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  • 搞了个小工具

    搞了个小工具,方便大家计算!不用动笔了!欢迎使用,有bug请斧正,谢谢! Rf Calc 包含功能: ① mw换算为dBm; ② dBm换算为mw; ③ 空间损耗计算; ④ 链路裕量; ⑤ 传输距离计算。


    上传时间: 2014-05-28


  • 聚乙烯(乙烯基取代的Terthiophene-Fullerene)被气化的综合在氧化铟电极上

    聚乙烯(乙烯基取代的Terthiophene-Fullerene)被气化的综合在氧化铟电极上,而且它的电子的和光学的性质可以测量。一个很大的超过3 μA/cm2 的光电流可以通过一个装有甲基紫精的碘钨灯以50 mw/cm2 的照射而被观察到。

    标签: Terthiophene-Fullerene 聚乙烯 氧化 电极

    上传时间: 2017-07-26


  • Fire and fury

    Fire and Fury。 This article is about the 2018 book. For other uses, see Fire and Fury (disambiguation). The title refers to a quote by Trump about the conflict with North Korea. The book became a New York Times number one bestseller.Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is a 2018 book by Michael Wolff which details the behavior of U.S. President Donald Trump and the staff of his 2016 presidential campaign and White House. The book highlights descriptions of Trump's behavior, chaotic interactions among senior White House staff, and derogatory comments about the Trump family by former White House Chief StrategistSteve Bannon. Trump is depicted as being held in low regard by his White House staff, leading Wolff to state that "100% of the people around him" believe Trump is unfit for office.[1] Reviewers generally accepted Wolff's portrait of a dysfunctional Trump administration, but were skeptical of many of the book's most controversial claims.

    标签: Fire fury and

    上传时间: 2018-02-26


  • Fire and fury

    This article is about the 2018 book. For other uses, see Fire and Fury (disambiguation). The title refers to a quote by Trump abot the conflict with North Korea. The book became a New York Times number one bestseller.Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is a 2018 book by Michael Wolff which details the behavior of U.S. President Donald Trump and the staff of his 2016 presidential campaign and White House. The book highlights descriptions of Trump's behavior, chaotic interactions among senior White House staff, and derogatory comments about the Trump family by former White House Chief StrategistSteve Bannon. Trump is depicted as being held in low regard by his White House staff, leading Wolff to state that "100% of the people around him" believe Trump is unfit for office.[1] Reviewers generally accepted Wolff's portrait of a dysfunctional Trump administration, but were skeptical of many of the book's most controversial claims.

    标签: Fire fury and

    上传时间: 2018-02-26


  • AD8001AR

    transimpedance linearization circuitry. This allows it to drive video loads with excellent differential gain and phase perfor mance on only 50 mw of power. The AD8001 is a current feedback amplifier and features gain flatness of 0.1 dB to 100 MHz while offering differential gain and phase error of 0.01% and 0.025°. This makes the AD8001 ideal for professional video electronics such as cameras and video switchers. Additionally, the AD8001’s low distortion and fast settling make it ideal for buffer high-speed A-to-D converters. The AD8001 offers low power of 5.5 mA max (VS = ±5 V) and can run on a single +12 V power supply, while being capable of delivering over 70 mA of load current. These features make this amplifier ideal for portable and battery-powered applications where size and power are critical. The outstanding bandwidth of 800 MHz along with 1200 V/µs of slew rate make the AD8001 useful in many general purpose high-speed applications where dual power supplies of up to ±6 V and single supplies from 6 V to 12 V are needed. The AD8001 is available in the industrial temperature range of –40°C to +85°C.

    标签: 8001 AD AR

    上传时间: 2020-04-21


  • EN 300220-1V2.4.1

    EN 300220-1V2.4.1  Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Short Range Devices (SRD);Radio equipment to be used in the 25 MHz to 1 000 MHz frequency range with power levels ranging up to 500 mw; Part 1: Technical characteristics and test methods

