We intend to develop a wifi enabled p2p file sharing system on a linux platform using jxta and java. The purpose is to build a system that can be ported to an embedded device at a later stage and be used for p2p file sharing using the 802.11b standard. 我们旨在Linux平台上使用jxta 和java来开发一个支持wifi的p2p文件共享系统。其目的是建造一个以后可以移植到嵌入式设备的系统,使用802.11b标准进行p2p文件共享。 来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-p2p-wifi/
标签: platform develop enabled sharing
上传时间: 2015-01-20
My own developer board for S3C44b0x ACCEL EDA15.00 shematic and pcb
标签: developer S3C44b0x shematic ACCEL
上传时间: 2014-02-22
tiny Web-server based on OpenTCP for MB90F497 Fujitsu and CS8900A Etnernet driver
标签: Web-server Etnernet OpenTCP Fujitsu
上传时间: 2015-01-21
ON(Voice Over Net)语音聊天控件是为了简化网上语音聊天室开发过程而定制的, 基于Microsoft ActiveX技术的ActiveX控件,语音清晰,支持各种网络带宽。同样 也适用于局域网电话系统等各种需要语音传输的系统通信系统。可在各种支持 ActiveX技术的开发平台中使用,例如网页,Visual Basic,Visual C++,Delphi, PowerBuilder等。
上传时间: 2014-12-06
Java/J2EE application framework based on [Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development] by Rod Johnson. Includes JavaBeans-based configuration, an AOP framework, declarative transaction management, JDBC and Hibernate support, and a web MVC framework.
标签: Development application One-on-One framework
上传时间: 2014-01-09
a zipped example of communication between the Cerebellum 16f877 pic board and the CMUcam. There are plenty of comments in the code.
标签: communication Cerebellum the example
上传时间: 2013-12-16
Tutorial on data access using store procedure for MSSQL
标签: procedure Tutorial access MSSQL
上传时间: 2013-11-25
Tutorial on ms office automation with vb .net
标签: automation Tutorial office with
上传时间: 2014-01-02
Tutorial on transfer binary data using vb .net
标签: Tutorial transfer binary using
上传时间: 2014-07-21
中华软件联盟--留言系统1.0 演示地址:http://bbs.on-line.cn/UploadFile/2004115213938136.html 下载地址:http://bbs.on-line.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=27&id=5032 程序由Asp+Access开发. 非常方便实用且界面美观的一个留言系统, 程序经过sql防注处理. 部份修改方法:顶部请修改head.js,底部信息请修改foot.js 如在使用中有发现BUG请与感觉联系.我将近一近改善。 后台帐号:admin 后台密码:downbest.net 为了安全,使用时请马上修改数据库名,修改在dbconnnect目录下的两个asp文件. 数据库文件为:db/gbook.mdb 希望你常来本站下载软件. 中国在线论坛(http://bbs.on-line.cn)
标签: on-line http 2004115213938136 UploadFile
上传时间: 2015-01-30