S60 SDL is a Simple DirectMedia Layer adaptation for S60. SDL is a cross-platform multimEdia library: Applications and libraries built on SDL can easily be ported to other operating systems. But S60 SDL does more than makes porting easy: S60 multimEdia applications can be implemented without any knowledge of Symbian C++ native API and a developer can use SDL and standard C, C++ interfaces. The SDL development supports both Nokia OpenC and Symbian stdlib (ESTLIB) C implementations.
标签: cross-platform DirectMedia adaptation multimEdia
上传时间: 2014-01-24
Course on introduction to multimEdia compression
标签: introduction compression multimEdia Course
上传时间: 2017-05-03
Embedded C++ 4.0 multimEdia Timer
标签: multimEdia Embedded Timer 4.0
上传时间: 2013-12-29
Integrated Videoconferencing System for Heterogeneous multimEdia Collaboration E-Book
标签: Videoconferencing Heterogeneous Collaboration Integrated
上传时间: 2014-07-10
ALTERA Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit开发板制造商(terasic)提供的多媒体显示板(Terasic multimEdia Touch Panel Daughter Board (MTDB))扩展开发包。 里为有两个开源的例子 1.MTDB_SD_Card_Audio,从SD卡中读取WAV文件然后通过DA播放,这个对不SD Card的初学者非常的有用,可以知道使用FPGA SPI来读写SD CARD。 2.MTDB_Systhesizer,使用FPGA来做电子琴,要用FPGA来做合成器的看这个。 国内部分地区的网络对TERASIC封杀,原因不明,这个包是使用代理下载的,非常不容易。
标签: Evaluation multimEdia Embedded terasic
上传时间: 2013-11-30
multimEdia security development articles
标签: development multimEdia articles security
上传时间: 2017-07-15
pic mmc to read the multimEdia card
标签: multimEdia card read pic
上传时间: 2017-07-20
Steganography is the art of communicating a message by embedding it into multimEdia data. It is desired to maximize the amount of hidden information (embedding rate) while preserving security against detection by unauthorized parties. An appropriate information-theoretic model for steganography has been proposed by Cachin
标签: Steganography communicating multimEdia embedding
上传时间: 2017-07-29
This updated C++ example demonstrates how to create multimEdia messages using the CMmsClientMtm API. The updated example has been tested to support S60 5th Edition and touch UI. Important classes: CMsvEntry, CMmsClientMtm.
标签: CMmsClientMtm demonstrates multimEdia messages
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Fixed-mobile.convergence.and.voice-data.networks.have.merged.next-gen- eration,.value-added.applications.and.integrated.multimEdia.services,.com- bining. Web. browsing,. instant. messaging,. presence,. voice. over. IP,. video. conferencing,. application. sharing,. telephony,. unified. messaging,. multi- media.content.delivery,.etc..on.top.of.different.network.technologies..The. convergence.of.the.communications.networks.is.motivated.by.the.need.to. support.many.forms.of.digital.traffic.as.well.as.to.amortize.implementation. and.operational.costs.of.the.underlying.networks..Historically,.the.approach. to. build. and. deploy. multimEdia. services. has. focused. upon. single-point. solutions..
标签: multimEdia Subsystem Handbook IMS IP
上传时间: 2020-05-27