在SBC-2410X上运行WindowsCE所涉及的文档,工具等。 1.目录: NBoot_Debug: 便携式MATRIX IV 2410X单板机WINCE.NET4.2的启动代码,用于调用 EBOOT,Debug时用 NBoot_Release: 便携式MATRIX IV 2410X单板机WINCE.NET4.2的启动代码,用于调用 WINCE,Release时用 2.文件: NBoot_Debug.bin: 便携式MATRIX IV 2410X单板机WINCE.NET4.2的Debug启动代码二进制文件 NBoot_Release.bin: 便携式MATRIX IV 2410X单板机WINCE.NET4.2的Release启动代码二进制文件 3.WindowsCE安装指南
上传时间: 2013-12-18
上传时间: 2014-01-08
标签: parameters txt data_in JAVA
上传时间: 2013-12-01
基于libsvm,开发的支持向量机图形界面(初级水平)应用程序,并提供了关于C和sigma的新的参数选择方法,使得SVM的使用更加简单直观.参考文章 Fast and Efficient Strategies for Model Selection of Gaussian Support Vector Machine 可google之。
标签: libsvm
上传时间: 2015-10-16
图的深度优先遍历和广度优先遍历,以邻接矩阵方式输入。(按照提示输入)! - The chart depth first spreads the calendar and the breadth first spreads the calendar, is next the matrix way input. (According
上传时间: 2014-01-27
%BIQPBOX Bisection reflective line search for sqpbox % [nx,nsig,alpha] = BIQPBOX(s,c,strg,x,y,sigma,l,u,... % oval,po,normg,DS,mtxmpy,data,H) % returns the new feasible point nx, the corresponding sign vector nsig, % and the step size of the unreflected step, alpha. % Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date:
标签: BIQPBOX reflective Bisection search
上传时间: 2013-12-17
标签: 数据结构
上传时间: 2013-12-23
第一章涵盖了内建的数据型别,语言预先定义好的运算符、标准程序库中那个的vector和string类、条件语句和循环语句、输入和输出用的iostream库。第二章解释函数的设计和使用;第三章涵盖所谓的Standard Template Library;第四章讲述classes机制的设计和使用过程。第五章说明如何扩展classes;第六章的重头戏是class templates 第七章讲述如何使用c++提供的异常处理机制。
标签: 数据
上传时间: 2014-02-20
The CUBA library provides new implementation of four general-purpose multidimensional integration algorithms: Vegas, Suave, Divonne, and Cuhre. Suave is a new algorithm, Divonne is a known algorithm to which important details have been added, and Vegas and Cuhre are new implementations of existing algorithms with only few improvements over the original versions. All four algorithms can integrate vector integrands and have very similar Fortran, C/C++, and Mathematica interfaces.
标签: multidimensional general-purpose implementation integration
上传时间: 2014-09-09
This paper introduces an affine invariant of trapezia, and the explicit constraint equation between the intrinsic matrix of a camera and the similarity invariants of a trapezium are established using the affine invariant. By this constraint, the inner parameters, motion parameters of the cameras and the similarity invariants of trapezia can be linearly determined using some prior knowledge on the cameras or the trapezia. The proposed algorithms have wide applicability since parallel lines are not rare in many scenes. Experimental results validate the proposed approaches. This work presents a unifying framework based on the parallelism constraint, and the previous methods based on the parallelograms or the parallelepipeds can be integrated into this framework. Key words: invariant parallelism constraint camera calibration 3D reconstruction
标签: introduces constraint invariant explicit
上传时间: 2014-01-16