完整源码,您可以二次开发,增减功能,文件及支持的芯片看下面说明: PCRecord.cpp PCRecord.h PCRecordDlg.cpp PCRecordDlg.h Resource.h wavrec.cpp wavefile.cpp wavefile.h wavrec.h <Platforms> <Platform Name="JZ4740 (MIPSII)" /> <Platform Name="QQ2440 (ARMV4I)" /> <Platform Name="Smartphone 2003 (ARMV4)" /> <Platform Name="Win32" /> </Platforms>
标签: PCRecordDlg PCRecord cpp Resource
上传时间: 2013-12-21
A simple smtp relay server. Which follows smtp protocol correctly. It receive an email. and relay it out to an email server specified by users. Platform: unix, linux, windows. compilation command: g++ smtpr.c -lsocket -lnsl -o smtpr usage: smtpr <port number> (<relay server>)
标签: relay smtp correctly protocol
上传时间: 2014-01-01
IBM® Rational® Application Developer V6.0 is the full function Eclipse 3.0 based development platform for developing Java™ 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) and Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications with a focus on applications to be deployed to IBM WebSphere® Application Server and IBM WebSphere Portal. Rational Application Developer provides integrated development tools for all development roles, including Web developers, Java developers, business analysts, architects, and enterprise programmers. This IBM Redbook is a programming guide that highlights the features and tooling included with IBM Rational Application Developer V6.0. Many of the chapters provide working examples that demonstrate how to use the tooling to develop applications as well as achieve the benefits of visual and rapid Web development.
标签: Application development Developer reg
上传时间: 2013-12-16
Embedded systems for specific applications, usually in the centre, and as the core processor for the practical application of soft Hardware systems, the hardware is the basis of the embedded operating system and platform, the software provides the necessary operational Physical platform and communication interface, and general embedded system software, including operating systems and application software, which Control is the core of the whole system, providing information such as HCI.
标签: the applications for processor
上传时间: 2013-12-29
Addfilter is a command-line application which adds and removes filter drivers for a given drive or volume. It is intended to demonstrate how to insert a filter driver into the driver stack of a device. The sample illustrates how to do this by using the SetupDi APIs. The sample works on the x86 platform. It has only been tested in a 32-bit environment. Since Addfilter is not a driver, it does not deal with Plug and Play or Power Management.
标签: command-line application Addfilter drivers
上传时间: 2016-05-17
linux2.6.13下2440看门狗驱动,看 了 就 知道platform是怎么建立
上传时间: 2014-06-08
DiskId32最新版 在NT/2000/XP/2003/VISTA下取PATA/SATA/SCSI)下支持获取硬盘的系列号。 编译需要Windows SDK,在 Platform SDK February 2003 下编译通过。 ●●注意:显示输出信息加参数“/d”,如: diskid32 /d
上传时间: 2016-05-21
JAVA通用开发框架(Java Common Development Framework,简称JCDF)是基于J2EE(Java2 platform, Enterprise Edition)开发平台,面向企业的分布式开发框架。JCDF集中JSP(Java Server Pages),Servlets,EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans)组件,JDBC,JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Interface),标签库(TagLib),XML文档格式等关键技术,采用众多开发模式,为基于J2EE平台开发提供了一套标准、健壮、安全的开发流程,对于许多在软件工程中经常遇到的问题,提供了解决、实现方案。
标签: Development Framework Common JAVA
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Programming C#, the top selling book on Microsoft s high-performance C# programming language, is now in its fourth edition. Aimed at experienced programmers and web developers, this comprehensive guide focuses on the features and programming patterns that are new to C#, and fundamental to the programming of web services and web applications on Microsoft s .NET platform.
标签: high-performance Programming programming Microsoft
上传时间: 2016-06-17
Addfilter is a command-line application which adds and removes filter drivers for a given drive or volume. It is intended to demonstrate how to insert a filter driver into the driver stack of a device. The sample illustrates how to do this by using the SetupDi APIs. The sample works on the x86 platform. It has only been tested in a 32-bit environment. Since Addfilter is not a driver, it does not deal with Plug and Play or Power Management. No INF file is needed to install this application.
标签: command-line application Addfilter drivers
上传时间: 2016-06-28