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  • LDATRACE Calculates an LDA transform to maximize trace discriminant

    LDATRACE Calculates an LDA transform to maximize trace discriminant

    标签: discriminant Calculates transform LDATRACE

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • Form maximizer... Can maximize the formsssssssssss............

    Form maximizer... Can maximize the formsssssssssss............

    标签: formsssssssssss maximizer maximize Form

    上传时间: 2014-03-02


  • 在单端应用中采用差分I/O放大器

      Recent advances in low voltage silicon germaniumand BiCMOS processes have allowed the design andproduction of very high speed amplifi ers. Because theprocesses are low voltage, most of the amplifi er designshave incorporated differential inputs and outputs to regainand maximize total output signal swing. Since many lowvoltageapplications are single-ended, the questions arise,“How can I use a differential I/O amplifi er in a single-endedapplication?” and “What are the implications of suchuse?” This Design Note addresses some of the practicalimplications and demonstrates specifi c single-endedapplications using the 3GHz gain-bandwidth LTC6406differential I/O amplifi er.

    标签: 单端应用 差分 放大器

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • MAX20021,MAX20022示例PCB布局指南

    Abstract: This application note explains how to layout the MAX20021/MAX20022 automotive quad powermanagementICs (PMICs) to maximize performance and minimize emissions. Example images of a fourlayerlayout are provided.

    标签: MAX 20021 20022 PCB

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • MAX20021,MAX20022示例PCB布局指南

    Abstract: This application note explains how to layout the MAX20021/MAX20022 automotive quad powermanagementICs (PMICs) to maximize performance and minimize emissions. Example images of a fourlayerlayout are provided.

    标签: MAX 20021 20022 PCB

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • XAPP444 - CPLD配件,技巧和窍门

    Most designers wish to utilize as much of a device as possible in order to enhance the overallproduct performance, or extend a feature set. As a design grows, inevitably it will exceed thearchitectural limitations of the device. Exactly why a design does not fit can sometimes bedifficult to determine. Programmable logic devices can be configured in almost an infinitenumber of ways. The same design may fit when you use certain implementation switches, andfail to fit when using other switches. This application note attempts to clarify the CPLD softwareimplementation (CPLDFit) options, as well as discuss implementation tips in CoolRunnerTM-IIdesigns in order to maximize CPLD utilization.

    标签: XAPP CPLD 444 配件

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • 先进的窗口管理器。可以在你的桌面上实现冻结、解冻、更名、设置总在最上面、设置不总在最上面、闪烁、最大化、最小化、聚焦、隐藏、显示和中断一个可视或不可视窗口的功能。 An advanced window

    先进的窗口管理器。可以在你的桌面上实现冻结、解冻、更名、设置总在最上面、设置不总在最上面、闪烁、最大化、最小化、聚焦、隐藏、显示和中断一个可视或不可视窗口的功能。 An advanced window manager that allows you to freeze, dfreeze, rename, set always on top, set not always on top, flash, maximize, minimize, focus, hide, show or terminate an visible or invisible window on your desktop.

    标签: advanced window 窗口 可视

    上传时间: 2015-03-25


  • penMesh is a generic and efficient data structure for representing and manipulating polygonal meshes

    penMesh is a generic and efficient data structure for representing and manipulating polygonal meshes. OpenMesh is developed at the Computer Graphics Group, RWTH Aachen , as part of the OpenSGPlus project, is funded by the German Ministry for Research and Education ( BMBF), and will serve as geometry kernel upon which the so-called high level primitives (e.g. subdivision surfaces or progressive meshes) of OpenSGPlus are built. It was designed with the following goals in mind : Flexibility : provide a basis for many different algorithms without the need for adaptation. Efficiency : maximize time efficiency while keeping memory usage as low as possible. Ease of use : wrap complex internal structure in an easy-to-use interface.

    标签: manipulating representing and efficient

    上传时间: 2015-10-14


  • OTSU Gray-level image segmentation using Otsu s method. Iseg = OTSU(I,n) computes a segmented i

    OTSU Gray-level image segmentation using Otsu s method. Iseg = OTSU(I,n) computes a segmented image (Iseg) containing n classes by means of Otsu s n-thresholding method (Otsu N, A Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. 9:62-66 1979). Thresholds are computed to maximize a separability criterion of the resultant classes in gray levels. OTSU(I) is equivalent to OTSU(I,2). By default, n=2 and the corresponding Iseg is therefore a binary image. The pixel values for Iseg are [0 1] if n=2, [0 0.5 1] if n=3, [0 0.333 0.666 1] if n=4, ... [Iseg,sep] = OTSU(I,n) returns the value (sep) of the separability criterion within the range [0 1]. Zero is obtained only with images having less than n gray level, whereas one (optimal value) is obtained only with n-valued images.

    标签: OTSU segmentation Gray-level segmented

    上传时间: 2017-04-24


  • Steganography is the art of communicating a message by embedding it into multimedia data. It is desi

    Steganography is the art of communicating a message by embedding it into multimedia data. It is desired to maximize the amount of hidden information (embedding rate) while preserving security against detection by unauthorized parties. An appropriate information-theoretic model for steganography has been proposed by Cachin

    标签: Steganography communicating multimedia embedding

    上传时间: 2017-07-29
