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  • Intelligent+Microgrid+Management

    A modern power grid needs to become smarter in order to provide an affordable, reliable, and sustainable supply of electricity. For these reasons, a smart grid is necessary to manage and control the increasingly complex future grid. Certain smart grid elements including renewable energy, storage, microgrid, consumer choice, and smart appliances like electric vehicles increase uncertainty in both supply and demand of electric power.

    标签: Intelligent Management Microgrid

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Smart Grid Security

    The field of cyber security, or information security, or information assurance, depending on your preference, is an interdisciplinary one. It is part computer science, part statistics, part psychology, part law, and a part of many other fields. Moreover, any cyber security practi- tioner needs to know what he or she is protecting and where to pri- oritize. Just as someone should not spend $100 to protect something worth $10, one cannot be blind to the other disciplines.

    标签: Security Smart Grid

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Arduino Adventures Escape from Gemini Station

    Fun. We (your authors) wanted a word to describe our ultimate goal for this book, as well as a word we hope you (our reader) will use to describe it, and that’s the one we chose. There are others goals, of course, but in the end, when you’ve finished the book, we’re hoping you’ll have enjoyed the activities described in these pages. Many books use the Introduction to explain exactly what the book is about, what the reader will learn, what the reader needs (a skill or maybe an item or piece of software), and what the reader will be left with when that last page is completed. And this Introduction will do those things, but … hopefully it’ll make you excited to get started.

    标签: Adventures Arduino Station Escape Gemini from

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Linear Control System Analysis and Design Fifth

    The countless technological advances of the twentieth century require that futureengineering educationemphasizebridging thegapbetweentheoryand the real world.Thisedition hasbeenprepared withparticular attentiontothe needs of undergraduates, especially those who seek a solid foundation in control theory aswellas an ability tobridgethe gapbetween control theory and itsreal- world applications.To help the reader achieve this goal, computer-aided design accuracy checks (CADAC) are used throughout the text to encourage good habits of computerliteracy.Each CADAC uses fundamentalconcepts to ensure the viability of a computer solution.

    标签: Analysis Control Linear Design System Fifth and

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Modern_Control_Theory

    The main aim of this book is to present a unified, systematic description of basic and advanced problems, methods and algorithms of the modern con- trol theory considered as a foundation for the design of computer control and management systems. The scope of the book differs considerably from the topics of classical traditional control theory mainly oriented to the needs of automatic control of technical devices and technological proc- esses. Taking into account a variety of new applications, the book presents a compact and uniform description containing traditional analysis and op- timization problems for control systems as well as control problems with non-probabilistic models of uncertainty, problems of learning, intelligent, knowledge-based and operation systems – important for applications in the control of manufacturing processes, in the project management and in the control of computer systems.

    标签: Modern_Control_Theory

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Ambient_Intelligence_-_a_novel_paradigm

    If the space around us could adapt to our needs and intentions, then our lives would be much simpler. We would have to spend less time on our daily chores, we would be more productive and, hopefully, we would live in a less worrisome and, most likely, more secure world

    标签: Ambient_Intelligence a_novel_paradigm

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • 50W隔离型离线式DC.pdf

    ABSTRACTThe flyback power stage is a popular choice for single and multiple output dc-to-dc converters at powerlevels of 150 Watts or less. Without the output inductor required in buck derived topologies, such as theforward or push-pull converter, the component count and cost are reduced. This application note will reviewthe design procedure for the power stage and control electronics of a flyback converter. In these isolatedconverters, the error signal from the secondary still needs to cross the isolation boundary to achieveregulation. By using the UC3965 Precision Reference with Low Offset Error Amplifier on the secondaryside to drive an optocoupler and the UCC3809 Economy Primary Side Controller on the primary side, asimple and low cost 50 Watt isolated power supply is realized.

    标签: 隔离

    上传时间: 2021-11-24


  • FreeModbus 英文资料

    If register should be written or read.This value is passed to the calback functions which support either reading or writing register values. Writing means that the application registers should be updated and reading means that the modbus protocol stack needs to know the current register values.See also: eMBRegHoldingCB(), eMBRegCoilsCB(), eMBRegDiscreteCB() and eMBReglnputCB().Enumeration values: MB_REG_READ Read register values and pass to protocol stack.MB_REG_WRITE Update register values.Note: Note all ports implement this function.A port which wants to get an callback must define the macro MB_PORT_HAS_CLOSE to 1.Returns: If the resources where released it return eMBErrorCode:: MB_ENOERR. If the protocol stack is not in the disabled state it returns eMBErrorCode:: MB_EILLSTATE.Examples: LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235TCP/demo.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, WIN32/demo. cpp, and WIN32TCP/demo. cpp.his function disables processing of Modbus frames.Returns: If the protocol stack has been disabled

    标签: FreeModbus

    上传时间: 2022-05-31


  • VPX标准草案(vita46d0-r0d11)

    VME has been the de-facto bus standard for Commercial off the Shelf(COTS ) Circuit Card Assemblies since the 1980's. VME boards have proven to be remarkably capable of evolving to support newer technologies with innovations such as VME Subsystem Bus, PCI Mezzanine Cards(PMC's) and VME320.However, advances in technologies, appearing particularly in interconnects, have demonstratedthe need for an advance in system development. This advance needs to accommodate high speed interconnect, particularly serial interconnects, and higher power delivery in concert with better heat removal.

    标签: vpx标准

    上传时间: 2022-07-27
