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  • 电子设备电磁兼容仿真模型研究

    针时引起电磁干技的主要因素一缝隙.本文提出了缝隙转移阻抗等效建模方法,并在文中详细论述,为快速、正确预测电于设备中电磁兼容的性能提供方法和理论依据。 &nbSp;

    标签: 电子设备 仿真 模型研究 电磁兼容

    上传时间: 2013-10-25


  • 真有效值转换器的自动调节

    &nbSp; The LTC®1966 is a true RMS-to-DC converter that uses aDS computational technique to make it dramatically simplerto use, significantly more accurate, lower in powerconsumption and more flexible than conventional logantilogRMS-to-DC converters. The LTC1966 RMS-to-DCconverter has an input signal range from 5mVRMS to1.5VRMS (a 50dB dynamic range with a single 5V supplyrail) and a 3dB bandwidth of 800kHz with signal crestfactors up to four.

    标签: 真有效值 转换器 自动调节

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • 视频差分放大器带来低电压应用的多功能性

    &nbSp; The LT®6552 is a specialized dual-differencing 75MHzoperational amplifier ideal for rejecting common modenoise as a video line receiver. The input pairs are designedto operate with equal but opposite large-signal differencesand provide exceptional high frequency commonmode rejection (CMRR of 65dB at 10MHz), therebyforming an extremely versatile gain block structure thatminimizes component count in most situations. The dualinput pairs are free to take on independent common modelevels, while the two voltage differentials are summedinternally to form a net input signal.

    标签: 视频 差分放大器 低电压 多功能

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 简单的多输出范围16位DAC设计

    &nbSp; Precision 16-bit analog outputs with softwareconfigurableoutput ranges are often needed in industrialprocess control equipment, analytical and scientificinstruments and automatic test equipment. In the past,designing a universal output module was a daunting taskand the cost and PCB real estate associated with thisfunction were problematic, if not prohibitive.

    标签: DAC 输出范围

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • AN-1064了解AD9548的输入基准监控器

    &nbSp; 如AD9548数据手册所述,AD9548的输入端最多可支持八个独立参考时钟信号。八路输入各有一个专用参考监控器,判断输入参考信号的周期是否满足用户要求。图1是参考监控器和必要支持元件的框图。参考监控器测量输入参考信号的周期,并声明信号是过慢还是过快,即表示参考信号有误。该信息保存在参考状态寄存器内(各参考监控器具有用户可读取的专用状态寄存器)。虽然参考监控器将既不快也不慢的参考时钟信号视为正确,但仍会通过AD9548参考验证逻辑进一步审查。由于八个参考监控器全部相同,图1仅显示其中之一。然而应注意,所有八个参考监控器共用相同的采样时钟和用户提供的系统时钟周期值(TSYS)。

    标签: 1064 9548 AN AD

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • Stabilize Your Transimpedance Amplifier

    &nbSp; Abstract: Transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs) are widely used to translate the current output of sensors like photodiode-to-voltagesignals, since several circuits and instruments can only accept voltage input. An operational amplifier with a feedback resistor fromoutput to the inverting input is the most straightforward implementation of such a TIA. However, even this simple TIA circuit requirescareful trade-offs among noise gain, offset voltage, bandwidth, and stability. Clearly stability in a TIA is essential for good, reliableperformance. This application note explains the empirical calculations for assessing stability and then shows how to fine-tune theselection of the feedback phase-compensation capacitor.

    标签: Transimpedance Stabilize Amplifier Your

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • AN-741鲜为人知的相位噪声特性

    &nbSp; 关于相位噪声专题的信息有很多,包括相位噪声特性1、相位噪声测量方法2以及它对系统性能的影响3。众所周知,振荡器和时钟的相位噪声已成为导致现代无线电系统性能降低的因素之一。然而,大多数传统相位噪声分析仅将重点放在单载波无线电系统中正弦波信号的降低,而相位噪声对多载波接收机、宽带系统或数字无线电的影响则很少涉及。本应用笔记将讨论一些与数据采样系统相位噪声有关的鲜为人知的问题,主要是多载波无线电、宽带信号和欠采样无线电架构等

    标签: 741 AN 相位噪声

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 第一章_清华数字电子技术第五版阎石课件

    清华大学 数字电子技术 ppt主要内容: 第一章&nbSp;&nbSp;&nbSp;&nbSp; 数制和码制 数字量和模拟量 数字量:变化在时间上和数量上都是不连续的。(存在一个最小数量单位△) 模拟量:数字量以外的物理量。 数字电路和模拟电路:工作信号,研究的对象,分析/设计方法以及所用的数学工具都有显著的不同 1. 2&nbSp; 几种常用的数制

    标签: 清华 数字电子技术 阎石

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • ADE7880与ADE7878的区别

    &nbSp; 本应用笔记说明ADE7878与ADE7880的区别,讨论二者在硬件和软件上的不同,并提供了一个用于ADE7880的头文件。

    标签: ADE 7880 7878

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 意法半导体运放稳定性

    &nbSp; Who has never experienced oscillations issues when using an operational amplifier? Opampsare often used in a simple voltage follower configuration. However, this is not the bestconfiguration in terms of capacitive loading and potential risk of oscillations.Capacitive loads have a big impact on the stability of operational amplifier-basedapplications. Several compensation methods exist to stabilize a standard op-amp. Thisapplication note describes the most common ones, which can be used in most cases.The general theory of each compensation method is explained, and based on this, specific

    标签: 半导体 运放 稳定性

    上传时间: 2013-10-28
