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  • 一种实用的微机自动配料秤系统

    一种实用的微机自动配料秤系统:介绍一种由单片机构成的配料秤。叙述了秤的传感器、变送器、信号的变换、硬件原理、软件流程以及和DCS 系统构成的单回路调节系统,此系统可广泛地应用于各行业的配料控制中。关键词:配料秤 单片机 单回路调节系统 DCS 系统 Abstract :A proportioning weigher based on single chip computer is introduced. Sensors , transmitters , signal converting , principle of hardware ,software flowchart of proportioning weigher and single loop control system composed with DCS system are emphasized ,this system can be used in proportioning control of various trades extensively.Key Words :Proportioning Weigher ,Single Chip Computer ,Single Loop Control System ,Distributed Control System

    标签: 微机 自动 配料秤

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • USB Demonstration for DK3200 w

    The μPSD32xx family, from ST, consists of Flash programmable system devices with a 8032 MicrocontrollerCore. Of these, the μPSD3234A and μPSD3254A are notable for having a complete implementationof the USB hardware directly on the chip, complying with the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision1.1.This application note describes a demonstration program that has been written for the DK3200 hardwaredemonstration kit (incorporating a μPSD3234A device). It gives the user an idea of how simple it is to workwith the device, using the HID class as a ready-made device driver for the USB connection.IN-APPLICATION-PROGRAMMING (IAP) AND IN-SYSTEM-PROGRAMMING (ISP)Since the μPSD contains two independent Flash memory arrays, the Micro Controller Unit (MCU) can executecode from one memory while erasing and programming the other. Product firmware updates in thefield can be reliably performed over any communication channel (such as CAN, Ethernet, UART, J1850)using this unique architecture. For In-Application-Programming (IAP), all code is updated through theMCU. The main advantage for the user is that the firmware can be updated remotely. The target applicationruns and takes care on its own program code and data memory.IAP is not the only method to program the firmware in μPSD devices. They can also be programmed usingIn-System-Programming (ISP). A IEEE1149.1-compliant JTAG interface is included on the μPSD. Withthis, the entire device can be rapidly programmed while soldered to the circuit board (Main Flash memory,Secondary Boot Flash memory, the PLD, and all configuration areas). This requires no MCU participation.The MCU is completely bypassed. So, the μPSD can be programmed or reprogrammed any time, anywhere, even when completely uncommitted.Both methods take place with the device in its normal hardware environment, soldered to a printed circuitboard. The IAP method cannot be used without previous use of ISP, because IAP utilizes a small amountof resident code to receive the service commands, and to perform the desired operations.

    标签: Demonstration 3200 USB for

    上传时间: 2014-02-27


  • 对带有uPSD3234A的DK3200的USB演示

    The μPSD32xx family, from ST, consists of Flash programmable system devices with a 8032 Microcontroller Core. Of these, the μPSD3234A and μPSD3254A are notable for having a complete implementation of the USB hardware directly on the chip, complying with the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 1.1.This application note describes a demonstration program that has been written for the DK3200 hardware demonstration kit (incorporating a μPSD3234A device). It gives the user an idea of how simple it is to work with the device, using the HID class as a ready-made device driver for the USB connection.

    标签: 3234A uPSD 3234 3200

    上传时间: 2014-04-03


  • Control System of Stepp ingMot

    提出了一个由AT89C52单片机控制步进电机的实例。可以通过键盘输入相关数据, 并根据需要, 实时对步进电机工作方式进行设置, 具有实时性和交互性的特点。该系统可应用于步进电机控制的大多数场合。实践表明, 系统性能优于传统的步进电机控制器。关键词: 单片机; 步进电动机; 直流固态继电器; 实时控制Con trol System of Stepp ingMotor Ba sed on AT89C52 ChipM icrocomputerMENGWu2sheng, L ILiang (College of Automatization, Northwestern Polytechnical Unversity, Xipan 710072, China)ABSTRACT: A stepp ing motor control system based on AT89C52 chip microcomputer was described.The data can be inputwith keyboard, and stepp ingmotorwas controlled by these data. According to the demand, users can set the workingmodel of stepp ingmotor in real2time. This system can be widely used in stepp ing motor controlling. The p ractice showed that the performance of this system outdid the tradi tional stepp ing motor controller.KEY WORDS: Chip microcomputer; Stepp ingmotor; DCSSR; Real2time control

    标签: Control System ingMot Stepp

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 68HC05K0 Infra-red Remote Cont

    The MC68HC05K0 is a low cost, low pin countsingle chip microcomputer with 504 bytes of userROM and 32 bytes of RAM. The MC68HC05K0 isa member of the 68HC05K series of devices whichare available in 16-pin DIL or SOIC packages.It uses the same CPU as the other devices in the68HC05 family and has the same instructions andregisters. Additionally, the device has a 15-stagemulti-function timer and 10 general purposebi-directional I/0 lines. A mask option is availablefor software programmable pull-downs on all ofthe I/O pins and four of the pins are capable ofgenerating interrupts.The device is ideally suited for remote-controlkeyboard applications because the pull-downs andthe interrupt drivers on the port pins allowkeyboards to be built without any externalcomponents except the keys themselves. There isno need for external pull-up or pull-down resistors,or diodes for wired-OR interrupts, as these featuresare already designed into the device.

