DC-link Automotive: MKP1849 (Customized)电动汽车电驱直流母线电容(顾客订制品)MKP1849系列.MKP1849-可集成母线排,大大降低了寄生电感,提高了系统稳定性。
上传时间: 2013-10-13
In this document, the term Ô60xÕ is used to denote a 32-bit microprocessor from the PowerPC architecture family that conforms to the bus interface of the PowerPC 601ª, PowerPC 603ª, or PowerPC 604 microprocessors. Note that this does not include the PowerPC 602ª microprocessor which has a multiplexed address/data bus. 60x processors implement the PowerPC architecture as it is speciÞed for 32-bit addressing, which provides 32-bit effective (logical) addresses, integer data types of 8, 16, and 32 bits,and ßoating-point data types of 32 and 64 bits (single-precision and double-precision).1.1 Overview The MPC106 provides an integrated high-bandwidth, high-performance, TTL-compatible interface between a 60x processor, a secondary (L2) cache or additional (up to four total) 60x processors, the PCI bus,and main memory. This section provides a block diagram showing the major functional units of the 106 and describes brießy how those units interact.Figure 1 shows the major functional units within the 106. Note that this is a conceptual block diagram intended to show the basic features rather than an attempt to show how these features are physically implemented on the device.
上传时间: 2013-10-08
J-Link V8个人使用经验写成的用户手册
上传时间: 2013-10-07
教你如何制作一个J-Link V8仿真器! 已经成功!
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J-LINK仿真器详细教程 flash下载操作等
上传时间: 2013-11-14
本文主要介绍MDK4.10下,连接ST-Link II的设置方法,给出了所有所需的配置文件。
上传时间: 2013-11-22
上传时间: 2015-01-02
program to trasmit data to a TI92 with the TI Graph-Link
标签: Graph-Link program trasmit data
上传时间: 2015-01-03
Hopfield Model Autoassociative Memory 源码, 经典的HOPFIELD人工神经网络例子源码
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上传时间: 2015-01-05
Bidirectional Associative Memory Heteroassociative Memory 人工智能人工神经网络源码;
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上传时间: 2015-01-05