    标签: EMC

    上传时间: 2021-07-25



    MICRO HDMI TF卡 USBTYPE-C USB-侧立式 摄像头FPC-24P OLED屏模块AD集成库(原理图库+3D封装库),).IntLib后缀文件,拆分后文件为PcbLib+SchLib格式,Altium Designer原理图库+PCB封装库,已验证使用,可以直接应用到你的项目开发。器件列表:ANT-Rainsun-AP5120AZ1045-04F          BSN20BKR            N-Channel 60 V 2.8 Ohm 310 mw 0.49 nC Surface Mount Trench MosFet - SOT-23ButtonTACT_3x4x2_180ButtonCP2102              USB转TTLESD-0402            ESDHDR2x4_2.54         HeaderLED_0402            LEDLM4871LP2992              LDOMIC                 Micro-HDMI          Conn Micro HDMI RCP 19 POS 0.4mm Solder RA SMD 19 Terminal 1 Port Micro HDMI Embossed T/RNL27WZU04DF         OLED-6432           显示屏OV2640              Header, 24-PinQuantum-Quark-Core  RJ45座              RJ45座RT9011              TF卡座              8脚自弹USB-Type-C-TOP      USB-WiFi-ANTUSB-侧立式          USB A Skt, Upright/Flag, R/A GF, W/kinked shell stake, tray电容-0402           Capacitor电容-0603           Capacitor电阻-0402           Resistor二极管-5B5817WS     40V晶振-4Pin-无源      2520无源选择跳线            Resistor

    标签: usb 摄像头 fpc oled

    上传时间: 2022-01-09


  • 高频准谐振反激控制器 NCP1342中文介绍

    NCP1342是一款高度集成的准谐振反激控制器,适用于设计高性能离线电源转换器。借助集成的有源X2电容器放电功能,NCP1342可以实现低于30 mw的空载功耗。NCP1342具有专有的谷值锁定电路,可确保稳定的谷值切换。该系统工作到第六谷,并转换到频率折返模式以减少开关损耗。随着负载进一步降低,NCP1342进入安静跳跃模式以管理功率传输,同时将噪声降至最低。为确保高频设计的轻负载性能,NCP1342集成了具有最小峰值电流调制的快速折返功能,可快速降低开关频率。为确保转换器坚固耐用,NCP1342实施了多个关键保护功能,例如内部掉电检测,无输入功率的无耗散过功率保护(OPP),可实现恒定的最大输出功率,通过专用引脚的锁存过压和NTC就绪的过热保护,以及断线检测以便在移除交流电源线时对X2电容器安全放电。

    标签: ncp1342 准谐振反激控制器

    上传时间: 2022-04-25


  • 音响功放测试方法

    說明:1,测试交流电源(Test AC Power Supply):A.中国(China):AC 220V+/-2%50Hz+/-2%B.美国(United States of America):AC 120V+/-2%60Hz+/-2%。C.英国(Britain):AC 240V+/-2%50Hz+/-2%D.欧洲(Europe):AC 230V+/-2%50Hz+/-2%E.日本(Japan):AC 100V+/-2%60Hz+/-2%F.墨西哥(Mexico):AC 127V+/-2%60Hz+/-2%2,测试温度条件(Test Temperature Conditions):25℃+/-2℃。3,测试以右声道为准(Standard Test Use Right Channell)4,信号由AUX插座输入(Signal From AUX Jack Input)。5,测试以音量最大,音调和平衡在中央位置(电子音调在正常状态)。(Test Volume Setup Max,Equalizer And Balance Setup Center)。6,标准輸出(Standard Output):A.输入1 KHz频率信号(Input 1 KHz Frequency Signal)B.左右声道输入信号测试右声道(L&R Input Signal Test Use R Channel)C.额定输出功率満(Rating Output Power Full)10 W,标准输出定为1w.(Rating Output Power Full 10 w,Standard Output Setup 1 W)D.额定输出功率1W到10w,标准输出定为500 mw(Rating Output Power 1 W To 10 W,Standard Output Setup 500 mw)E.额定输出功率小于1w,标准输出定为50 mw(Rating Output Power Not Full 1 W,Standard Output Setup 50 mw)F.标准輸出电压以V-VPR为准(Standard Output Voltage Use V-V/PR)。G.V-V/PR中P为额定输出功率,R为喇叭标称阻抗。

    标签: 音响功放

    上传时间: 2022-06-18


  • 新型双声道音频-+DAC小面积插值滤波器的设计实现

    摘 要:该文提出了一种新型双声道音频Σ - Δ数模转换器(DAC)小面积插值滤波器设计方法。该方法采用左右两个声道复用一个插值滤波器的新型结构,并利用存储器实现第1 级半带滤波器,从而降低芯片的实现面积。提出重新排序方法,保证复用后两个声道的同步。设计在TSMC 0.18 μm 1.8 V/3.3 V 1P5M CMOS 工艺上实现,测试信噪比为106 dB,数字部分芯片的面积仅为0.198 mm2,功耗为0.65 mw。这种设计方法降低了Σ - Δ DAC系统中数字部分的面积和功耗,给模拟部分留有较大的设计裕量,这对模数混合系统的设计具有重要的意义。

    标签: 插值滤波器

    上传时间: 2022-07-04
