Underwater acoustic sensor networks-research challenges.pdf
标签: networks-research Underwater challenges acoustic
上传时间: 2014-08-31
Research on some key technologies of QoS provisioning for mobile AD-HOC networks
标签: provisioning technologies Research networks
上传时间: 2013-12-17
A Study of Recent Research Trends and Experimental Guidelines in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
标签: Experimental Guidelines Networks Research
上传时间: 2014-01-07
Simulating Wireless Sensor Networks with OMNeT++, a research paper by Lusiana university
标签: Simulating university Networks Wireless
上传时间: 2014-01-03
iam a research student doing work on wireless and wired networks using OPNET
标签: research networks wireless student
上传时间: 2017-09-24
Smart City Networks: Through the Internet of Things is composed of research results, analyses, and ideas, which focus on a diversity of interconnected factors relating with urbanization, its “smartness,” and overarching “internet of things (IoT).” The latter refers to interconnected objects and devices – through compu- tational operations – which can receive signals and actuate systems.
标签: Networks Internet Through Things Smart City
上传时间: 2020-05-26
This books presents the research work of COST 273 Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks, hence, it reports on the work performed and on the results achieved within the project by its participants. The material presented here corresponds to the results obtained in four years of collaborative work by more than 350 researchers from 137 institutions (universities, operators, manufacturers, regulators, independent laboratories and others – a full list is provided in Appendix B) belonging to 29 countries (mainly European, but also from Asia and North America) in the area of mobileradio. Theobjectiveofpublishingtheseresultsasabookisessentiallytomakethemavailable to an audience wider than the project. In fact, it just follows a ‘tradition’ of previous COST Actions in this area of telecommunications, i.e. COST 207, 231 and 259.
标签: Multimedia Techniques Broadband Networks Mobile
上传时间: 2020-05-30
The roots of this book were planted about a decade ago. At that time, I became increasingly convinced that wide-area and metropolitan-area networks, where much of my group’s research has been centered at that time, were in good shape. Although research in these fields was (and still is) needed, that’s not where the networking bottleneck seemed to be. Rather, the bottleneck was (and still is in many places) in the access networks, which choked users’ access to information and services. It was clear to me that the long-term solution to that problem has to involve optical fiber access networks.
上传时间: 2020-05-31
资料->【E】光盘论文->【E1】斯坦福博士论文->04 calgary PhD INSGPS Integration Using Neural Networks for Land Vehicular Navigation Applications.pdf
标签: Applications Integration Navigation Vehicular
上传时间: 2013-04-24
pwm research and implementation on mcs-51
标签: implementatio research pwm and
上传时间: 2013-11-23