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  • SOME BACKGROUND ON DESIGN PATTERNS The term “design patterns” sounds a bit formal to the uninitiate

    SOME BACKGROUND ON DESIGN PATTERNS The term “design patterns” sounds a bit formal to the uninitiated and can be somewhat off-putting when you first encounter it. But, in fact, design patterns are just convenient ways of reusing objeCt-oriented code between projects and between programmers. The idea behind design patterns is simple-- write down and catalog common interactions between objects that programmers have frequently found useful.

    标签: BACKGROUND uninitiate PATTERNS patterns

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 學會一個程式語言

    學會一個程式語言,是一回事兒;學會如何以此語言設計並實作出有效的程式,又是一回事兒。C++ 尤其如此,因為它很不尋常地涵蓋了罕見的威力和豐富的表現力,不但建立在一個全功能的傳統語言(C)之上,更提供極為廣泛的物件導向(objeCt-oriented)性質,以及對templates 和exceptions(異常狀態)的支援。

    标签: 程式

    上传时间: 2013-12-09


  • Learn how to leverage a key Java technology used to access relational data from Java programs, in

    Learn how to leverage a key Java technology used to access relational data from Java programs, in an Oracle environment. Author Donald Bales begins by teaching you the mysteries of establishing database connections, and how to issue SQL queries and get results back. You ll move on to advanced topics such as streaming large objects, calling PL/procedures, and working with Oracle9i s objeCt-oriented features, then finish with a look at transactions, concurrency management, and performance

    标签: Java technology relational leverage

    上传时间: 2017-08-02


  • Cocoa Framework 简称Cocoa

    Cocoa Framework 简称Cocoa,它是Mac OS X 上的快速应用程序开发(RAD, Rapid Application Development)框 架,一个高度面向对象的(Object Oriented)开发框架。无论您是资深的Mac 开发人员,还是即将踏入Mac 开发世 界的新新人类,Cocoa 都是您开发应用程序的瑞士军刀、乐高积木,它是您构建Mac OS X 应用程序最强大、最高 效的工具。值得一提的是,苹果公司之所以能够开发出众多顶级软件,其实也正是因为有着Cocoa 这个秘密武器。 Cocoa 是Mac OS X 上原生支持的应用程序开发框架,苹果公司强烈推荐所有Mac 开发人员使用。

    标签: Cocoa Framework

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • If you are a C++ programmer who desires a fuller understanding of what is going on "under the hood,"

    If you are a C++ programmer who desires a fuller understanding of what is going on "under the hood," then Inside the C++ Object Model is for you! Inside the C++ Object Model focuses on the underlying mechanisms that support objeCt-oriented programming within C++: constructor semantics, temporary generation, support for encapsulation, inheritance, and "the virtuals"-virtual functions and virtual inheritance. This book shows how your understanding the underlying implementation models can help you code more efficiently and with greater confidence. Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then explains how the various implementation models arose, points out areas in which they are likely to evolve, and why they are what they are. He covers the semantic implications of the C++ object model and how that model affects your programs.

    标签: understanding programmer desires fuller

    上传时间: 2017-09-25


  • SystemC_tutorial

    This tutorial will focus on the strong connection between C++ and SystemC by making the analogy between Hardware modeling and objeCt-oriented modeling. The first section will look at the creation of Hardware components in C++. The second section will highlight the benefits of a SystemC implementation. Lastly, a worked example will allow you to gain experience with the steps involved in the creation, and simulation, of a SystemC design. 

    标签: systemc

    上传时间: 2015-06-25


  • Essential+C++


    标签: Essential+C++

    上传时间: 2019-06-10



    PADS Layout 的用户接口具有非常易于使用和有效的特点。PADS Layout 在满足专业用户需要的同时,还考虑到一些初次使用PCB 软件的用户需求。教程的这节将将覆盖以下内容:· 使用PADS Layout 进行交互操作· 工作空间的使用· 设置栅格(Grids)· 使用取景(Pan)和缩放(Zoom)· 面向目标(Object Oriented)的选取方式

    标签: pads

    上传时间: 2021-11-28


  • 高清电子书-C++ Primer Plus 第6版英文版 1438页

    高清电子书-C++ Primer Plus, 第6版英文版 1438页Learning C++ is an adventure of discovery, particularly because the language accommodates several programming paradigms, including objeCt-oriented programming, generic programming, and the traditional procedural programming.The fifth edition of this book described the language as set forth in the ISO C++ standards, informally known as C++99 and C++03, or, sometimes as C++99/03. (The 2003 version was largely a technical correction to the 1999 standard and didn’t add any new features.) Since then, C++ continues to evolve.As this book is written, the international C++ Standards Committee has just approved a new version of the standard.This standard had the informal name of C++0x while in development, and now it will be known as C++11. Most contemporary compilers support C++99/03 quite well, and most of the examples in this book comply with that standard. But many features of the new standard already have appeared in some implementations, and this edition of C++ Primer Plus explores these new features. C++ Primer Plus discusses the basic C language and presents C++ features, making this book self-contained. It presents C++ fundamentals and illustrates them with short, to-the-point programs that are easy to copy and experiment with.You learn about input/output (I/O), how to make programs perform repetitive tasks and make choices, the many ways to handle data, and how to use functions.You learn about the many features C++ has added to C, including the followi

    标签: C++

    上传时间: 2022-02-19


  • Head First Java.第二版.中文完整高清版

    《HeadFirstJava》是一本完整地面向对象(objeCt-oriented,OO)程序设计和Java的学习指导用书,根据学习理论所设计,你可以从程序语言的基础开始,到线程、网络与分布式程序等项目。重要的是,你可以学会如何像一个面向对象开发者一样去思考,而且不只是读死书。  在这里,你可以会玩游戏、拼图、解谜题以及以意想不到的方式与Java交互。  在这些活动中,你还会写出一堆真正的Java程序,如一个船舰炮战游戏和一个网络聊天程序等等。  “HeadFirst系列”图文并茂学习方式能让你快速地在脑海中掌握住知识,敞开心胸准备好学习这些关键性的主题:  ★Java程序语言  ★面向对象程序开发  ★Swing图形化接口  ★使用JavaAPI函数库  ★编写、测试与布署应用程序  ★处理异常;多线程  ★网络程序设计  ★集合与泛型

    标签: java

    上传时间: 2022-06-12
