上传时间: 2017-09-27
ANSI-VITA 46.4 PCI Express on the VPX ‘ANSI-VITA 46.4 PCI Express on the VPX’
上传时间: 2022-06-26
Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows Vista/XP, Mac OS X, and Linux Main Features: * Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk. * Encrypts an entire partition or storage device such as USB flash drive or hard drive. * Encrypts a partition or drive where Windows is installed (pre-boot authentication). * Encryption is automatic, real-time (on-the-fly) and transparent. * Provides two levels of plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password: 1) Hidden volume (steganography) and hidden operating system. 2) No TrueCrypt volume can be identified (volumes cannot be distinguished from random data). * Encryption algorithms: AES-256, Serpent, and Twofish. Mode of operation: XTS. Further information regarding features of the software may be found in the:
标签: open-source encryption Features software
上传时间: 2013-12-20
把TXT、TEXT类文件转为PDF文件 txt2pdf is flexible and powerful Perl tool to convert txt, text, textual reports, and spools into PDF (form, invoice, report, sale sheet). It can be used alone, or you can use it from other applications to convert your documents on the fly.
标签: flexible powerful txt2pdf convert
上传时间: 2017-07-15
特性 CPU:– 全静态8位1T 8051内核CMOS微控制器.– 指令集全兼容MCS-51.– 4级优先级中断配置.– 双数据指针(DPTRs) 工作条件:– 宽电压工作范围2.4V至5.5V.– 宽工作频率最高至16MHz.– 工业级工作温度 -40℃ 至 +105℃. 存储器:– 最高至18K字节APROM用户程序代码区.– 可配置4K/3K/2K/1K/0K字节LDROM引导代码区,用户可灵活配置用途.– 所有FLASH区域分隔为128字节一页.– 内建IAP编程功能.– 代码加密功能.– 256字节片内直接存取RAM.– 额外768字节片内间接存取RAM(XRAM)通过MOVX指令读写. 时钟源:– 16 MHz高速内部振荡器,电源5.0V条件下±1%精度等级。全工作条件范围±2%精度等级.– 10 kHz低速内部振荡器.– 支持外部时钟输入.– 支持系统时钟即时软件切换(on-the-fly)功能.– 支持软件配置时钟除频最高至1/512. 功能:– 多达17个标准通用管脚,另外还有1个只能做输入的管脚。 所有输出管脚可通过软件配置两种输出斜率(slew rate)N76E003 初版规格书2016年11月7日 第 8 页 总258页 版本. V0.04– 标准外部中断脚 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅及̅̅̅̅̅̅̅– 两组16位定时器/计数器0和1,与标准8051兼容– 一组16位定时器2带有3路输入捕获功能, 9个输入管脚可供选择– 一组16位自动重装载功能定时器3,可用于配置串行口UART的波特率– 一组16位PWM计数中断– 一组看门狗(WDT),由内部10kHz独立时钟作为时钟源– 一组自唤醒功能定时器(WKT),用于低功耗模式下自主唤醒– 两组全双工串口,带有帧错误检测及自动地址辨识功能。 UART0的TXD及RXD脚可通过软件更换管脚位置– 一组SPI总线, 当系统时钟是16MHz时, 主机模式及从机模式最高传输速率皆可达到8Mbps– 一组I2C总线,主机模式及从机模式最高传输速率皆可达到400kbps– 三对, 6通道脉宽调制器(PWM), 10个输出管脚可以选择, 16位分辨率,带有不同的工作模式和故障刹车(Fault Brake)功能– 最多可配置8通道管脚中断功能, 所有的I/O端口都支持此功能, 可通过软件配置边沿或电平触发
上传时间: 2022-08-09
VC技术内幕第五版_English.The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++.
标签: Microsoft continued Internet English
上传时间: 2013-12-08
Programming C#, the top selling book on Microsoft s high-performance C# programming language, is now in its fourth edition. Aimed at experienced programmers and web developers, this comprehensive guide focuses on the features and programming patterns that are new to C#, and fundamental to the programming of web services and web applications on Microsoft s .NET platform.
标签: high-performance Programming programming Microsoft
上传时间: 2015-07-21
VC技术内幕第五版(英文)The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++.
标签: technologie Microsoft continued Internet
上传时间: 2014-11-22
The MATLAB coding style, project options and synthesis directives can have a significant effect on the final results. Knowledge about how a particular algorithm should be implemented in hardware can be reflected in the MATLAB code to improve the results. In doing so, the MATLAB loses a bit of its abstraction but the lower-level MATLAB will infer the desired architecture into the device.
标签: significant directives synthesis project
上传时间: 2013-12-03
java 数据库 功能强大 效率高 SmallSQL Database is a free DBMS library for the Java(tm) platform. It runs on the Java 2 Platform (JDK 1.4 or later) and implements the JDBC 3.0 API. SmallSQL Database is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL). A copy of the licence is included in the distribution. Please note that SmallSQL Database is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the licence for details.
标签: SmallSQL Database platform library
上传时间: 2013-12-19