This is the compiled java norms, these norms of a good programmer is very often used. this ia a test programe
标签: norms programmer compiled often
上传时间: 2013-12-10
This is the compiled java norms, these norms of a good programmer is very often used
标签: norms programmer compiled often
上传时间: 2017-06-03
This is the compiled java norms, these norms of a good programmer is very often used
标签: norms programmer compiled often
上传时间: 2017-06-03
This is the compiled java norms, these norms of a good programmer is very often used
标签: norms programmer compiled often
上传时间: 2014-01-16
Feeding antennas with proper signals can be difficult. The signal is often described as a voltage, and voltages are not well defined in electromagnetic wave formulations. There are several tricks to model voltage generators in such situations, and one is the magnetic frill. This model shows the basic steps of defining a magnetic frill voltage generator for a dipole antenna, and it also compares the resulting antenna impedance with known results.
标签: difficult described antennas Feeding
上传时间: 2013-12-25
Feeding antennas with proper signals can be difficult. The signal is often described as a voltage, and voltages are not well defined in electromagnetic wave formulations. There are several tricks to model voltage generators in such situations, and one is the magnetic frill. This model shows the basic steps of defining a magnetic frill voltage generator for a dipole antenna, and it also compares the resulting antenna impedance with known results.
标签: difficult described antennas Feeding
上传时间: 2013-12-21
data are often used interchangeably, they are actually very different. Data is a set of unrelated information, and as such is of no use until it is properly evaluated. Upon evaluation, once there is some significant relation between data, and they show some relevance, then they are converted into information. Now this same data can be used for different purposes. Thus, till the data convey some information, t
标签: interchangeably are different unrelated
上传时间: 2017-09-26
Abstract: Most magnetic read head data sheets do not fully specify the frequency-dependent components andare often vague when specifying other key parameters. In some cases, the specifications of two very similarheads from two different manufacturers might be quite different in terms of parameters specified and omitted.The limitations in the data sheets make designing an optimum card reading system unnecessarily difficult andtime consuming. This document outlines a strategy to overcome the above shortcomings and offers guidelinesto overcome the noise issues.
上传时间: 2013-11-13
With more and more multi-frequency clocks being used in today's chips, especially in the communications field, it is often necessary to switch the source of a clock line while the chip is running.
上传时间: 2013-10-10
Precision 16-bit analog outputs with softwareconfigurableoutput ranges are often needed in industrialprocess control equipment, analytical and scientificinstruments and automatic test equipment. In the past,designing a universal output module was a daunting taskand the cost and PCB real estate associated with thisfunction were problematic, if not prohibitive.
上传时间: 2014-12-23