MPC8260-MCC-HOWTO Abstract: This document attempts to give the linux developer community of motorola(R) s mpc8260 processor a fairly good idea of programming details of Multi Channel controller. This document can be distributed under GPL version 2.0 or later, GPL is available at (
标签: MCC-HOWTO developer community Abstract
上传时间: 2017-01-11
包含了H.264编码标准的两篇文章,是讲多描述编码的。An Effective Epipolar Geometry Assisted Motion Estimation Technique for Multi-View Image and Video Coding和An Epipolar Geometry-Based Fast Disparity Estimation Algorithm for Multiview Image and Video Coding
上传时间: 2014-12-21
CDMA Wireless AT Commands. This contains the standard AT commands used by CDMA mobiles and modems. This file is from Multi Tech Systems.
标签: CDMA Wireless Commands contains
上传时间: 2017-02-12
FDMP the body of the kernel, the Information-Technology Promotion Agency (IPA) adopted by the unexplored themes of Creativity software is one of the "multi-processor system-level development environment for the development of the system" as part of the development Susumu Honda也氏Was responsible.
标签: the Information-Technology Promotion adopted
上传时间: 2013-12-25
LINUX 线程池源代码:Lock.cpp : 锁的操作 , 读锁可以并发 , 写锁独占. Queue.h : 队列的封装 , 队列的读和写都加了锁的保护. Socket.cpp : 套接口的简单封装. Thread.cpp : 线程的封装实现了些简单的线程停止,运行等功能 , 启动别的线程的时候需要继承次类. Worker.cpp : 用户接口类 , 用户需继承此类。 ListenThread.cpp(继承Thread.cpp) : 服务器监听线程.如果有客户端连接通知ThreadPool类,由ThreadPool类进行任务分派. TaskThread.cpp(继承Thread.cpp) : 具体任务类,负责接受客户端发送数据. ThreadPool.cpp (继承Thread.cpp) : 线程池类负责启动别的线程 , 并且进行线程调度。首先启动ListenThread.cpp类,如果有客户端 连接ListenThread.cpp类发送信号通知ThreadPool.cpp类,收到信号再分配给TaskThread.cpp类,进行处理。如果没有空闲任务类,动态再
上传时间: 2014-06-11
"Readers can pick up this book and become familiar with C++ in a short time. Stan has taken a very broad and complicated topic and reduced it to the essentials that budding C++ programmers need to know to write real programs. His case study is effective and provides a familiar thread throughout the book.
标签: familiar Readers become short
上传时间: 2014-01-19
上传时间: 2014-11-26
nptl的设计文档,英文版 The Native POSIX Thread Library for Linux
上传时间: 2013-11-26
新加原版MemDev功能模块 UCGUI3.90版源码有如下几点新的变化. 1.这个版本的UCGUI提供了模拟器的源码[本站上似乎有3.24版的带模拟器源码的UCGUI下载, 大家比较一下..] 2.还有JPEG图版支持 3.ListView控件支持. 4.Menu菜单支持. 5.ScrollBar滚动条支持. 6.multi-controller多控制器支持.
上传时间: 2017-03-18
Qt/Embedded的安装(本人亲自安装步骤) 准备源码包 ◆ tmake 1.11 或更高版本;(生成Qt/Embedded应用工程的Makefile文件) ◆ Qt/Embedded 2.3.7 (Qt/Embedded 安装包) ◆ Qt 2.3.2 for X11; (Qt的X11版的安装包, 它将产生x11开发环境所需要的两个工 具) 假设把源码包解压所在/root/build-arm下 1安装tmake 进入tmake-1.11目录 cd /root/build-arm/tmake-1.11 export TMAKEDIR=$PWD/tmake-1.11 export TMAKEPATH=$TMAKEDIR/lib/qws/linux-arm-g++ export PATH=$TMAKEDIR/bin:$PATH 2.安装Qt/X11 2.3.2 cd qt-2.3.2 export QTDIR=$PWD export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./configure -no-xft -thread -gif -system-jpeg -sm -shared [make] make -C tools/qvfb make -C tools/qembed
标签: Embedded Qt Makefile tmake
上传时间: 2013-12-22