自己写的汉诺塔程序,IDE是TC2.0 程序特点: 1)三根柱子都有若干盘子 2)程序可演示运行过程 编译时需要根据实际情况修改下面这句: initgraph(&driver,&mode,"c:\\TC2\\BGI")
上传时间: 2015-10-28
C#编写的手机短信手法程序。采用PDU Mode手法短信。
上传时间: 2015-10-30
When the P89LPC90x is in programming mode all pins that are not used for programming are tri-stated. During programming mode the reset pin has a weak pull-up resistor.
标签: programming tri-stated are When
上传时间: 2015-11-03
it s free for can driver prelican mode
上传时间: 2013-12-28
very fun program write c++ ,run on dos mode.
上传时间: 2015-11-18
Sample Drivers for the Kernel Mode Driver Framework
标签: Framework Drivers Sample Driver
上传时间: 2015-11-21
EDB (Evan s Debugger) is a QT4 based binary mode debugger with the goal of having usability on par with OllyDbg. It uses a plugin architecture, so adding new features can be done with ease. The current release is for Linux, but future releases will target more platforms. Release focus: Major feature enhancements Changes: A new disassembly engine. A bug that could cause crashing was fixed. There is a new flags breakdown in the register view, an environment view plugin, and improved analysis (including a good speed increase). A bug in QT where disabled events could be triggered has been worked around.
标签: usability Debugger debugger binary
上传时间: 2013-12-21
we determin a chaos mode and alyalize the time application to find if its really chaos and will have the character
标签: chaos application and determin
上传时间: 2015-11-28
qemu性能直逼VMware的仿真器QEMU 的模擬速度約為實機的 25%;約為 Bochs 的 60 倍。Plex86、User-Mode-Linux、VMware 和 Virtual PC 則比 QEMU 快一點,但 Bochs 需要特定的 Kernel Patch;User-Mode-Linux 的 Guest System 必須為 Linux;VMware 和 Virtual PC 則需要在 Guest System 上安裝特定的 Driver,且它們是針對作業系統而進行模擬,並不能說是完整的模擬器。所以 QEMU 仍不失為極優秀的 x86 模擬器。
标签: VMware User-Mode-Linux Virtual Bochs
上传时间: 2014-06-04
完成DSSS调制解调功能 mode[1,2] 1进行调制,2进行解调,未指定时自动完成这两个功能
上传时间: 2013-12-13