《Head First Java》是本完整的面向对象(objeCt-oriented,OO)程序设计和Java的学习指导。此书是根据学习理论所设计的,让你可以从学习程序语言的基础开始一直到包括线程、网络与分布式程序等项目。最重要的,你会学会如何像个面向对象开发者一样去思考。
标签: objeCt-oriented First Head Java
上传时间: 2013-12-27
《Head First Java》是本完整的面向对象(objeCt-oriented,OO)程序设计和Java的学习指导。此书是根据学习理论所设计的,让你可以从学习程序语言的基础开始一直到包括线程、网络与分布式程序等项目。最重要的,你会学会如何像个面向对象开发者一样去思考。
标签: objeCt-oriented First Head Java
上传时间: 2013-12-26
TOOL (Tiny Object Oriented Language) is an easily-embedded, objeCt-oriented, C++-like-language interpreter. The language, and indeed a significant part of the core of the TOOL engine, is based on the BOB project, a work that was originally developed by David Betz covered in previously published issues of Dr. Dobb s Journal.
标签: easily-embedded objeCt-oriented like-language Language
上传时间: 2016-01-30
An objeCt-oriented C++ implementation of Davidson method for finding a few selected extreme eigenpairs of a large, sparse, real, symmetric matrix
标签: objeCt-oriented implementation Davidson eigenpai
上传时间: 2014-01-09
候捷 inside object Oriented C
上传时间: 2016-04-02
ET++ is a portable and homogenous objeCt-oriented class library integrating user interface building blocks, basic data structures, and high level application framework components. ET++ eases the building of highly interactive applications with consistent user interfaces following the direct manipulation principle. The ET++ class library is implemented in C++ and can be used on several operating systems and window system platforms. Since its initial conception the class library has been continuously redesigned and improved. It started with an architecture which was close to MacApp. During several iterations a new and unique architecture evolved. A byproduct of the ET++ project is a set of tools, which were designed to support the exploration of ET++ applications at run-time. 设计模式一书引用的主要参考例程,一个跨平台的应用框架,基于C++实现,是学习面向对象的经典源码.
标签: objeCt-oriented integrating homogenous interface
上传时间: 2016-04-15
C++ source code for book-C++ and Object Oriented Numeric computing for scientists and engineers
标签: scientists and for computing
上传时间: 2016-07-12
objeCt-oriented languages define objects (types of things) that know how to perform methods (specific actions). Functional languages treat programming problems like mathematical relationships. Ruby is flexible, meaning that you can program in any of these styles however, it is primarily object oriented, with some strong functional influence. This book focuses slightly more on the functional aspects of Ruby than some other books.
标签: objeCt-oriented languages objects methods
上传时间: 2016-08-05
Data Structures and Algorithms with objeCt-oriented Design Pattern in C++ 国外经典C++原版书库《数据结构与算法:面向对象的C++设计模式》/(美)Bruno R.Preiss著 胡广斌等译 十分经典、难得!
标签: objeCt-oriented Algorithms Structures Pattern
上传时间: 2013-12-21
COOOL:CWP面向对象最优化库(CWP Object Oriented Optimization Library) COOOL是C++类的一个集合,使用这些类可实现许多最优化算法,还包含一个测试函数集合,可用于评估新的最优化算法。
标签: COOOL Optimization CWP Oriented
上传时间: 2016-08-27