结构原理 结构 操作 SPINE—主要组件 创建和部署Web服务 Forte for Java Enterprise Editio和Systinet 创建货币兑换Web服务 部署货币兑换Web服务 注册和发现——UDDI GUI客户端 目录服务 浏览和测量——OpenView OpenView产品 Web服务事件管理 远程事件管理结构 服务模型 分析Web服务性能 Web服务定序—iPlanet Integration Server 结论
上传时间: 2013-12-10
one dimensional PCF band simulation
标签: dimensional simulation band one
上传时间: 2013-12-23
all in one 嵌入式系统平台白皮书
上传时间: 2015-08-15
本问讨论的是采用Nokia开发包以及Sun One Studio 4Mobile 开发Nokia 60 系列手机 Kjava开发环境的安装。其他的手机开发环境安装可参考这个过程
标签: Nokia 4Mobile Studio Kjava
上传时间: 2015-08-15
That step-by-step electric motor the step-by-step electric motor assembler program , comparison have been resolved well gets it in gear is able to appear to see dead phenomenon
标签: step-by-step electric motor comparison
上传时间: 2015-08-18
The view238 application is a simple tool for graphically displaying STEP-NC toolpaths. It is a Java application that reads AP-238 XML data using the DOM inferface, then finds and display the toolpaths within. At present, only polylines, and circular arcs are processed.
标签: application graphically displaying toolpaths
上传时间: 2013-12-02