《microphone array Signal Processing》,2008年新出的一本关于麦克风阵列处理的好书。
标签: Microphone Processing Signal Array
上传时间: 2014-11-29
This report presents a tutorial of fundamental array processing and beamforming theory relevant to microphone array speech processing. A microphone array consists of multiple microphones placed at different spatial locations. Built upon a knowledge of sound propagation principles, the multiple inputs can be manipulated to enhance or attenuate signals emanating from particular directions. In this way, microphone arrays provide a means of enhancing a desired signal in the presence of corrupting noise sources. Moreover, this enhancement is based purely on knowledge of the source location, and so microphone array techniques are applicable to a wide variety of noise types. microphone arrays have great potential in practical applications of speech processing, due to their ability to provide both noise robustness and hands-free signal acquisition.
标签: microphone array Tutorial Array Signal Processing
上传时间: 2016-06-12
it describe how to develop the field programmable gate array
标签: programmable describe develop array
上传时间: 2013-08-28
CST天线阵模块详解(Array Wizard)
上传时间: 2013-10-23
array example program.
上传时间: 2014-11-30
提共以字串來查表的Array Class
上传时间: 2015-02-21
随机性发生器、冒泡分类和混洗一组12张牌的演示程序。 Demonstrates the use of a randomizer, bubble-sort and an array to "shuffle" a deck of 12 cards. I put it here for those of you who are trying to figure out how to shuffle with a randomizer without having the same card appear two-or-more times.
标签: Demonstrates bubble-sort randomizer array
上传时间: 2014-01-16
Microphone Project using USB and the PIC 16C745
标签: Microphone Project 16C745 using
上传时间: 2015-04-26
数据结构 array.h: 安全数组,可自动增长大小(随机访问,但扩充时效率低) linkedlist.h: 普通链表(可随机访问,但访问效率低) dclinkedlist: 双向循环链表(不可随机访问,但插入、遍历的效率都比普通链表高) hashtable.h: 哈希表(使用键值标识元素,键值一样的元素即认为相等,需重载 == 运算符并由用户定义哈希函数) binstree.h: 二叉搜索树(需重载 == 和 < 运算符) avltree.h: AVL 树(需重载 == 和 < 运算符)
上传时间: 2013-12-18
array process & array segment
上传时间: 2014-01-09