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  • GSM+Networks

    Someone who wants to get to know the customs of a country frequently receives the advice to learn the language of that country. Why? Because the dif- ferences that distinguish the people of one country from those of another are reflected in the language. For example, the people of the islands of the Pacific do not have a term for war in their language. Similarly, some native tribes in the rain forests of the Amazon use up to 100 different terms for the color green.

    标签: Networks GSM

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks

    With the rapid growth in the number of wireless applications, services and devices, using a single wireless technology such as a second generation (2G) and third gener- ation (3G) wireless system would not be efficient to deliver high speed data rate and quality-of-service (QoS) support to mobile users in a seamless way. The next genera- tion wireless systems (also sometimes referred to as Fourth generation (4G) systems) are being devised with the vision of heterogeneity in which a mobile user/device will be able to connect to multiple wireless networks (e.g., WLAN, cellular, WMAN) simultaneously. 

    标签: Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Access

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • High-Altitude+Platforms

    This book was conceived in such a special way. From our experience, and despite the increasing interest that we perceived amongst the research community in HAPS, there was not any book in the market entirely devoted to HAPS. We could only find some satellite communications books including only fragments related to HAPS, covering the ‘generalities’. A need for a reference book which could highlight state- of-the-art HAPS-related topics was therefore envisaged. Moreover, most of the information related to HAPS could only be found in technical reports, official recommendations, conference proceedings and journal papers. 

    标签: High-Altitude Platforms

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • History of Wireless

    The  motivation to write about the History  of  Wireless comes from Auguste Comte (1798-1857), a French philosopher who is termed the father  of  positivism and modem sociology  [Les Maximes d'Auguste Comte  (Auguste Comte's Mottos),  http://www.membres.lycos.fr/clotilde/l: On  ne connaitpas complgtement une science tant qu'on n'en saitpas l'histoire. (One does not know completely a science as long as one does not  know  its history.)

    标签: Wireless History of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • IMS+Multimedia+Telephony+over+Cellular+Systems

    This preface is somewhat different from prefaces found in similar books because it does not focus so much on the content of the book.We have instead chosen to write a few words about our own experiences from working with telephony services over Internet Protocol (IP). Here are our stories.

    标签: Multimedia Telephony Cellular Systems over IMS

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Indoor Radio Planning A Practical Guide for GSM

    This book is intended for the RF planners, to serve as a practical tool in their daily work designing indoor radio distribution systems. It is not a complete book about all the deep aspects and corners of GSM, DCS, UMTS and HSPA networks, or all the core network systems. It is dedicated to the last 10–70 m of the network, the indoor air interface between the mobile user and the indoor mobile network.

    标签: Practical Planning Indoor Guide Radio GSM for

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Introduction to Communications Technologies

    Our original effort in writing this book was to create a starting point for those in the business community who did not have a high level of technical expertise but needed to have some understanding of the technical functions of their information and communication technologies (ICT) in a corporate environment. As was true with the first edition of this book, if you are already an engineer, find some other form of pleasure reading—this text is not designed for you!

    标签: Communications Introduction Technologies to

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • LAN Switching and Wireless

    Your Cisco Networking Academy Course Booklet is designed as a study resource you can easily read, high- light, and review on the go, wherever the Internet is not available or practical: ■ The text is extracted directly, word-for-word, from the online course so you can highlight important points and take notes in the “Your Chapter notes” section. ■ Headings with the exact page correlations provide a quick reference to the online course for your class- room discussions and exam preparation. ■ An icon system directs you to the online curriculum to take full advantage of the images, labs, Packet Tracer activities, and dynamic Flash-based activities embedded within the Networking Academy online course interface.

    标签: Switching Wireless LAN and

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • LTE-Advanced+and+Next+Generation

    In the nineteenth century, scientists, mathematician, engineers and innovators started investigating electromagnetism. The theory that underpins wireless communications was formed by Maxwell. Early demonstrations took place by Hertz, Tesla and others. Marconi demonstrated the first wireless transmission. Since then, the range of applications has expanded at an immense rate, together with the underpinning technology. The rate of development has been incredible and today the level of technical and commercial maturity is very high. This success would not have been possible without understanding radio- wave propagation. This knowledge enables us to design successful systems and networks, together with waveforms, antennal and transceiver architectures. The radio channel is the cornerstone to the operation of any wireless system.

    标签: LTE-Advanced Generation Next and

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • LTE-Advanced+Relay+Technology

    LTE-Advanced becomes a truly global standard for 4G cellular communications. Relay, as one of the key technologies of LTE-Advanced, can significantly extend the coverage, and improve the system throughput. LTE-A standards and tech- nologies were described in several recent books where the limited pages for relay feature prevent the detailed explanations of the technology. In this book, we tried to provide an in-depth description of LTE-A relay development. More specifically, significant portions are spent on relay channel modeling and potential technologies during the study item phase of the development, although some of those tech- nologies, such as Type 2 cooperative relay, multi-hop relay, relay with backhaul of carrier aggregation, were not standardized in Release 10 LTE.

    标签: LTE-Advanced Technology Relay

    上传时间: 2020-05-27
