PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation) PlotSphereIntensity(azimuth, elevation, intensity) h = PlotSphereIntensity(...) Plots the intensity (as color) of a number of points on a unit sphere. Input: azimuth (phi), in degrees elevation (theta), in degrees intensity (optional, if not provided, a green sphere is produced) All inputs must be vectors or matrices of the same size. Data does not have to be evenly spaced. When there aren t enough points to draw a smooth sphere, additional points (with color) are interpolated. Output: h - a handle to the patch object The axes are also plotted: positive x axis is red positive y axis is green positive z axis is blue
标签: PlotSphereIntensity elevation azimuth intensity
上传时间: 2014-01-15
Part 1. OO Techniques (面向对象技术) Chapter 1. OO Software Development (面向对象软件开发) Chapter 2. Case Study--OO in C++ (C++面向对象程序设计实例) Part 2. Object-Oriented Programming (面向对象程序设计) Chapter 3. Basic C++ Programming (C++程序设计基础) Chapter 4. Object-Oriented C++ Programming (C++面向对象程序设计) Chapter 5. Java Programming Overview (Java程序设计简介)
标签: Chapter Development Techniques Software
上传时间: 2016-05-01
非常适合内嵌式mp3播放,例如控制台!注意看压缩包里readme.doc 详细过程,在ARM及MIPS下通过 新建一个 wce application,选择 a simple windows ce application 在 1.tool->options->directories>include files里包含必要的头文件 D:\WINCE500\pubilc\directx\SDK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\SDK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\OAK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\DDK\INC 2. >Library files D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\DIRECTX\SDK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\COMMON\SDK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL 3.可能要在Project->Settings->link的object/library modules 加入 commctrl.lib coredll.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib strmiids.lib newres.h play.cpp play.vcw resource.h StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h 下面为播放源码 #include "stdafx.h" #include<dshow.h> #include<streams.h> .......其实编译时的 object/library modules 只要看 sourse 文件包含哪个dll,或lib 就行
标签: application windows readme simple
上传时间: 2016-05-05
Refer to the UML diagram above and implement the Course class. After you define the Course class, you must create a Course object with the following details: Programming I, WXES1114, taught by SMT. Besides, your program must test all the accessor and mutator methods you had defined and the toString() method. toString() method is a special method inherited from the Object class. You have to override this method to display all the information about a course.
标签: Course the class implement
上传时间: 2014-01-26
由三星的2442修改而来,正确引导eboot,请注意用三星公版的硬件配置,具体可以参考QQ2440,因为我在些平台上跑过,具体操作 settings : post-linker:选择为 ARM fromELF 2.ARM assembler与 ARM c Compiler 的 architecture or processor 选择为:ARM920T 3.ARM linker的 output:RO base为 0x00000000 (当仿真时为:0x30000000),layout的 object/sysmbol:为2440init.o section:Init 4.ARM fromELF 的 output:format:plain binary , output file name:nboot.bin 下面为全部源码,注意用ADS编译 2442addr.h 2442init.s 2442lib.c 2442lib.h 2442loader-1208.c 2442slib.h 2442slib.s Def.h k9s1208_s.s Nand.h Nand_mini.c Option.h
标签: post-linker settings target eboot
上传时间: 2016-05-06
delphi经典入门教程 ---------- Delphi是全新的可视化编程环境,为我们提供了一种方便、快捷的Windows应用程序开发工具。它使用了Microsoft Windows图形用户界面的许多先进特性和设计思想,采用了弹性可重复利用的完整的面向对象程序语言(Object-Oriented Language)、当今世界上最快的编辑器、最为领先的数据库技术。对于广大的程序开发人员来讲,使用Delphi开发应用软件,无疑会大大地提高编程效率,而且随着应用的深入,您将会发现编程不再是枯燥无味的工作——Delphi的每一个设计细节,都将带给您一份欣喜。
上传时间: 2014-01-23
s file contains the Joone Distributed training Environment (DTE). See to learn more about it. To learn more about Joone - Java Object Oriented Neural Engine: Joone and the DTE are both released with the LGPL license @2004 Paolo Marrone and the Joone team - All rights reserved ==================================================================== Credits The Joone DTE uses the following external packages: - SUN Jini Network Technology - Computefarm Framework - Spring Framework We want to thank all the authors and contributors of the above packages. Please read the respective licenses contained in this distribution.
标签: Distributed Environment jooneworld contains
上传时间: 2013-12-25
简单的通信录,利用DAO(Data Access Object)应用编程接口访问Access数据库
标签: 通信
上传时间: 2016-06-02
Solution Manual for Programming with Objects c++ and java Programming with Objects: A Comparative Presentation of Object Oriented Programmming
标签: Programming Objects with Comparative
上传时间: 2014-01-20
AS2Debug是为了弥补flash自带的trace的不足而制作的,增加了一下几个主要功能 1.对object和Array做了解析,能输出包含的具体数据和类型 2.对movieclip做了处理,使用digMc方法,可以方便的输出包含的所有子影片的详细信息 3.增加了信息分类和染色(分为trace,info,error,waring四种)
上传时间: 2014-12-03