    标签: Infra-red Remote Cont 05K

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • 基于单片机的汽车多功能报警系统设计

    基于单片机的汽车多功能报警系统设计The Design of Automobile Multi-function AlarmingBased on Single Chip Computer刘法治赵明富宁睡达(河 南 科 技 学 院 ,新 乡 453 00 3)摘要介绍了一种基于单片机控制的汽车多功能报警系统,它能对汽车的润滑系统油压、制动系统气压、冷却系统温度、轮胎欠压及防盗进行自动检测,并在发现异常情况时,发出声光报警。阐述了该报警系统的硬件组成及软件设计方法。关键词单片机传感器数模转换报警Abstract Am ulti-fimctiona utomobilea larnungs ystemb asedo ns inglec hipc omputerco ntorlis in torducedin th isp aper.Th eo ilpr essuero flu bricatesystem, air pressure of braking system, temperature of cooling system, under pressure of tyre and guard against theft, detected automaticaly场thesystem. Audio and visual alarms wil be provided under abnormal conditions厂The hardware composition and software design of the system, described.Keywords Singlec hipc omputer Sensor Digital-t-oanaloguec onversion Alarmin 汽车多功能报苦器硬件系统设计根据 系 统 实际需要和产品性价比,选用ATMEL公司新生产的采用CMOs工艺的低功耗、高性能8位单片机AT89S52作为系统的控制器。AT89S52的片内有8k Bytes LSP Flash闪烁存储器,可进行100(〕次写、擦除操作;256Bytes内部数据存储器(RAM);3 2 根可编程输N输出线;2个可编程全双工串行通道;看门狗(WTD)电路等。系统由传感器、单片机、模数转换器、无线信号发射电路、指示灯驱动电路、声光报警驱动电KD一9563,发出三声二闪光。并触发一个高电平,驱动无线信号发射电路。

    标签: 单片机 汽车 多功能 报警

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 双单片机数据采集系统中TCPIP网络模块的实现

    随着 微 电 子技术的飞速发展,电子产品越来越微型化,集成化,自动化,低廉化,进而推动着其它许多产业的发展。特别进人21世纪以来,生物技术与电子技术的结合,成为高科技领域的研究热点。199()年由瑞士的Manz和Widmer首先提出的“微全分析系统”〔’〕(microto talan alysissy stems,即ptTAS),通俗地称为“建在芯片上的实验室”(Lab on a chip)或简称芯片实验室(Lab chip),主要组成部分为电泳芯片,同时是进样,分离和检测为一体的微型装置,其在电泳实验中的高效检测性能为生物化学分析仪器发展提供了一种借鉴。p.TAS广泛应用于生物医学、环境检测、食品卫生、科学以及国防等众多领域。目前 应 用 的大多为多通道的毛细管电泳芯片,这也是芯片发展的一个必然趋势。这不仅对电泳芯片本身的设计和制作提出了更高的要求,也对传感器和数据处理技术提出了新的挑战。考虑成本,集成度,控制能力以及可靠性方面的因素,本系统采用单片机作为实时数据处理、控制以及通讯的硬件平台。如果系统中既有实时的通信任务,同时又有其他实时任务,采用一个廉价的单片机,资源会比较紧张,不仅实现困难,结构复杂,而且效果可能不满意。而采用高性能的处理器,又浪费了其有效资源,所以本系统采用两个MCU协同工作,以并行/分布式多机的思想,构成了电泳芯 片核心的双单片机系统结构。微全 分 析 系 统 进行的多项实时任务,可以划分为以下 几个模块:①采集模块。负责对外围检验设备进行控 制以及对传送过来的信号进行采集和分析;②交互模 块。通过液晶显示,键盘扫描,以及打印等实现实验人 员对前端采集电路的交互操作;③双单片机控制和通 信模块。协调双单片机之间的数据传输和指令传输 ;④网络传输模块。其中一个单片机通过以太网发送接 收数据到上位机。本文提出一种实时多任务的双单片 机控制和通信系统[31的设计,一个MCU基于TCP /IP网络模块的实现。

