Introduction to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): RFID is a wireless modulation and demodulation technique for automatic identification of objects, tracking goods, smart logistics, and access con- trol. RFID is a contactless, usually short‐distance transmission and reception technique for unique ID data transfer from a tagged object to an interrogator (reader). The generic configuration of an RFID system comprises (i) an ID data‐carrying tag, (ii) a reader, (iii) a middleware, and (iv) an enterprise application.
标签: Chipless_Radio_Frequency_Identifi cation
上传时间: 2020-06-08
RFID (radio-frequency identification) is the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio-frequencyelectromagnetic fields to transfer datafrom a tag attached to an object, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking [38]. The basic technologies for RFID have been around for a long time. Its root can be traced back to an espionage device designed in 1945 by Leon Theremin of the Soviet Union,whichretransmittedincidentradiowaves modulatedwith audioinformation. After decades of development, RFID systems have gain more and more attention from both the research community and the industry.
标签: Infrastructure RFID as an
上传时间: 2020-06-08
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a type of automatic identification systems which has gained popularity in recent years for being fast and reliable in keeping track of the individual objects. In RFID systems, contactless object identification is achieved using radio signals without the need for physical contact as the case with other existing identification technologies such as barcodes. Therefore, a huge number of items can be identified in a short amount of time with high reliability and low cost which makes the RFID technology very attractive for a wide range of applications such as supply chain management, e-health, monitoring humans, pets, animals, and many other objects, toll control, and electrical tagging. Furthermore, RFID technology eliminates the human error and reduces the total cost of the products.
上传时间: 2020-06-08
本书从基本概念出发,全面讲解了Delphi各方面的知识,其内容包括安装Delphi 6,Object Pascal语言的基本语法和Object Pascal技术,窗体的使用,各种常用组件的属性、事件和方法,对话框设计,图形图像编程,文件管理,调试程序和错误处理,高级组件的使用,多媒体应用,API函数的使用,数据库以及网络编程等。这些涉及到使用程序设计的各方面的知识,本书都有详细的实例说明,有的实例比较简单,有些比较复杂,这样既可以使读者学到Delphi的相关知识,也可以学到一些编程技巧,为日后实际应用打下基础。本书适合Delphi初学者系统地学习,也可供软件开发人员参考。
标签: Delphi
上传时间: 2021-01-12
本书从Delphi的基础操作入手,介绍了如何使用Delphi进行程序设计,并介绍了Delphi 的常用控件和Object Pascal语言的相关知识。全书由循序渐进的30个例子构成,每个例子都涉及Delphi的一个或几个方面,将知识点的讲解融进每个例子,每个例子都能实现完整的功能。通过实例的学习,读者既能掌握Delphi编程的基本方法,又能够体会到编程的乐趣。本书附一张互动多媒体光盘,光盘中演示了所有实例的操作过程,同时提供了交互式的环境,读者在光盘界面中操作步骤的提示下,可以亲自动手做完每个实例。本书适合作为初学者的自学材料。书中关于编程的经验与技巧的讲解,特别是关于控件设置方法和开发技巧方面经验的总结,对有经验的程序员也有很好的参考价值。
标签: Delphi
上传时间: 2021-01-13
