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  • Multi-Functional MIMO Systems

    The family of recent wireless standards included the optional employment of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(MIMO)techniques.This was motivatedby the observationaccordingto the classic Shannon–Hartley law that the achievable channel capacity increases logarithmically with the transmit power. In contrast, the MIMO capacity increases linearly with the number of transmit antennas, provided that the number of receive antennas is equal to the number of transmit antennas. With the further proviso that the total transmit power is increased in proportion to the number of transmit antennas, a linear capacity increase is achieved upon increasing the transmit power, which justifies the spectacular success of MIMO systems.

    标签: Multi-Functional Systems MIMO

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Near-Capacity+Multi-Functional+MIMO+Systems

    The family of recent wireless standards included the optional employment of MIMO tyechniques. This was motivated by the observation according to the classic Shannon-Hartley law the achiev- able channel capacity increases logarithmically with the transmit power. By contrast, the MIMO capacity increases linearly with the number of transmit antennas, provided that the number of receive antennas is equal to the number of transmit antennas. 

    标签: Multi-Functional Near-Capacity Systems MIMO

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Network+Modeling+and+Simulation

    The family of recent wireless standards included the optional employment of MIMO tyechniques. This was motivated by the observation according to the classic Shannon-Hartley law the achiev- able channel capacity increases logarithmically with the transmit power. By contrast, the MIMO capacity increases linearly with the number of transmit antennas, provided that the number of receive antennas is equal to the number of transmit antennas. 

    标签: Simulation Modeling Network and

    上传时间: 2020-05-31



    The mature CMOS fabrication processes are available in many IC foundries. It is cost-effective to leverage the existing CMOS fabrication technologies to implement MEMS devices. On the other hand, the MEMS devices could also add values to the IC industry as the Moore’s law reaching its limit. The CMOS MEMS could play a key role to bridge the gap between the CMOS and MEMS technologies. The CMOS MEMS also offers the advantage of monolithic integration of ICs and micro mechanical components. 


    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Smart Grid Security

    The field of cyber security, or information security, or information assurance, depending on your preference, is an interdisciplinary one. It is part computer science, part statistics, part psychology, part law, and a part of many other fields. Moreover, any cyber security practi- tioner needs to know what he or she is protecting and where to pri- oritize. Just as someone should not spend $100 to protect something worth $10, one cannot be blind to the other disciplines.

    标签: Security Smart Grid

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Design for Manufacturability and Statistical

    Design for manufacturability and statistical design encompass a number of activities and areas of study spanning the integrated circuit design and manufacturing worlds. In the early days of the planar integrated circuit, it was typical for a handful of practitioners working on a particular design to have a fairly complete understanding of the manufacturing process, the resulting semiconductor active and passive devices, as well as the resulting circuit - often composed of as few as tens of devices. With the success of semiconductor scaling, predicted and - to a certain extent even driven - by Moore’s law, and the vastly increased complexity of modern nano-meter scale processes and the billion-device circuits they allow, there came a necessary separation between the various disciplines.

    标签: Manufacturability Statistical Design for and

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Multisim官方示例Multisim仿真例程基础电路范例135例合集

    Multisim官方示例Multisim仿真例程基础电路范例135例合集:Chapter 1 - RLC CircuitsChapter 2 - DiodesChapter 3 - TransistorsChapter 4 - AmplifiersChapter 5 - OpampsChapter 6 - FiltersChapter 7 - Miscellaneous CircuitsFundamental Circuits.pdf004 Parallel DC Circuits.ms10005 Series-Parrallel DC Circuit.ms10006 Current Analysis.ms10007 Millmans Theorem 1.ms10008 Millmans Theorem 2.ms10009 Kirchhoff's Current Law.ms10010 Thevenin's Theorem.ms10011 Superposition Principle.ms10012 Nortons Theorem and Source Conversion.ms10013 AC Voltage Measurement.ms10014 Frequency Response of the Series RL Network.ms10015 RL High and Low Pass Filter.ms10016 Frequency Response of the Series RC Network.ms10017 RC High and Low Pass Filter.ms10019 Center-Tapped Full-Wave Rectifier.ms10020 Bridge Rectifier.ms10021 Capacitor-Input Rectifier Filter.ms10022 Diode Clipper (Limiter).ms10023 Diode Clipper.ms10024 Diode Clamper (DC Restorer).ms10025 Diode Voltage Doubler.ms10026 Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation 1.ms10027 Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation 2.ms10028 Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation 3.ms10105 TTL Inverter.ms10107 TTL Gate.ms10109 OR Gate Circuit.ms10111 Over-Damp Circuit.ms10113 Critical-Damp Circuit.ms10115 Series RLC Circuit 1.ms10117 Clapp Oscillator.ms10119 Differential Amplifier 1.ms10121 Differential Amplifier in Common Mode.ms10123 LC Oscillator with Unity Gain Buffer.ms10125 Notch Filter.ms10127 PNP Differential Pair.ms10129 Crossover Network.ms10131 Second-Order High-Pass Chebyshev Filter.ms10133 Third-Order High-Pass Chebyshev Filter.ms10135 Fifth-Order High-Pass Filter.ms10