    标签: TCPIP 双单片机 数据采集系统 网络模块

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • 基于ST62单片机的称重显示控制器

    一种基于ST62单片机的称重显示控制器A Weighing Display Controller Based on ST62 Single Chip Computer祛 FA(上海时博飞奥控制系统有限公司,上海201100)摘要在介绍了基于ST62单片机的基础上,详细描述了称重显控制器的硬件设计和软件设计思路。该控制器结构简单、操作方便、抗扰能力强等优点;具有较好的推广应用价值。关键词称重显示控制仪ST62单片机硬件设计软件设计Abstract Ont heb asiso fin torductiono fST 62s inglec hipc omputer,th ed esignc oncrptof h ardwarea nds oftwarefo rw eighingd isplayc ontorleris d escrbed.The controler features simple structure, ease operation, powerful capability of anti-interference, etc.,it is wealth to be promoted into practicalapplicationsKeywords We妙吨display0 引言ST62s inglec hip Hardwared esign Softwaer design备 份 振 荡器,振荡器保护电路,上电复位及低压检测复称 重 显 示控制器是一种具有数字显示、开关量输出、定值控制和通信功能的以微机为操作核心的称重控制装置。它是电子衡器的重要基础部件,直接影响电子衡器及电子称重系统的功能和性能。与合适的传感器及承重传力复位系统组合可组成配料秤、料斗秤、定值秤、平台秤、汽车秤等,广泛应用于电力、化工、建筑、冶金、交通运输、食品、军工等部门,是进行自动称重配料控制和生产过程自动化必不可少的重要检测、控制装置。随着 称 重 计量自动化水平的提高,对称重显示控制器的要求也越来越高。为实现低漂移、高稳定,本控制器采用低漂移、高增益放大器AD620和高分辨率的A/D转换器CS5550。为提高稳定性和可靠性,采用集成度高的、抗干扰能力强的ST62单片机。

    标签: ST 62 单片机 称重

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 单片机系统“PC”失控的软件措施

    单片机系统“PC”失控的软件措施Software Measure of GettingO uto fC ontrolfo r“PC"in S ingleC hipC omputerS ystem谧 加 春 王 晓 基 雷 小 华(江 西 理 工 大 学机 电 工 程 学 院 ,赣 州 34 10 00)摘要单片机系统在实际工业现场中可能遇到各种干扰和自身的随机性故障。现场恶劣的环境有可能使计算机系统发生异常,计算机程序指针“PC”失控就是常见的故障之一,如果发生“PC”失控,将导致CPI工作混乱,酿成严重的事故。研究了“PC”失控的原因,并指出软件抗干扰的几种方法,有效保证单片机系统的正常工作。关键词单片机“PC”失控抗干扰Abstract Inp racticalin dustrialfi elds,th ereis v ariousin terferencea fectingo perationo fsi nglec hipc omputersy stemsa ndt hec omputersy stems。fac吨random faults饰themselves. It is very common that the severe environment makes the computer systems abnormal. The program counter "PC"gettingo utof co ntorlis on eo fth ec ommonfa ults.If th isoc curs,C PUw ouldb eru nningo utof or deran din torducesse riousan cient.T hec ausesof " PC"geting out of control, studied in this paper and some countermeasures of anti-interference师software are given to ensure single chip computer systemworking properly.Keywords Single。饰computer Porgramc ounter"P C" Anti-interfeernc 在设 计 和 开发单片机系统时,一般难以周全地预计单片机系统在实际工业现场中可能遇到的各种干扰和自身的随机性故障。因此,除了采取防止和抑制干扰的各项措施外,还应该借助于软件措施克服某些干扰,系统还应具备迅速自行恢复的能力。本文介绍的应对单片机系统PC失控的软件措施,设计灵活,节省硬件资源,能保证测控系统长期可靠地运行。MC S- 5 1单片机以其优良的性能价格比大量应用于工业现场测试和控制领域。但是,现场恶劣的环境有可能使计算机系统发生异常,计算机程序指针PC失控就是常见的故障之一,一旦发生PC“走飞”,计算机系统就会出现工作混乱,酿成严重的事故。为 了 在 CP 失控时尽量减少由此带来的不利影响,并尽快使系统恢复正常,需要采取一定的软件措施和硬件措施。常见的硬件措施有“看门狗”电路。软件措施设置的前提条件是:①在干扰作用下,微机系统硬件部分不会受到任何损坏,或者损坏部分设置有监测状态可供查询;②程序区不会受到干扰侵害。单片机系统的程序和表格以及重要的参数均设置在ROM区,不会因干扰的侵人而改变;③ RAM区中的重要数据不会被破坏,或者虽然被破坏,但是可以重新建立。

    标签: 单片机系统 软件

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • 《器件封装用户向导》赛灵思产品封装资料

    Introduction to Xilinx Packaging Electronic packages are interconnectable housings for semiconductor devices. The major functions of the electronic packages are to provide electrical interconnections between the IC and the board and to efficiently remove heat generated by the device. Feature sizes are constantly shrinking, resulting in increased number of transistors being packed into the device. Today's submicron technology is also enabling large-scale functional integration and system-on-a-chip solutions. In order to keep pace with these new advancements in silicon technologies, semiconductor packages have also evolved to provide improved device functionality and performance. Feature size at the device level is driving package feature sizes down to the design rules of the early transistors. To meet these demands, electronic packages must be flexible to address high pin counts, reduced pitch and form factor requirements. At the same time,packages must be reliable and cost effective.

    标签: 封装 器件 用户 赛灵思

    上传时间: 2013-10-22