本书从Delphi的基础操作入手,介绍了如何使用Delphi进行程序设计,并介绍了Delphi 的常用控件和Object Pascal语言的相关知识。全书由循序渐进的30个例子构成,每个例子都涉及Delphi的一个或几个方面,将知识点的讲解融进每个例子,每个例子都能实现完整的功能。通过实例的学习,读者既能掌握Delphi编程的基本方法,又能够体会到编程的乐趣。本书附一张互动多媒体光盘,光盘中演示了所有实例的操作过程,同时提供了交互式的环境,读者在光盘界面中操作步骤的提示下,可以亲自动手做完每个实例。本书适合作为初学者的自学材料。书中关于编程的经验与技巧的讲解,特别是关于控件设置方法和开发技巧方面经验的总结,对有经验的程序员也有很好的参考价值
标签: Delphi7
上传时间: 2021-09-15
欧母龙PLC例程PLC控制器源码255个合集:1600T俄罗斯压力机.rar200吨压机程序 omron 的机子C系列的.rar3MK136旧磨床现程序.rar3电机延时控制启停.rar5V编码器信号如何接入CP1H高数计数案例.rar6路抢答器源码.rar902002 OMRON.rarASCII Generic Protocol Macro Object Code.zipASCII Generic Protocol Macro.zipC3电枢异物吸引.rarCalendar Calculation.zipcarbon.rarCompact Flash Memory Write.zipCounter Multiplex.zipcp1h 高速计数触发中断注意点.rarcp1h-x40用在非标饮料线上的程序,有注解.rarCP1H与爱默生温控模块的通讯程序.rarCP1L and CP1H EasyModbus FB.zipCPM1A编写的赞扬15T立式注塑机.rarCPM2A Interupt High Speed Counting Sample.zipCPM2A自身时钟六个时间段触发程序.rarCQM1 Host Link Master.zipCQM1H 21的例子程序,有温度压力等PID控制。.rarCQMaster.swp.zipCS CJ CP NSJ password set.zipCS1 C Mode Hostlink.zipCS1-CJ1 Floating Point to Fixed Point Conversion for HMI.zipcub.rarCX-Programmer Ver.5 Introduction Guide R120-E1-01..zipCX-Programmer Ver.5 Introduction to Function Blocks Guide R121-E1-01.zipC_Mode_Hostlink.zipDeviceNet Explicit Message Example.zipdieban.rarEasy to use Modbus RTU Master for CP1L CP1H CJ1 CJ2 CS1.zipExample of Using Daylight Saving FB's.zipExample Scale Meter Protocol.zipFB Calculate Day Of Week.zipFB Day light savings function block.zipFB Extract Time Date into SecMin Hr Day Mth Yr.zipFB Scale with parameters.zipGKF1250离心机CXP.rargkf1250离心机cxpgkf离心机omron.rarJH21-200程序.rarLED液压机.rarlogging+ filewrite.ziplpr-des.rarModbus Protocol Macro Object Code.zipModbus Protocol Macro.zipModbus RTU Sample Code CJ1-SCB.rarModbus TCP Client using FB's.zipOmron CS1 Sequencer.zipOMRON E6CP绝对值编码器使用实例。编码器为8位格雷码输出.rarOmron Modbus Slave Ladder.zipOmron Plc 变频一带三例程.rarOMRON PLC编程示范.raromron--MOV傳送指令.raromron-cs1g-h-cpu42日本机的程序.rarOmron_CJ2_to_AB_EIP_Tag_Datalink_Example.rarOMRON接驳台.rarOMRON控制2伺服.rarOMRON温度,压力模拟量输入程序.rarOMRON照明设备程序.raromron的PLC案例程序.rarOMRON程序举例.rarOMRON程序举例2.rarOMRON纸病分析系统-PLC程序(CJ1G).zipomron脉冲输出到驱动器的程序.rarPCB 沉铜线程序.rarPID温度控制的PLC程序设计实例.rarPinstamp.zipPLC Clock adjustment with screen.zipPLC锰钢程序cpm2a.zipPolls and Writes setpoints to E5CK Process Controller - E5CK.swp.zipPRO9连拉.rarProcess states sequence logics.zipQuadrature Input for Standard CPM1A DC Inputs.zipRandom Number Generator.zipScaling in CJ1 CS1 PLC's.zipSMS - GSM PLC Communications.zipsony 公司 某机台控制程序.rarStepNext.cpt.zipSTUP Example.zipTemplate for Step-Step Next Sequence.zipToggle Button.zipTracking product on conveyor.zipTXD-RXD Quickstart Programs.zipTXD-RXD Serial Port Handling.zipUseable timer.zipV600-E5CK.zipV700-V720 RFID Protocol Macro.zipVB与OMRON PLC通讯源码.rarWoodwood Controler Example Protocol Program.zipYH32-315油压机程序.rar一个CJ1M的程序.rar一个OMRON程序,带位置控制模块.rar一个生产线上润滑控制的小程序.rar一些简单的cpm1a程序.rar一控三恒压供水程序.rar三层提升机欧姆龙CQM1H程序.rar三菱400吨和200号冲床程序.rar上海产自动模切机飞达部程序.zip上海狮印全自动啤机程序.rar东芝压铸机梯形图.rar两步法吹瓶机.rar乡林剪台.rar买书的随书样例.rar井研磨边机.rar交通灯注释全.rar今机立式注塑机程序.rar伺服电机正反转控制.rar位置控制(旋转编码器与PLC).rar充磁机程序.rar先启后停 