根据有无固定基础设施,无线局域网又可分为BSS (Basic Service Set)和IBSS (Independent Basic Service Set)。我们要研究的ad hoc网络属于后者。假设在一个ad hoc网络中,移动节点的发射功率PTx总是恒定的。要发送数据的移动节点总是先监听信道,测量接收到的信号功率X,其中X= I + N, I为接收到的干扰,N是噪声。移动节点只有在X<INThre时,才可以发射。式中,INThre为背景噪声门限。 在仿真中,我们规定每个移动节点的发射功率是常数,PTx = 1W;接收节点接收机的灵敏度Smin = -80 dBm;信号质量 min = 2 dB;系统的背景噪声门限INThre = 1.2e-10。
上传时间: 2013-12-19
ead file "YD.DOC". Who is the intended user Beginners in assembly and programmers. Features of the program: Yilmaz Disassembler:is an interactive disassembler which lets the user be a part of the disassembling process,is flexible, the user can disassemble in different formats,has user friendly interface, mouse support, pop-up menu commands, short cut key commands, context-sensitive on-line help,and it is cheap. Program s capacity and limitations: Max executable file size is 64 KB. Can not disassemble program of EXE-format.Only 8086/8088 CPU instructions can be disassembled. Disassemble 8087 Math Co-processor s instructions.
标签: programmers Beginners Features assembly
上传时间: 2014-06-21
一种 较新的聚类算法 Dominant-set 的代码,包括聚类算法的代码和测试代码。该算法最大特点 就是基于图理论的 ,相对于Normalized Cut,计算复杂度低很多,况且能自动决定类的个数
标签: Dominant-set 聚类算法 代码
上传时间: 2013-12-20
动态规划的方程大家都知道,就是 f[i,j]=min{f[i-1,j-1],f[i-1,j],f[i,j-1],f[i,j+1]}+a[i,j] 但是很多人会怀疑这道题的后效性而放弃动规做法。 本来我还想做Dijkstra,后来变了没二十行pascal就告诉我数组越界了……(dist:array[1..1000*1001 div 2]...) 无奈之余看了xj_kidb1的题解,刚开始还觉得有问题,后来豁然开朗…… 反复动规。上山容易下山难,我们可以从上往下走,最后输出f[n][1]。 xj_kidb1的一个技巧很重要,每次令f[i][0]=f[i][i],f[i][i+1]=f[i][1](xj_kidb1的题解还写错了)
上传时间: 2014-07-16
This programme is to control DC motor in a certain speed using PWM. The target speed is "r", it is the speed in 1s. The sample rate is 0.1s, so the actual speed target is "rc"=r/10. The "r" and "rc" are integer, and the range of "r" is from 50 to 100. Keep rc=r/10!!! The array "speed1" and "speed2" are the control result, in 0.1s and 1s. The length of "speed1" is 2400, and "speed2" is 240. The "pw" and "nw" are the parameters of PWM. The test will last 4 min.
标签: speed programme is control
上传时间: 2014-11-22
此代码是LDPC码进行BP算法的重要参考代码,价值很高!并且可以进行BP的改进算法min-sum BP算法的改进工作!参考的价值不错
上传时间: 2014-01-09
此代码是LDPC码进行BP算法的重要参考代码,价值很高!并且可以进行BP的改进算法min-sum BP算法的改进工作!参考的价值不错!!信道的源码!
上传时间: 2014-01-10
C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization contains case studies and sample code to give readers concrete examples and proven solutions to problems that don t have cut and paste solutions. The market for miniature computer programming is exploding. C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization supplies programmers the knowledge they need to write code for the increasing number of hand-held devices, wearable computers, and intelligent appliances. This book gives readers valuable knowledge and programming techniques that are not currently part of traditional programming training.
标签: Optimization Performance Footprint and
上传时间: 2014-01-06
\F:\uc__os\UCOS代码\著名嵌入式操作系统uc os-ii全部源代码\cut\Example_28xSpi_FFDLB.c
标签: cutExample xSpi_FFDLB osUCOS os-ii
上传时间: 2014-08-31
中山大学编译原理课程的一个实验,根据OPP(算符优先)做的一个表达式计算器。 内有实验的设计文档。 实验要求支持sin,cos,max,min,power,mod,boolean,?:,等运算。 这个代码可以为学习编译原理的同学参考。
上传时间: 2014-01-27