做网格的好程序,PARAmesh is a package of Fortran 90 subroutines designed to provide an application developer with an easy route to extend an existing serial code which uses a logically cartesian structured mesh into a parallel code with adaptive mesh refinement(AMR).
上传时间: 2014-01-06
Range imaging offers an inexpensive and accurate means for digitizing the shape of three-dimensional objects. Because most objects self occlude, no single range image suffices to describe the entire object. We present a method for combining a collection of range images into a single polygonal mesh that completely describes an object to the extent that it is visible from the outside.
标签: three-dimensiona inexpensive digitizing accurate
上传时间: 2016-11-29
上传时间: 2016-12-20
韩国Yunjin Lee的博士论文,包含了她读博期间的主要研究成果,包括mesh Scissoring: Contour-Based Segmentation,mesh Parameterization Using Virtual Boundaries,Geometric Snakes for 3D meshes,Mean Shift for 3D meshes
上传时间: 2013-12-12
1. 在No.1图形窗口中绘制 y=sin(x)在[0,2*pi]内的曲线。要求曲线的颜色为绿色,线型为 点划线,用*标示坐标点,在x轴的附近用 黑体 标注 ‘x轴’字样,在图形的上方加上标题 ‘正弦函数’,严格控制x,y轴分度相等,并开启网格。 2. 在No.2图形窗口中创建四个子窗口,在第一、二子窗口中用不同的方法同时绘制 y=x^2,y=-x^2,y=x^2*sin(x) 在[0,2*pi]内的曲线,并要给出标注 在第三个子窗口中绘制 三维曲线 3. 把No.3图形窗口分成五个子窗口,分别用plot3 mesh meshc meshz surf 来绘制 z=x*exp(-x^2-y^2) 在 -5=<x,y<=5 内的空间曲面图形,说明他们的区别,其中要求在用surf绘制的窗口内加入位置为[1,0.5,2]的光源,加入颜色标尺,采用spring色系
上传时间: 2017-03-30
上传时间: 2014-08-27
上传时间: 2014-01-22
上传时间: 2017-08-03
matlab有限元网格划分程序 Distmesh is a simple MATLAB code for generation of unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes. It was developed by Per-Olof Persson (now at UC Berkeley) and Gilbert Strang in the Department of Mathematics at MIT. A detailed description of the program is provided in our SIAM Review paper, see documentation below. One reason that the code is short and simple is that the geometries are specified by Signed Distance Functions. These give the shortest distance from any point in space to the boundary of the domain. The sign is negative inside the region and positive outside. A simple example is the unit circle in 2-D, which has the distance function d=r-1, where r is the distance from the origin. For more complicated geometries the distance function can be computed by interpolation between values on a grid, a common representation for level set methods. For the actual mesh generation, Distmesh uses the Delaunay triangulation routine in MATLAB and tries to optimize the node locations by a force-based smoothing procedure. The topology is regularly updated by Delaunay. The boundary points are only allowed to move tangentially to the boundary by projections using the distance function. This iterative procedure typically results in very well-shaped meshes. Our aim with this code is simplicity, so that everyone can understand the code and modify it according to their needs. The code is not entirely robust (that is, it might not terminate and return a well-shaped mesh), and it is relatively slow. However, our current research shows that these issues can be resolved in an optimized C++ code, and we believe our simple MATLAB code is important for demonstration of the underlying principles. To use the code, simply download it from below and run it from MATLAB. For a quick demonstration, type "meshdemo2d" or "meshdemond". For more details see the documentation.
标签: matlab有限元网格划分程序
上传时间: 2015-08-12
We introduce a sub-cell WENO reconstruction method to evaluate spatial derivatives in the high-order ADER scheme. The basic idea in our reconstruction is to use only r stencils to reconstruct the point-wise values of solutions and spatial derivatives for the 2r-1 th order ADER scheme in one dimension, while in two dimensions, the dimension-by-dimension sub-cell reconstruction approach for spatial derivatives is employed. Compared with the original ADER scheme of Toro and Titarev (2002) [2] that uses the direct derivatives of reconstructed polynomials for solutions to evaluate spatial derivatives, our method not only reduces greatly the computational costs of the ADER scheme on a given mesh, but also avoids possible numerical oscillations near discontinuities, as demonstrated by a number of one- and two-dimensional numerical tests. All these tests show that the 5th-order ADER scheme based on our sub-cell reconstruction method achieves the desired accuracy, and is essentially non-oscillatory and computationally cheaper for problems with discontinuities.
标签: 高精度格式
上传时间: 2016-01-13