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  • Auto-Machine-Learning-Methods-Systems-Challenges

    The past decade has seen an explosion of machine learning research and appli- cations; especially, deep learning methods have enabled key advances in many applicationdomains,suchas computervision,speechprocessing,andgameplaying. However, the performance of many machine learning methods is very sensitive to a plethora of design decisions, which constitutes a considerable barrier for new users. This is particularly true in the booming field of deep learning, where human engineers need to select the right neural architectures, training procedures, regularization methods, and hyperparameters of all of these components in order to make their networks do what they are supposed to do with sufficient performance. This process has to be repeated for every application. Even experts are often left with tedious episodes of trial and error until they identify a good set of choices for a particular dataset.

    标签: Auto-Machine-Learning-Methods-Sys tems-Challenges

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Bishop-Pattern-Recognition-and-Machine-Learning

    Pattern recognition has its origins in engineering, whereas machine learning grew out of computer science. However, these activities can be viewed as two facets of the same field, and together they have undergone substantial development over the past ten years. In particular, Bayesian methods have grown from a specialist niche to become mainstream, while graphical models have emerged as a general framework for describing and applying probabilistic models. Also, the practical applicability of Bayesian methods has been greatly enhanced through the development of a range of approximate inference algorithms such as variational Bayes and expectation propa- gation. Similarly, new models based on kernels have had significant impact on both algorithms and applications.

    标签: Bishop-Pattern-Recognition-and-Ma chine-Learning

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Foundations+of+Machine+Learning+2nd

    This book is a general introduction to machine learning that can serve as a reference book for researchers and a textbook for students. It covers fundamental modern topics in machine learning while providing the theoretical basis and conceptual tools needed for the discussion and justification of algorithms. It also describes several key aspects of the application of these algorithms.

    标签: Foundations Learning Machine 2nd of

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • interpretable-machine-learning

    Machinelearninghasgreatpotentialforimprovingproducts,processesandresearch.Butcomputers usually do not explain their predictions which is a barrier to the adoption of machine learning. This book is about making machine learning models and their decisions interpretable. After exploring the concepts of interpretability, you will learn about simple, interpretable models such as decision trees, decision rules and linear regression. Later chapters focus on general model- agnosticmethodsforinterpretingblackboxmodelslikefeatureimportanceandaccumulatedlocal effects and explaining individual predictions with Shapley values and LIME.

    标签: interpretable-machine-learning

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Machine Learning Healthcare Technologies

    Much has been written concerning the manner in which healthcare is changing, with a particular emphasis on how very large quantities of data are now being routinely collected during the routine care of patients. The use of machine learning meth- ods to turn these ever-growing quantities of data into interventions that can improve patient outcomes seems as if it should be an obvious path to take. However, the field of machine learning in healthcare is still in its infancy. This book, kindly supported by the Institution of Engineering andTechnology, aims to provide a “snap- shot” of the state of current research at the interface between machine learning and healthcare.

    标签: Technologies Healthcare Learning Machine

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is about designing algorithms that automatically extract valuable information from data. The emphasis here is on “automatic”, i.e., machine learning is concerned about general-purpose methodologies that can be applied to many datasets, while producing something that is mean- ingful. There are three concepts that are at the core of machine learning: data, a model, and learning.

    标签: learning Machine

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Learning Python 第5版英文原版

    Learning Python 第5版电子版书籍,正规版本,不是扫描的哦,关于这本书的内容不解释了,懂Python的应该知道,很不错的一本书,不过非常考验英文水平。

    标签: python

    上传时间: 2022-07-02


  • Meta首份元宇宙白皮书预计到2031年将贡献GDP3万亿美元,报告原文下载

    Meta首份元宇宙白皮书称,如果元宇宙技术从 2022 年开始被采用,到 2031 年,元宇宙技术将为全球 GDP 贡献 3.01 万亿美元,其中三分之(1.04 万亿美元)来自亚太地区。2022-the-potential-global-economic-impact-of-the-metaverse报告原文下载,PDF文档下载

    标签: 元宇宙 Meta 报告白皮书

    上传时间: 2022-07-26


  • 深度学习 deep learning 经典书籍教程合集,共11本

    图像配准理论及算法研究.pdf cnn_tutorial.pdf Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理.pdf 00.神经⽹络与深度学习.pdf deep learning.pdf 深度学习方法及应用PDF高清晰完整版.pdf 斯坦福大学-深度学习基础教程.pdf 深度学习基础教程.pdf deep+learning.pdf 深度学习 中文版 ---文字版.pdf 神经网络与机器学习(原书第3版).pdf

    标签: 低压 电工 实用技术 问答

    上传时间: 2013-06-07


  • 用FPGA实现“共轭变换”图像处理方法

    近年来微光、红外、X光图像传感器在军事、科研、工农业生产、医疗卫生等领域的应用越来越为广泛,但由于这些成像器件自身的物理缺陷,视觉效果很不理想,往往需要对图像进行适当的处理,以得到适合人眼观察或机器识别的图像。因此,市场急需大量高效的实时图像处理器能够在传感器后端对这类图像进行处理。而FPGA的出现,恰恰解决了这个问题。 近十年来,随着FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)技术的突飞猛进,FPGA也逐渐进入数字信号处理领域,尤其在实时图像处理方面。Xilinx的研究表明,在2000年主要用于DSP应用的FPGA的发货量,增长了50%;而常规的DSP大约增长了40%。由于FPGA可无比拟的并行处理能力,使得FPGA在图像处理领域的应用持续上升,国内外,越来越多的实时图像处理应用都转向了FPGA平台。与PDSP相比,FPGA将在未来统治更多前端(如传感器)应用,而PDSP将会侧重于复杂算法的应用领域。可以说,FPGA是数字信号处理的一次重大变革。 算法是图像处理应用的灵魂,是硬件得以发挥其强大功能的根本。”共轭变换”图像处理方法是一种新型的图像处理算法,由郑智捷博士上个世纪90年代初提出。这种算法使用基元形状(meta-shape)技术,而这种技术的特征正好具备几何与拓扑的双重特性,使得大量不同的基于形态的灰度图像处理滤波器可用这种方法实现。该种算法在空域进行图像处理,无需进行大量复杂的算术运算,算法简单、快速、高效,易于硬件实现。通过十多年来的实验与实践证明,在微光图像,红外图像,X光图像处理领域,”共轭变换”图像处理方法确实有其独特的优异性能。本篇论文就针对”共轭变换”图像处理方法在微光图像处理领域的应用,就如何在FPGA上实现”共轭变换”图像处理方法展开研究。首先在Matlab环境下,对常用的图像增强算法和”共轭变换”图像处理方法进行了比较,并且在设计制作“FPGA视频处理开发平台”的基础上,用VHDL实现了”共轭变换”图像处理方法的基本内核并进行了算法的硬件实现与效果验证。此外,本文还详细地讨论了视频流的采集及其编码解码问题以及I2C总线的FPGA实现。

    标签: FPGA 共轭变换 图像 处理方法

    上传时间: 2013-04-24
