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  • A good review of the k-meanS algorithm

    A good review of the k-meanS algorithm

    标签: algorithm k-meanS review good

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • This is the code for vector quantization by using k-meanS

    This is the code for vector quantization by using k-meanS

    标签: quantization k-meanS vector using

    上传时间: 2017-08-22


  • Mean shift clustering. K meanS clustering.

    Mean shift clustering. K meanS clustering.

    标签: clustering shift meanS Mean

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • My version of k-meanS function. Improved so that there are no empty clusters after segmentation.

    My version of k-meanS function. Improved so that there are no empty clusters after segmentation.

    标签: segmentation Improved function clusters

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • 介绍K-meanS类型算法的基本原理


    标签: K-meanS 算法

    上传时间: 2014-01-02


  • K-meanS聚类算法Hadoop分布式实现


    标签: K-meanS Hadoop 聚类算法 分布式

    上传时间: 2017-05-12


  • 数据挖掘-聚类-K-meanS算法Java实现

    K-meanS算法是最古老也是应用最广泛的聚类算法,它使用质心定义原型,质心是一组点的均值,通常该算法用于n维连续空间中的对象。 K-meanS算法流程 step1:选择K个点作为初始质心 step2:repeat                将每个点指派到最近的质心,形成K个簇                重新计算每个簇的质心             until 质心不在变化  例如下图的样本集,初始选择是三个质心比较集中,但是迭代3次之后,质心趋于稳定,并将样本集分为3部分    我们对每一个步骤都进行分析 step1:选择K个点作为初始质心 这一步首先要知道K的值,也就是说K是手动设置的,而不是像EM算法那样自动聚类成n个簇 其次,如何选择初始质心      最简单的方式无异于,随机选取质心了,然后多次运行,取效果最好的那个结果。这个方法,简单但不见得有效,有很大的可能是得到局部最优。      另一种复杂的方式是,随机选取一个质心,然后计算离这个质心最远的样本点,对于每个后继质心都选取已经选取过的质心的最远点。使用这种方式,可以确保质心是随机的,并且是散开的。 step2:repeat                将每个点指派到最近的质心,形成K个簇                重新计算每个簇的质心             until 质心不在变化  如何定义最近的概念,对于欧式空间中的点,可以使用欧式空间,对于文档可以用余弦相似性等等。对于给定的数据,可能适应与多种合适的邻近性度量。

    标签: K-meanS Java 数据挖掘 聚类 算法

    上传时间: 2018-11-27


  • 电台维修模拟训练系统设计方法研究

    Methods for designing a maintenance simulation training system for certain kind of radio are introduced. Fault modeling method is used to establish the fault database. The system sets up some typical failures, follow the prompts trainers can locate the fault source and confirm the type to accomplish corresponding fault maintenance training. A training evaluation meanS is given to examining and evaluating the training performance. The system intuitively and vividly shows the fault maintenance process, it can not only be used in teaching, but also in daily maintenance training to efficiently improve the maintenance operation level. Graphical programming language LabVIEW is used to develop the system platform.

    标签: 电台维修 模拟训练 方法研究 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • P54C-VR奔腾(R)微处理器的电源模块

      Providing power for the Pentium® microprocessor family isnot a trivial task by any meanS. In an effort to simplify thistask we have developed a new switching regulator controlcircuit and a new linear regulator to address the needs ofthese processors. Considerable time has been spent developingan optimized decoupling network. Here are severalcircuits using the new LTC®1266 synchronous buck regulatorcontrol chip and the LT®1584 linear regulator toprovide power for Pentium processors and Pentium VREprocessors. The Pentium processor has a supply requirementof 3.3V ±5%. The Pentium VRE processor requires3.500V ±100mV.

    标签: C-VR 54 奔腾 微处理器

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • 基于开关电容技术的锁定放大器设计

    锁定放大是微弱信号检测的重要手段。基于相关检测理论,利用开关电容的开关实现锁定放大器中乘法器的功能,提出开关电容和积分器相结合以实现相关检测的方法,并设计出一种锁定放大器。该锁定放大器将微弱信号转化为与之相关的方波,通过后续电路得到正比于被测信号的直流电平,为后续采集处理提供方便。测量数据表明锁定放大器前级可将10-6 A的电流转换为10-1 V的电压,后级通过带通滤波器级联可将信号放大1×105倍。该方法在降低噪声的同时,可对微弱信号进行放大,线性度较高、稳定性较好。 Abstract:  Lock-in Amplifying(LIA)is one of important meanS for weak signal detection. Based on cross-correlation detection theory, switch in the swithched capacitor was used as multiplier of LIA, and a new method of correlation detection was proposed combining swithched capacitor with integrator. A kind of LIA was designed which can convert the weak signal to square-wave, then DC proportional to measured signal was obtained through follow-up conditioning circuit, providing convenience for signal acquisition and processing. The measured data shows that the electric current(10-6 A) can be changed into voltage(10-1 V) by LIA, and the signal is magnified 1×105 times by cascade band-pass filter. The noise is suppressed and the weak signal is amplified. It has the advantages of good linearity and stability.

    标签: 开关电容 锁定放大器

    上传时间: 2013-11-29
