上传时间: 2013-11-06
MPLAB C30用户指南(英文) HIGHLIGHTSThe information covered in this chapter is as follows:• About this Guide• Recommended Reading• Troubleshooting• The Microchip Web Site• Development Systems Customer Notification Service• Customer Support Document LayoutThe document layout is as follows:• Chapter 1: Compiler Overview – describes MPLAB C30, development tools andfeature set.• Chapter 2: Differences between MPLAB C30 and ANSI C – describes thedifferences between the C language supported by MPLAB C30 syntax and thestandard ANSI-89 C.• Chapter 3: Using MPLAB C30 – describes how to use the MPLAB C30 compilerfrom the command line.• Chapter 4: MPLAB C30 Runtime Environment – describes the MPLAB C30runtime model, including information on sections, initialization, memory models, thesoftware stack and much more.• Chapter 5: Data Types – describes MPLAB C30 integer, floating point and pointerdata types.• Chapter 6: Device Support Files – describes the MPLAB C30 header and registerdefinition files, as well as how to use with SFR’s.• Chapter 7: Interrupts – describes how to use interrupts.• Chapter 8: Mixing Assembly Language and C Modules – provides guidelines tousing MPLAB C30 with MPLAB ASM30 assembly language modules.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
PICkit™ 2 单片机编程器用户指南 本章包含在使用PICkit™ 2 单片机编程器之前需要了解的一般信息。本章讨论的内容包括:• 文档编排• 本指南使用的约定• 保修登记• 推荐读物• Microchip 网站• 开发系统变更通知客户服务• 客户支持• 文档版本历史
上传时间: 2014-01-01
上传时间: 2013-10-24
标签: AstroII-EVB-F 144 开发板 用户
上传时间: 2013-11-22
标签: AstroII_ISC 用户
上传时间: 2013-11-24
UG190 Virtex-5 用户指南
上传时间: 2013-11-23
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Nios II定制指令用户指南:With the Altera Nios II embedded processor, you as the system designer can accelerate time-critical software algorithms by adding custom instructions to the Nios II processor instruction set. Using custom instructions, you can reduce a complex sequence of standard instructions to a single instruction implemented in hardware. You can use this feature for a variety of applications, for example, to optimize software inner loops for digital signal processing (DSP), packet header processing, and computation-intensive applications. The Nios II configuration wizard,part of the Quartus® II software’s SOPC Builder, provides a graphical user interface (GUI) used to add up to 256 custom instructions to the Nios II processor. The custom instruction logic connects directly to the Nios II arithmetic logic unit (ALU) as shown in Figure 1–1.
上传时间: 2013-10-12
标签: AstroII-EVB-F 144 开发板 用户
上传时间: 2013-11-08