Physics-Based Modeling Methods Improve Control System Design Multidomain systems (mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, chemical) Successful controller development requires thorough and accurate understanding of plantControllerElectricalMechanicalDeviceActuatorsSensorsPlant
标签: Physics-Based Multidomain mechanical Modeling
上传时间: 2015-10-13
用PIC控制步进电机完整资料!!希望对大家有帮助! F84程序, ******************************************************** Stepper Motor controller Author : Seiichi Inoue ******************************************************** list p=pic16f84a
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Verilog HDL: Magnitude For a vector (a,b), the magnitude representation is the following: A common approach to implementing these arithmetic functions is to use the Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC) algorithm. The CORDIC algorithm calculates the trigonometric functions of sine, cosine, magnitude, and phase using an iterative process. It is made up of a series of micro-rotations of the vector by a set of predetermined constants, which are powers of two. Using binary arithmetic, this algorithm essentially replaces multipliers with shift and add operations. In a Stratix™ device, it is possible to calculate some of these arithmetic functions directly, without having to implement the CORDIC algorithm.
标签: representation Magnitude the magnitude
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Note that only the PORT is provided and it is assumed that you have the rest of the source for µ C/OS-II from the book or the upgrade.
上传时间: 2013-11-25
随着计算机技术和网络技术的发展,在线教育平台为校园网的数字化提供了技术支持。它能够有效地将信息技术融入教学的环境当中,从而推动的传统教育的改革。 Struts是Apache软件组织提供的一项开放源代码项目,它为Java Web的开发提供了模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller, MVC)框架,尤其适用于开发大型可扩展的Web应用,并且为其提供了一个通用的框架,使得开发人员可以把精力集中在如何解决实际业务问题上,比较适合大型团队开发。 UML(Unified Modeling Language)是一种可视化的建模语言,功能强大,易于使用,便于开发人员之间的沟通。它已经广泛用于面向对象系统的分析、设计和实现。RUP(Rational Unified Process)是一种软件工程方法,描述了软件迭代的开发过程。 本文描述了在线教育平台的开发过程,遵循RUP的思想,利用UML对系统进行需求、分析和设计,并通过使用Struts框架对系统进行实现。
上传时间: 2013-12-12
我们做微机硬件综合实验做的一个交通信号灯实时控制系统设计,很好哦!还附有实验报告.-A traffic lights real-time control system design of the micro computer hardware experiment.PS:contain the experiment report
上传时间: 2015-11-17
三星原厂的S3C2440开发板测试程序包括nandflash,norfalsh,sd controller,lcd,iis,iic等测试程序,强烈推荐
上传时间: 2015-11-23
The Original USB 2.0 specification released on April 27, 2000 Errata to the USB 2.0 specification as of December 7, 2000 Mini-B connector Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification. Pull-up/pull-down Resistors Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification. Errata to the USB 2.0 specification as of May 28, 2002 Interface Association Descriptor Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification. Rounded Chamfer Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification as of October 8, 2003 Unicode Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification as of February 21, 2005 Inter-Chip USB Supplement Revision 1.0 as of March 13, 2006 Revision 1.3 of the USB On-The-Go Supplement as of December 5, 2006 Revision 1.01 of the Micro-USB Cables and Connectors Specification as of April 4, 2007 USB 2.0 Link Power Management Addendum Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification as of July 16, 2007.
标签: specification 2.0 USB Original
上传时间: 2013-12-31
bulk endpoint endless source/sink firmware. EP2OUT will always accept a bulk OUT EP4OUT will always accept a bulk OUT EP6IN will always return a 512 byte packet. The packet contains an incrementing byte starting at 0x02. Since EP6 always returns a 512 byte packet, this endpoint should never be accessed except with a high-speed host controller. EP8IN will continuously return the packet most recently written to EP4OUT
标签: bulk will endpoint firmware
上传时间: 2016-01-14
The purpose of this example is to demonstrate that the functioning of External interrupts (INT0, INT1, INT4, INT5 and INT6) and how toset them up. This directory contains the frameworks fw.c, the test program extr_intr.c and the external interrupt service routines isr.c. This was compiled using micro vision2.
标签: demonstrate functioning interrupts External
上传时间: 2014-02-04