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  • Compressed+Video+Communications

    This book examines the technologies underlying the compression and trans- mission of digital video sequences over networkIng platforms. The incorporated study covers a large spectrum of topics related to compressed video communica- tions. It presents to readers a comprehensive and structured analysis of the issues encountered in the transmission of compressed video streams over networkIng environments. 

    标签: Compressed Video Communications

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Compressive+Sensing+for+Wireless+Networks

    Over the past few decades, wireless communications and networkIng have witnessed an unprecedented growth, and have become pervasive much sooner than anyone could have predicted. For example, cellular wireless networks are expected to become the dominant and ubiquitous telecommunication means in the next few decades. The widespread success of cellular and WLAN systems prompts the development of advanced wireless systems to provide access to information services beyond voice such as telecommuting, video conferencing, interactive media, real-time internet gaming, and so on, anytime and anywhere.

    标签: Compressive Networks Wireless Sensing for

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Essentials+of+Wireless+Mesh+networkIng

    WirelessmeshnetworkIngisahotandgrowingtopic,stillinitsinfancyin some ways, whilst already shown to be capable in others. From a military beginning, mesh networks moved to civilian use and are now being deployed worldwide as both local area networks (LANs) and metro- politan area networks (MANs). However, these deployments are still ‘leading edge’ and it is not yet clear what the most enduring applications of mesh will be – particularly as the market moves from early adopters towards widespread take up.

    标签: Essentials networkIng Wireless Mesh of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Green_Heterogeneous_Wireless_Networks

    Thisbookfocusesontheemergingresearchtopic‘green(energy-efficient)wirelessnetworks’ that has drawn huge attention recently from both academia and industry. This topic is highly motivated due to important environmental, financial and quality-of-experience (QoE) consid- erations.Duetosuchconcerns,varioussolutionshavebeenproposedtoenableefficientenergy usage in wireless networks, and these approaches are referred to as green wireless communi- cations and networkIng. The term ‘green’ emphasizes the environmental dimension of the proposed solutions. Hence, it is not sufficient to present a cost-effective solution unless it is eco-friendly.

    标签: Green_Heterogeneous_Wireless_Netw orks

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • LAN Switching and Wireless

    Your Cisco networkIng Academy Course Booklet is designed as a study resource you can easily read, high- light, and review on the go, wherever the Internet is not available or practical: ■ The text is extracted directly, word-for-word, from the online course so you can highlight important points and take notes in the “Your Chapter Notes” section. ■ Headings with the exact page correlations provide a quick reference to the online course for your class- room discussions and exam preparation. ■ An icon system directs you to the online curriculum to take full advantage of the images, labs, Packet Tracer activities, and dynamic Flash-based activities embedded within the networkIng Academy online course interface.

    标签: Switching Wireless LAN and

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Multi-hop+Mesh+Networks

    Notwithstanding its infancy, wireless mesh networkIng (WMN) is a hot and growing field. Wireless mesh networks began in the military, but have since become of great interest for commercial use in the last decade, both in local area networks and metropolitan area networks. The attractiveness of mesh networks comes from their ability to interconnect either mobile or fixed devices with radio interfaces, to share information dynamically, or simply to extend range through multi-hopping. 

    标签: Multi-hop Networks Mesh

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Multihop+Wireless+Networks

    Advances in communication and networkIng technologies are rapidly making ubiq- uitous network connectivity a reality. Wireless networks are indispensable for supporting such access anywhere and at any time. Among various types of wire- less networks, multihop wireless networks (MWNs) have been attracting increasing attention for decades due to its broad civilian and military applications. Basically, a MWN is a network of nodes connected by wireless communication links. Due to the limited transmission range of the radio, many pairs of nodes in MWNs may not be able to communicate directly, hence they need other intermediate nodes to forward packets for them. Routing in such networks is an important issue and it poses great challenges.

    标签: Multihop Wireless Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Nanotechnology+Applications

    This is believed to be the first book that takes a view of nanotechnology from a telecommunications and networkIng perspective. Nanotechnology refers to the manip- ulation of materials at the atomic or molecular level. Nanotechnology is getting a lot of attention of late not only in academic settings and in laboratories around the world, but also in government and venture capitalists’ initiatives. There now is a major drive to commercialize the technology by all sorts of firms, ranging from start- ups to Fortune 100 companies.

    标签: Nanotechnology Applications

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • networkIng Fundamentals

    InformationnetworkInghasemergedasamultidisciplinarydiversifiedareaofresearchover thepastfewdecades.Fromtraditionalwiredtelephonytocellularvoicetelephonyandfrom wired access to wireless access to the Internet, information networks have profoundly impactedourlifestyle.Atthetimeofwriting,over3billionpeoplearesubscribedtocellular services and close to a billion residences have Internet connections.

    标签: Fundamentals networkIng

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Next-Generation+Wireless+Technologies

    In the past few decades, a technological revolution has occurred that has changed the way we live in dramatic ways. This technological revolution is the result of the emergence and evolution of a wide variety of new wireless networkIng tech- nologies. Now people using these technologies are able to access the network and control many applications at will with their handheld devices anywhere, anytime. Although these technologies have made a long lasting impact in the revolution, it has also opened up various challenging issues which are yet to be resolved to make them more efficient and cost-effective. 

    标签: Next-Generation Technologies Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-05-31