    标签: multisim

    上传时间: 2021-10-27


  • 电子书-数字集成电路物理设计_[陈春章]302页

    电子书-数字集成电路物理设计_[陈春章]302页随着电子计算机的普及,人 类 社 会 巳 经 进 入 了 信 息 化 社 会 。以集成电路 为代表的微电子技术是信息科学技术的核心技术。集成电路产业是关系经济 建 设 、社会发展和国家安全的战略性产业。集成电路技术伴随着半导体技术、 计算机技术、多媒体技术、移 动 通信等技术的不 断创新 ,得 到 了 迅猛发展 。从 1958年美国的基尔比发明世界上第一块集成电路以来,集成电路巳经从初期 的小规模集成电路(SSI)发 展 到 今 天 的系统芯片(SoC),集成电路一直按摩尔 定律(Moore law )向前演进。集成电路产业包含了相对独立的集成电路设计、 集成电路加工制造、集成电路封装测试、集成电路材料、集成电路设备 业等,而 其中的集成电路设计是集成电路产业发展的龙头。 ^ 近 年 来 ,我国的集成电路产业迅速发展。2000年以来我国的集成电路产 值 年 平均增长率达 到 30%左 右 。坚 持 自 主发展,增强技术创新能力和产业核 心竞争力,掌握集成电路的核心技术,提高具有自主知识产权产品的比重是我 们的历史性任务。 发 展 集成电路技术的关 键 是 培养具 有 创 新 和 创 业 能 力 的专业人 才 ,因此 高质量、较快速度地培养集成电路人才是我们的迫切任务。毫无疑 问 ,大学和 大学老师义不容辞地要担负起这一历史责任。2003年 以 来 ,教育部先后在全 国部分重点高校建设了“ 国家集成电路人才培养 基地”,国务院学位委员会又 在 2006年批准设立集成电路工程领域培养工程硕士学位课程,

    标签: 集成电路

    上传时间: 2022-02-20


  • STM32 F4系列器件包 1.0.8

    STM32 F4系列器件包Keil.STM32F4xx_DFP.1.0.8官方版本,亲测有效无毒,请按需安装。Mu-2020/8/26

    标签: stm32 keil

    上传时间: 2022-04-19


  • 血氧仪核心硬件电路设计及Multisim仿真

    为了实时检测血氧量,能使缺氧特别敏感的脑组织或心脏类疾病患者得到及时治疗,采用近红外双波长透射式光电脉搏血氧测定法,以H桥电路对发射光源进行控制及通用运算放大器搭建滤波电路。运用参数理论计算和计算机仿真结果相对比的方法,通过Mu ltisim软件对所设计电路进行仿真,仿真结果与理论参数计算相吻合,证明了电路参数设计的可行性,为血氧仪的实物制作提供参考。For real-time detection of oxygen saturation for timely treatment of the brain or heart,which are very sensitive to oxygen inadequacy,the near-infrared wavelengths double photoelectric pulse oximeter transmission method is adopted.The illuminant is controlled with the H bridge circuit and the filter circuit is built with general op-amps.Parameters by theoretical calculation is compared with the computer simulation results in Multisim and satisfactory results are obtained.It is shown that the design of the circuit parameters is feasible and can be a help in making the physical blood-oxygen monitor.

    标签: multisim 光电二极管 滤波器

    上传时间: 2022-05-12