后启先停 事例.rar冲床程序.rar分拣线主机一个CJ1M的分拣线程序下挂CP1H.rar利慧利乐灌装机程序.rar刮水器停止位置检查程序.rar力泰翻胚机程序.rar北人04印刷机程序.rar北人LQD10骑马装订程序.rar半自动吹瓶机的程.rar南京印刷机.zip卡板程式.rar压制机程序(带解释,注释).rar压力机控制程序.rar原创液压机程序带注释欧姆龙PLC加信捷文本.rar原点搜索程序.rar双翻分拣机.rar双边机.rar反渗透整套PLC控制.rar台湾产染色机欧姆龙PLC带3只IO扩展控制程序.rar台湾大拉无板.rar啤酒厂酒瓶美容机.rar四川绵阳建丰热磨工段.rar在用设备程序.rar垂直涂布.rar外端子设计数值.rar大型热电厂 PLC程序(带注解).rar大摇动超声波清洗机.rar大连75密练注释程序.rar安呼12级.rar富佳扶梯程序.rar对齐度编程!!.rar小车控制程序.rar小车送料”例程.rar广东锻压气压冲床程序(80T)有详细注解.rar广告牌灯箱.rar微电机刷簧自动组装程序.rar微粉砖自动送料带OMRON CQM2A+扩展程序带注释.rar意大利进口皮革压花.rar扎钢机程序.rar打包机.rar拔盖机.rar拨码控制.rar挡砖磨边机(新1).rar捷豹空压机控制程序.rar接木机.rar控制程序例子.rar推挂.rar攻丝机2(新).rar料位显示.rar旋转门控制程序1.rar无协议.rar无心磨床(OMRON系统,带机械手有详细注解).rar无线胶装机欧姆龙程序.zip日本人编的程序 抛光研磨.rar日本成型磨床控制程序(附注释)欧姆龙CPM1A.rar板坯定厚.rar样例,有注释.rar模拟量试验.rar欧姆龙CJ1M铬化机程序带注释.rar欧姆龙CP1H例程.rar欧姆龙CPM1A的PLC.rar欧姆龙CPM2AH PLC和欧姆龙NTZ触摸屏编写的超声波清洗机程序..rar欧姆龙CPM2AH Host Link通讯程序(发布源码).rar
上传时间: 2021-10-22
PADS Layout 的用户接口具有非常易于使用和有效的特点。PADS Layout 在满足专业用户需要的同时,还考虑到一些初次使用PCB 软件的用户需求。教程的这节将将覆盖以下内容:· 使用PADS Layout 进行交互操作· 工作空间的使用· 设置栅格(Grids)· 使用取景(Pan)和缩放(Zoom)· 面向目标(Object Oriented)的选取方式
标签: pads
上传时间: 2021-11-28
高清电子书-C++ Primer Plus, 第6版英文版 1438页Learning C++ is an adventure of discovery, particularly because the language accommodates several programming paradigms, including object-oriented programming, generic programming, and the traditional procedural programming.The fifth edition of this book described the language as set forth in the ISO C++ standards, informally known as C++99 and C++03, or, sometimes as C++99/03. (The 2003 version was largely a technical correction to the 1999 standard and didn’t add any new features.) Since then, C++ continues to evolve.As this book is written, the international C++ Standards Committee has just approved a new version of the standard.This standard had the informal name of C++0x while in development, and now it will be known as C++11. Most contemporary compilers support C++99/03 quite well, and most of the examples in this book comply with that standard. But many features of the new standard already have appeared in some implementations, and this edition of C++ Primer Plus explores these new features. C++ Primer Plus discusses the basic C language and presents C++ features, making this book self-contained. It presents C++ fundamentals and illustrates them with short, to-the-point programs that are easy to copy and experiment with.You learn about input/output (I/O), how to make programs perform repetitive tasks and make choices, the many ways to handle data, and how to use functions.You learn about the many features C++ has added to C, including the followi
标签: C++
上传时间: 2022-02-19
1.bus indices out of range 总线分支索引超出范围2.Bus range syntax errors 总线范围的语法错误3.Illegal bus range values 非法的总线范围值4.Illegal bus definitions 定义的总线非法5.Mismatched bus label ordering 总线分支网络标号错误排序6.Mismatched bus/wire object on wire/bus 总线/导线错误的连接导线/总线
标签: Altium Designer
上传时间: 2022-04-17